CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

And outside we have Tia, Tamara, and Juanita. Unfortunately I had to trash all 3 of these ladies. Circumstances made it too much of a challenge to have these girls. I cried a little...and Juanita had a bad case of spidermites anyway. It was only a matter of time before Tia and Tamera got infested as well since they were all next to each other.

Oh crap. Sorry to hear that!
re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

Always hard to let them go .

So true. Fortunately I never had plans for these plants. Started growing them as a cloning test and decided to throw them outside to see what they can do, so the loss isn't that detrimental as I considered these extra plants. But you are right, still hard to let them go lol.

Oh crap. Sorry to hear that!

Thanks, but it is what it is. Guess I'll just have to stick to the tent, or get a larger tent if I want to grow more plants lol. Reason for me to upgrade from a 24x24x48 to a 24x48x60 ;)
re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

Subbed up for this one!
re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

The ladies seem to be doing well for the most part, but Blu and Donna are looking deficient...


Here's Blu (420-Blueberry-fem-photo). She's 53 days in veg and I'm training her in a circle around the pot. If you look to the left of the damaged fan leaf, you can see the main stem growing horizontally then turning to the left.


Speaking of damaged fan leaves, can anyone identify this issue? The new growth seems to be of a yellowish nature so I went ahead and doubled up her nutes for this feeding.


This is Mrs. Buttersworth (Buddha Seeds-Syrup-fem-auto). She is 34 from seed and starting to show some pistils. Looking mighty bushy and at least 15" tall.


Last but not least we have Donna (Sweet Seeds-Red Poison-fem-auto). She is also 34 but went into the tent 4 days before Mrs. B...not sure if that's why she's flowering already, or if she is really just that fast of a strain! Lets take a closer look at those buds though!


#nofilter. The buds are literally coming in purple! I think I'm gonna end up buying a nice supply of these. I'm all about those colorful buds.

I wonder how efficient it is to try and force seeds from a female auto...Any experienced auto seed makers?


I'm in such awe of this strain!


Will you just look at her!


Curious to see what kind of yield I get from the autos. I would be satisfied with .5oz from each. Blu should easily give me 1.5oz but I'm hoping for 2. My first grow was a 5 week veg and yielded 22g dry and Blu will be at at least 8 weeks before she flips, all depends on how long the autos take. Maybe I'll let her go for 10 weeks. Depends on how big she gets.
re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

Looking great that red poison is beautiful Ima have to grab some of those seeds right now the only color Ima have is my grape ape. Btw have you fixed that deficiency yet? And that sucks what happened to the outdoor plantain you had outdoor plants are always great to have on the side. (Just caught up on everything been busy)
re: CoopExquisite's Blueberry, Syrup & Red Poison Grow Journal 2017 2.0

Use colloidal silver or Silver thiosulphate to create pollen sacs on your female. Then you could self her or use the pollen on another female
Looking great that red poison is beautiful Ima have to grab some of those seeds right now the only color Ima have is my grape ape. Btw have you fixed that deficiency yet? And that sucks what happened to the outdoor plantain you had outdoor plants are always great to have on the side. (Just caught up on everything been busy)

If you find some that are photo let me know. All I can find are autos of this strain. Already smells sweet! Looks like she's gonna be a small yield though. Was hoping for at least .5oz, we'll see if she makes it!

On Donna (Red Poison) the new growth seems to be coming in strong, but the lower fan leaves are still yellowing. She just got fed double nutes. 47 days old and described as an 8 week strain (56ish days) so I'll keep an eye on her but probably gonna start backing off on the nutes for her.

Blu (Blueberry) seems to be liking the double nutes. Still have a few older fan leaves showing some deficiency but not enough to worry me.

I think they are both under control.

The outdoor plants got the ax due to logistics. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze. Sux, but they were just some clones I had taken from my first grow so really I'm just lost time wasted. No biggie. Still have 3 lovely ladies in the tent!

Use colloidal silver or Silver thiosulphate to create pollen sacs on your female. Then you could self her or use the pollen on another female

Thanks. So it would require the use of 2 autos to do? what if I used the CS on 1 plant, and just let it run till the seeds were ripe, not caring about the harvest of the buds?

some tasty strains you got growing, and they are looking pretty good too, that one has huuuge white pistils shooting out.

Hopefully! The Red Poison already smells sweet! Syrup looks like shes starting to finally flower! and Blueberry will get the flip after the autos are harvested. Currently on a 20/4 cycle.
Looks like this is becoming a weekly update. Not able to get on here as much as I would like...

Anyway, here's my ladies. Everyone is looking good although the Red Poison (back right) and Blueberry (front right) are maintaining. Been upping the nutes and it seems to be helping as nothing has gotten worse.


This is Mrs. Buttersworth (Buddha Seeds-Syrup-fem-auto). She is 42 from seed and Looks to be beginning flowering so she got fed with a double dose of nutes to start her off strong. A week ago she was 15" tall and now shes 22"...IN A WEEK!


I think shes gonna impress me with her yield. All of the branches are pretty much equal height, and the main cola is sizing up nicely. It's the beginning of weeks 6 and shes just starting to flower so she's definitely gonna take longer than 8 weeks, thinking 10-12 is more likely.


Donna (Sweet Seeds-Red Poison-fem-auto) is 42 days and only grew .5" since last week, 15.5" tall. Buds are small, but what it lacks in size it seems to make up for in appearance and smell!




And Blu (420-Blueberry-fem-photo) is 62 days and just waiting patiently for me to give her the go ahead. Growth seems to have slowed to a crawl, but there are at least 10 tops showing at this point. You can see the main stem growing horizontally with the side shoots reaching for the light!

You could spray a branch and let her self pollinate no problem.

Ok thanks! Wasn't sure how feasible it was with an auto. I'll have to try it out next time I grow this strain, I just gotta buy more seeds lol. So wish I could find this as a photo.

Wow, that is a beautiful plant! :thumb:

Thanks! She's definitely a looker, just not as big as I thought, but I guess I shouldn't expect much for yield from an 8 week strain lol.
Decided it was time for a little more room, and luckily the new tent fit perfectly.

Went from a 2x2x4 (60x60x120)...
20170419_163922.jpg a 2x4x5 (60x120x150). I was worried that the tent would be too tall to fit under the center support and luckily for me, my measurements were correct!


My audience while I was building their new home. From left to right, Mrs. Buttersworth, Blu, and Donna.


So far they like the larger house. And with the added foot of height, I was able to move the ventilation into the tent. I've opened up the panel in the back to use as the passive intake. There's not much light able to get to the back of the tent so I don't think there will be any exterior light leaks into the tent during lights out.


In their old home right up under each other...


Now they have so much more room for activities! And I gotta figure out whats going on with Donna and Blu as they are still yellowing and spotting (don't know what else to call it).

Think it may be a maganese deficiency. Maybe zinc and possibly iron? Reading that these can occur together and best to tackle all 3 together. Time to see what I have in my arsenal that can help! Although, I feel like I should have diagnosed this weeks ago instead of just increasing all and learn right? Wonder if that's why Donna is so short, and Blu seems to have stopped growing.

Did my first grow with Fox Farm nutes, but she was calcium deficient. Bought the General Organics GO Box for the CaMg+ but also to try out their line of nutes for this grow. I think I'm switching back to FF since none of the GO labels have iron, maganese, or zinc listed under the guaranteed anlysis, and pick up some cal/mag to supplement.

Just dosed em up with 32oz of a regular dose of Fox Farm Big Bloom/Tiger Bloom for Donna, and Big Bloom/Grow Big for Blu. What sux is I could have diagnosed this 2 weeks ago, but instead just blindly doubled the nutes. I bet that stunted Donna's growth...
Decided it was time for a little more room, and luckily the new tent fit perfectly.

Went from a 2x2x4 (60x60x120)...
20170419_163922.jpg a 2x4x5 (60x120x150). I was worried that the tent would be too tall to fit under the center support and luckily for me, my measurements were correct!


My audience while I was building their new home. From left to right, Mrs. Buttersworth, Blu, and Donna.


So far they like the larger house. And with the added foot of height, I was able to move the ventilation into the tent. I've opened up the panel in the back to use as the passive intake. There's not much light able to get to the back of the tent so I don't think there will be any exterior light leaks into the tent during lights out.


In their old home right up under each other...


Now they have so much more room for activities! And I gotta figure out whats going on with Donna and Blu as they are still yellowing and spotting (don't know what else to call it).

Think it may be a maganese deficiency. Maybe zinc and possibly iron? Reading that these can occur together and best to tackle all 3 together. Time to see what I have in my arsenal that can help! Although, I feel like I should have diagnosed this weeks ago instead of just increasing all and learn right? Wonder if that's why Donna is so short, and Blu seems to have stopped growing.

Nice! Upgraded to the 2x4x5 too. Loving all the extra space.

The girls are looking good!
Nice! Upgraded to the 2x4x5 too. Loving all the extra space.

The girls are looking good!

Thanks! I wish I had diagnosed the deficiency earlier. I saw the health going down almost 2 weeks ago and decided to increase the nutes when I should have looked into it. Makes me wonder if Donna would be as big as Mrs. B...

They will be really happy with the extra room

They seem to love it!

It does look like micronutrients, always check your ph before you make any changes.

Good point. I haven't checked my runoff ph in a few weeks...
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