Eggs Does Gorilla Glue 4 Bag Seeds 2018

The CBD plant you were asking about is Cannatonic. I'll get ya a clone next cloning session. Anything else I'll be cloning then you can have as well (Thai Chi, Killer A5 Haze, Jamaican, Bubba Hash, A5 x Panama, Sensi Star, Tangie OG x Malawi, Bubba Kush x Erdpurt and Cannatonic) I won't be keeping all those but they will get cloned at least once.
We will get something planned soon, I've been dealing with family medical issues when not at work or in the garden but things will lighten up soon I got a feeling :(.
Wow neiko, my head is still spinning, I see a couple I have tried and would love to grow and I see at least a couple that I have heard you talk about that I would love to grow. By all means no hurry on my part, sending good vibes your way.

Keep your head up neiko and my best to you and yours. Eggs do you feel like a fat kid in a candy store? Think I just became diabetic.
No kidding, I have rearranged my grow room like 5 times in my head and I keep going back rereading that list.
Kind of busy right now I got to go.:laugh:
Hey Neiko, how have you been? Kinda liking this weather a little better wont be long the golf courses will be open, cant wait. I was just going over the possible clone list, with my current set up I'm trying to narrow it down to only 4. Right now I am thinking the Cannatonic and Bubba Hash for sure, that Jamaican with its cbd/thc ratio has my interest, I think I remember you bringing them seeds back but don't remember the smoke report, how's the taste. Then its between the Killer A5 Haze and Thai Chi I really like the sounds of that TC, maybe I will end up have to make room for 5. That Bubba Kush X ErdPurt might be awesome if the BK can come threw with some taste, that ErdPurt I grew was a great day time smoke but just did not have taste in the smoke department, it also made a great carmel. Happy Growing.:yummy:
I will clone all those hopefully this weekend. I'm not a fan of the Bubba Kush x Erdpurt so far in veg. It just grows like a stick. I topped it and now I have 2 sticks with no branching whatsoever. I doubt I'll be cloning that one since there are no branches to take. I have more seeds of that to try. On the Jamaican, I really don't smoke it, it goes straight to oil. When I did smoke it a couple years ago it was slightly floral and the buzz is mellow and upbeat. The Thai Chi needs some height, she stretches a ton and would be tough to run with those other strains unless you have a light you could raise just for her. That will be the next plant I flip and you'll see how crazy she gets. She's already bigger than I wanted and will have to cut her back some.
Hello, hope you are having a great weekend, finally got the last harvest dried enough to where I'm not worried about mold any more. One plant dried a lot quicker then the other (low and Slow), I blame that on how I big the buds where when I bagged them and the bags with the bigger buds where on the bottom shelves in frig. Plant one was at 55% and plant #2 should have been put but them back in frig but instead I have been was on jar duty, wont do that again.
Took some picks today here is that short Orient Eggspress 66 days/flip, I believe I'm in the window.

This is my only clone of the GG4 that survived my first attempted, 25 days/flip

And the Panamas flipped yesterday, 82 days old.

And the Bangi congo x Panama 77days old, she's a beast younger then the Panamas but taller and happier.

And here is the Napal Jam 73days old, small plant but she sure is pretty, something about her.

And finally a couple more GG4 clones, (thanks ween went 3 for 3) only keeping one I am trying to keep the smell down.

Thanks for looking. :passitleft:
Wow that orient Express is a beast. Everything is looking good!
Wow on that orient eggspress! Some big fat colas! Nice training and glad the cloning method worked for you!

Amazing nice stroll through the garden. It all looks great. Them OE buds look as big as a leg.
Thanks guys, the smells on her keep changing, she had a little more smell to her 3 weeks ago. 3/4 of the top of them colas are rock hard the bottom 1/4 gets pretty larfy. Cant wait to do a taste test, the benefits of growing your own. :yummy:
I have these 2 Panama plants and my seeds are not feminized, I believe panama #1 is a male but want to confirm it with you guys. So I am not doing any breeding I take it that I just remove it from my room and shit can it.

This is Panama #2 same age as #1, to me it looks female at this point.

And this is just a pic of that GG4 in the flower room with the Panamas.

This is all new to me any and all advice is greatly appreciated, have a good day and thanks for looking.
That was hard, throwing out that plant but its no good to me. My bad with them pics, sorry about that hear are some better pics and I will be watching closely for the next couple weeks. It seems I read some where that an experienced grower can tell sooner but is that typically what we wait for or should I have been looking sooner? Thanks Neiko.

Just playing with the camera
I seriously wish I had my camera with me when I flipped my Bangi X Congo Panama at 93 days because it had the nicest root ball to date, I have not grown that many strains but I thought it was worth mentioning. This is a pic of her the next day, with a little LSTing.

Here is the Panama the day after its 1st cat, its root ball was respectfully large but with many finer roots. Stretching nicely at 20 days/flip.

And the GG4 at 51 days/flip going strong.

My Napel Jam is 93 days veg so it gets flipped soon, and I have of each a Bangi X CP, Panama, and a Napel Jam poking their heads up out of Doc's 2nd run soil, looks like its 3 for 3 directly in soil after a 24 hour water soak.
I hope everyone has a great 4/20, ear:passitleft:.
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