Cola Monster's 2014 Legal Silver Fox & G.D.P. x AK-47 Greenhouse Grow

CM, it has been a great pleasure to follow your grows and play with you in the contests, I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. May you find peace and harmony :Namaste:

Thanks for all the kind feedback mates and let me clarify if I may.:high-five:
I'm not leaving the cannabis scene completely behind and will be growing for myself personally but no more clients since they can't get off their rear ends and do anything to help like harvesting or trimming for two and find my hard earned dough going down the drain so the speak by providing free weed to able bodied patients which wasn't the deal in the beginning & somewhat messed things up from where I'm sitting. Heck, I lost over 2/3 of last years harvest which is unacceptable as a businessman. Grrrrr!
So on that note until I can find some legitimate support here I won't be online creating journals or posting photos nor entering any contests as it takes hours out of my days editing pics. & uploading videos to show others and in return neglect my own personal needs if ya know what I'm saying and have to get back to real life for a bit so I can keep growing my gardens of legal green in the future.
Hope that explains my situation a little better and will leave you kind folks with the last of my inspection videos for a while in which you'll see if watching that I changed my handle on You-Tube to "Stan Cannabliss" and the strain name "GrandPowKush" to "GrandDowKush" for personal reasons.
Enjoy the double shot by Triumph and keep up the great work all & maybe I'll be back in the future if finding the help and support I need to continue on with my dream!:hug: ~Peace~:ganjamon:


Thank you for sharing your grow with us. I will miss your beautiful photos in the contests and I hope that you decide to rejoin us soon.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

If you decide to do another journal in the future, please feel free to start one here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.
Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine. :Namaste:
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