Come SOG With Me: 112 Plants, 2 Liter, Hempy SOG

Thank you for your support my friend. We hung on and won and it's nice to have won all three monthly contests here on this great site. I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me.

I'm happy to hear that your setup is cranking out bud! Never underestimate the power of the 2 liter Hempys!

You're welcome for the info and thanks for stopping by.

May all your buds be dense.

Congrats on the Win!!!!!!
Nice! (I was a little late to the party...) I have only read the first few posts and the last two pages (42 posts?) so far.

Are those open reflectors? How close were they to the tops of your plants initially and at harvest?
Thanks. Will read the entire journal this week.
Hey 420fied, I love your journals and constantly refer back to them for numerous reasons.

I've been growing for about a year now, and I finally got the funding to make a bigger, better setup.

I was originally thinking about your aeroponic setup with 9 plants, but after seeing this SOG I'm starting to change my mind.

So then I thought, "What if you made an aeroponic setup with the plants defoliated and spaced the same as this SOG grow?".

According to the internet, aeroponic systems make your plants grow faster.

But seeing that you left the aeroponic system for the hempy pots makes me think that there was something about aeroponics that wasn't ideal for this.

Either way, this style of grow seems awesome and I can't wait to get mine set up. Right now, I have about 15 TGA's Space Bomb clones, 15 Super Grape Ape clones and 20 Fire OG clones that I want to try this out on. They were clipped one week ago and put into rockwool in a dome with a seedling mat.

Just not sure if I want to do this aeroponic, hydroponic(flood n drain) or hand-fed hempy pots.

(Planning on a 4k watt grow btw, was thinking one strain per light or something)
Welcome to 420Magazine, GGG. Let me offer some general advice:

Keep it simple, and basic. This grow is for learning, 'hands on'.

Do it now, your cuttings won't wait kindly.

Invest small money only. Next year or in six months, you'll do it all differently.

Read 420Magazine voraciously. Knowledge should be a grower's best tool.
I know, I just have some business out of town that I need to take care of this week. I was planning on starting fresh with some new seeds, but it's hard to throw away plants so I'm just gonna let my clones grow too. I had some mite problems from a clone I got at a dispensary. So I wanted to just get rid of everything, clean the hell out of my space and start from seeds.

My little clones appear to be mite free and I've been treating them with neem.
420, what are the advantages in using perlite/vermiculite rather than soil/perlite? Was it just preference or does it better promote root growth/yield.
Hey 420fied, I love your journals and constantly refer back to them for numerous reasons.

I've been growing for about a year now, and I finally got the funding to make a bigger, better setup.

I was originally thinking about your aeroponic setup with 9 plants, but after seeing this SOG I'm starting to change my mind.

So then I thought, "What if you made an aeroponic setup with the plants defoliated and spaced the same as this SOG grow?".

According to the internet, aeroponic systems make your plants grow faster.

But seeing that you left the aeroponic system for the hempy pots makes me think that there was something about aeroponics that wasn't ideal for this.

Either way, this style of grow seems awesome and I can't wait to get mine set up. Right now, I have about 15 TGA's Space Bomb clones, 15 Super Grape Ape clones and 20 Fire OG clones that I want to try this out on. They were clipped one week ago and put into rockwool in a dome with a seedling mat.

Just not sure if I want to do this aeroponic, hydroponic(flood n drain) or hand-fed hempy pots.

(Planning on a 4k watt grow btw, was thinking one strain per light or something)

I'll be honest here.

My aero/NFT setup produced thicker buds but the Hempy SOG is the way to go for weight production for the lights and space given.

The trimming is MUCH easier and all the nugs are primo.... no popcorn.

Yopur startup and maintenance costs will be considerably less with the Hempys.

Give them a try. You'll never go back.

Please journal your grow so we can all share in your success. I wish you the best of luck my friend.
420, what are the advantages in using perlite/vermiculite rather than soil/perlite? Was it just preference or does it better promote root growth/yield.

Most good soils come with perlite already mixed in.

The advantage of vermiculite is that not only does it take the soil out of the equation keeping the mess(mud) down, the vemiculite acts as the wick which soaks the nutes up out of the res at the bottom of the pots and distributes it to the roots. The perlite doesn't wick nearly as well as the verm.

Soil would not wick as well as verm either. Try it with the Perm/Verm 75/25 mix and you'll be happy. Best of luck my friend.
Wooo Hoooo....Thank goodness we're stoner idealists and not analytical geometrists, lol...

sorry, couldn't resist the joke; actually, I know EXACTLY what you mean, starting to worry 'bout this place's growing influence on my psychy
"Damn those Coke 2-liters with their Coke-bottle shape..."

That shapely bottle is the best thing about Coca-Cola.
Nasty stuff failed my taste test long ago. Everyone should taste-test blind.
If a place sells Coke but not Pepsi, I eat elsewhere.
Coke Co. knows what crap they sell, and re-formulated 27 years ago.
What a fiasco: 'New Coke'. Tasted more like Pepsi lol. NOBODY bought it twice.
Went back to old school, called it 'Classic Coke'. Garbage in shapely bottles.
I'll be honest here.

My aero/NFT setup produced thicker buds but the Hempy SOG is the way to go for weight production for the lights and space given.

The trimming is MUCH easier and all the nugs are primo.... no popcorn.

Yopur startup and maintenance costs will be considerably less with the Hempys.

Give them a try. You'll never go back.

Please journal your grow so we can all share in your success. I wish you the best of luck my friend.

I'll definitely journal it!
I might do a hempy setup with one light and flood and drain with the other.

This may be over-ambitious but couldn't you put 6-8 plants in a 1'x2' prop. tray? If that's the case, you could fit 10 trays under a 1k watt light. So 60-80 plants with a ~15g yield would be 900g(1.9lbs) - 1200g(2.6lbs) under a 1k watt light (depending on genetics of course)
This may be over-ambitious but couldn't you put 6-8 plants in a 1'x2' prop. tray? If that's the case, you could fit 10 trays under a 1k watt light. So 60-80 plants with a ~15g yield would be 900g(1.9lbs) - 1200g(2.6lbs) under a 1k watt light (depending on genetics of course)
Not at all over-ambitious, but there may be aspects yet unconsidered, ie:

Even light distribution. Close enough to edge plants may dryroast centers.

LEDs are primo for flat grows, while point-source HIDs are better vertical, IMO.
Yeah LEDs cost, but... They produce ;)

1020 trays are a forever part of my op, but for daily watering(fertigating), draining is a drag.

An 8-tray array is square, and a 600 HPS might be more managable.

With 8 trays, one per week is a natural perpetual grow.
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