Droopy girl: water?


Well-Known Member
My girl was very droopy at lights on this morning, it was a bit chilly over night but temps didn't get under 60 f. She was watered last Thursday so I don't think k it's watering she's still kinda heavy to lift. It's been 2 hrs since lights on its warmed up to around 80 in the grow box. Should I water?? Can't lose her now, any advise appreciated. these 2 pics are 1 hr apart


I did expand her Grow box yesterday and turned on 1 more light (100 watt HLG Quantom board) could it be too much light ?
Welp, I gave her a little water. Heat and a fan didn't bring her back like when She looked like that in the past... time will tell
I did expand her Grow box yesterday and turned on 1 more light (100 watt HLG Quantom board) could it be too much light ?
Could be the extra light. Maybe back it off some if you can.
When I added the extra light I did raise it to 24"" from 20". She's doesn't seem to be recovering, I'm thinking she just can't handle the cold nights. She's been in real sun for 45 minutes now and had the fan on her and temps are over 80 f. I have to say I'm kinda worried, she's been droopy first thing b4 and some warmth an sunlight always brings her back

agree with the over water. would need to know more though. could just be a pouty inidca too. some don't lift til later in the day.
I did expand her Grow box yesterday
I’m sorry I’m not familiar with these? Does this mean you up pot?
If so maybe she was adjusting to that and overwatered like everyone else said.
Usually after a transplant they droop but bounce back.
Let her dry out a bit and she should be fine
Great color like was mentioned also so doesn’t seem to be any issue with nutrients or ph.
Stay the course but let her dry out a bit
Pouty indica ... BwhahahahahahHa

pouty indica or pissy sativa.
you deal with one or the other when growing. there's always at least one.

@Canachris what is the media / light / nutes etc ? and how big is that pot ? kinda looks like it wants to dry up a bit and flip. looks good to me otherwise.
Welp, 3 hrs after giving her some water she looks better. I have days where I'm not as strong as I could be an I guess when lifted her she wasn't as heavy as I thought. I checked her soil with a stick an she was moist down at the bottom but not really wet. I may have been under watering her, I've been guilty of over watering in the past. And I do think she is a bit pouty at times and I do tend to spoil her being an only child an all. I'll take and post a current pic
Heat and humidity are all wrong I have forced hot air heat, so it either too hot or too cold and the humidity is very low it's like the desert in here. And it's a house that's over a 100 years old with no weatherproofing so I'd go broke trying to give the plant the condition she needs
Heat and humidity are all wrong I have forced hot air heat, so it either too hot or too cold and the humidity is very low it's like the desert in here. And it's a house that's over a 100 years old with no weatherproofing so I'd go broke trying to give the plant the condition she needs

it looks great. just make sure it gets a dry cycle in between feedings. indica can take it a bit cooler too. your conditions are close enough.
Many thanks to all responses. Her soil temps, first yesterday second at lights on at 5 am today. So she got 5 degrees colder over night. Not sure how typical last night was it went down to the 30's with a wind chill of 20. So it could be cold temps drooping her


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