quick update.

fed water only to give the girls a little rest. will put nutes in full strength next feed.

i think there may 1 more defol coming. certainly needs to be another loĺlipoppin

buds and stemsmare both thickenimg.right up aswell.. love it.

wjats you guys think ill haul?

i think at least 10oz per plant so long as the nuggs chunk up???

whose more whose less.

there 900w of light lmao

the girls just go wild in days. i dont like not seeing the main stem through the canopy.

so scissor hands went too it..

i promis i will never touch them again lmao. i have what i wanted to see. just a few colas short of a full net

i mean im pretty impressed. i dread to think about how much ill yield.. i want 10oz per plant. wether ill get it im not sure.. but im on for a good run like this.


the nuggs already look to be filling near a gram and we just into the 5th week of flower.. so 1 more month to fill out fatten out and grow up..


ahhh the branch work. the fuckers are massivem.. that will be all....

lollipopped 100% never touching them again . canopy line is just about perfect i think lmao. its pwrfect for me thats for sure.



ive doubled up my nutes. added the h202 put the p.h to 6.2 and scrogged the girls back down...

now its time to sleep and prey i didnt hurt them too.much


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do you ever have a problem getting the sticky off your fingers after youve had your hands amongst them..

solution... petrol!.

some may not like it. but it instantly covers the smellm and rips the sticky from your fingers with ease..

give your hands a proper wash after and job done.

thank me later
ita actually nice to read back through the journal and see the growth the last few months... you dont notice day by day and the older it gets the morw you forget its younger days lmao.. 3months ago just a mere seed and now.. buzzing with these two girls of mine.
Man you love them scissors don't you!!

Just a question....have you ever run two plants side by side with one having your aggressive pruning and other one keeps a few more of those leaves on them?

I am all for air flow, but I think you are overlooking the importance of the leaves in producing buds. You have to have enough surface area to uptake sufficient energy from your lights. My fear is you are short changing your buds sizes by cutting off all their solar panels. You want the plant using its energy (limited in your case with the aggressive pruning) to build buds, not regrow solar panels.

Its just an observation and question.....I would interested in seeing a comparison. Nice work regardless.
@Van Stank its my understanding that the leaves do two jobs.

1. photosynthasize...
2. store fuels. water nutes ect.

the leaves attached to the colas i think produce the most energy for the buds they attach too. but the fan leaves that come off the branch work area store energy water.

in hydro set ups the logic is you dont need to store as much sugar water and nutes within the plant, as we provide it directly in abundance..

in the wild plants may go weeks without water. they have to retain it somewhere..

so ive left all the leaves connected to colas as they will photosynthasize.

maybe i have gone to far.. maybe i havnt.. like you say its a learning curve from what i read tho.. this shudnt be much of a problem..

i hope not at least.

i just really dont like the bushyness of it lmao. i want air i want space...

same as i removed any overlapping colas that couldnt be seperated by a square..

they need the space to fatten out. id sooner 1 fat cola then 2 popcorn..

as much as the plant wont develop fan leavea in flower the flowers still pop leaves out.

lets see what happens.

i sorta wish i did leave a little more on as id like to reveg after harvest ... if i leave enough bud site on thiugh i should still be able too.
also you got to appriciate my plant is quite tightly packed (node spacing).

the pop corn lower down was scraggle. and it was hinderig me movig my colas into thier own spaces...

as the plant grows the buds. itll still chuck out leaves within the budsite and thats where the solar panals are..

also im not shy about an extra week in flower as il be looking to the trichomes for harvest.

have you seen some of the extreme heavy defol techniques and journals.

some people have gone much worse then me lmao..

ill take a photo later tonight and show you how pretty they look today lmao
bassman59 did a journal with a heavy defol technique. day 45 flower is the last strip day. your good up untill then.

here is a link to his journal

New phone arrived today.. camera is an absolute beast.. so new shots were needed of the girls lmao...

I some how think I'm not going to need the jewellers loupe any more lmao..


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Another picture fest coming up...

The girls are starting to chunk out.. the buds are getting much thicker, that's what I'm hoping for out here. Dench fat nuggs. The thicker the better lmao.

Well there 2 more weeks left roughly.. which is good cause I'm nearly outta nutes lmao.. an extra few days of water wont hurt I dont think....

I've got enough to run to the end of the week.. and my res will have residual that will be getting used up and lowered as I add more water...

The smell is ridiculous.. if at the very least not massive in height.. these colas will be chunky and mighty. Still optimistic for a good few ounce..

Not bad though so far for my 1st full run at it all..


I need to be thinking about hanging and drying but at the same time. I need to be thinking of revegging and seeing if these girls will hit a 2nd round.. if not I'll be looking for som new seed to order
Thought I'd better pop round this oad hay bale and drop an update...

2 weeks of flowering.

Every 3 days we top the res up other then then we are doing sweet f.a.

Oh boy have these puppas chunked out.

The smell and the stick is just stupid as well.
I can get near them without being glued...(thankfuck for petrol)

I've got about 2 more weeks maybe 3. But we've ran outta nutes so its strictly water from here on out... well with a side dose of h202...

The more keenly eyed viewer will maybe notice the new fan!. My older fans were getting weak and so upgrade was required.


To be fair pictures dont donit justice of how thick these nuggs are... I guess the Korean experienced of dairy keepers known this though lmao


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I've decided to take the netting away. The buds are heavy but they hold thier own very will. I've got quite a good structure underneath.

I just though a little bit of lateral movement with the fans and a bit of freedom to do what they want will do them good.

They have chunked out like fuck. They are like 3 fingers wide.

The left plant has way denser nuggs.. like they are probs twice the weight of the tight plant nuggs


Only a few more weeks 2 go. I cnt wait to start tasting lmao.
Well yesterday was harvest day. It should have been 2 week ago but I thought fuck it lets let them have a bit longer. We've been in no rush.


So as you can tell I've tried to leave as many leaves on one of the girls as I could.. I'm going to try and get her to reveg. Just for the shits and giggles.. in hoping it's enough vegetation left to give it a bounce back I really did try to just pluck the buds and leave the leaves lmaos

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So some look small but they are bleddy dench lmao

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I've not taken a co.plete weight yet but a few of the nuggs weighed 11g+ but they were just testers as the rest got plucked off .

I've got them alm spread out in size across 3 floors of netting with the fan and extractor on.. the temp is super low even with the hlg on at low wattage... I need the light. All thought i predict i dont need tons of it for this stage lmao. So the nuggs will take about a week to damp off at least maybe longer.

Anyway that's about it for now. I'll weigh it all in a week and let you know what the totality is
Thanks @Van Stank cnt wait to taste what we've produced... I'm surprised with how much I've got. And inknow with the space I had left over I could double if not triple what I've just produced with just a little more netting, using the walls and positioning my lights slight different.

It may take a 3rd plant but its achievable.. I cnt wait to weigh and find out just how much I've got exactly lmao
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