First CFL Grow - Northern Lights x Purple Kush - Interested?

So here are a couple of pics taken today. I started Flowering July 1st. Since then i have seem a tremendous growth spurt every morning i turn the lights on. Looks healthy to me. Can't wait till it shoes me it's sex. Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. TIA




Beautiful work Easeedoesit the plant looks extremely healthy, keep it up.

As for any suggestions, Have you thought of tying all of the tops towards the circumference of the pot to open up the inside to more light, It will create new growth along the sides of the current tops which will in turn create even more tops.

Just a suggestion :)

If you don't like the idea of that, you could top each of the current tops so that each one you have at the moment will become 2, it seems like you have about 5 there, by doing that you could create up to 10 tops.

The reason these are my suggestions is because its a CFL grow, light consumption from the plants has to be maximised and the best way of doing this is with trying to get as even a canopy as possible with many many tops as will fit in your space.

Because the CFL doesn't penetrate the canopy very well, it is best to try and get as much of the plants bulk into the canopy to maximise yield.

Hope this helps somewhat :)

Beautiful work Easeedoesit the plant looks extremely healthy, keep it up.

As for any suggestions, Have you thought of tying all of the tops towards the circumference of the pot to open up the inside to more light, It will create new growth along the sides of the current tops which will in turn create even more tops.

Just a suggestion :)

If you don't like the idea of that, you could top each of the current tops so that each one you have at the moment will become 2, it seems like you have about 5 there, by doing that you could create up to 10 tops.

The reason these are my suggestions is because its a CFL grow, light consumption from the plants has to be maximised and the best way of doing this is with trying to get as even a canopy as possible with many many tops as will fit in your space.

Because the CFL doesn't penetrate the canopy very well, it is best to try and get as much of the plants bulk into the canopy to maximise yield.

Hope this helps somewhat :)


Thank you for your input and suggestions. I tried bending them down, but the stem on a couple are really tough to bend. I tried massaging and squeezing it, but to no prevail. I thought about topping also, but was told and read that over topping your plant can kill it. Any thoughts on this? TIA.
hi, over topping wont kill it, their is some theory that 1 main top and topping it giving you 2 main tops just splits the bud between the 2, so im not sure how much truth is in this, you could top them at least once though, making each stem give you 2 tops, or just top the main stem so you have 2 main tops,

the theory says the more you top the more sites the main bud is shared out with, but i found topping once or twice dont do any damage and can increase yield, although this is strain related, some respond well others dont
No worries mate! Well from current pics she's lookin healthy anyways buddy so your doin somethin right:) Dont stress on letting het bindings go as she'll just build buds and sum bushyness now over her flower preiod- The fun part!! Hope she goes off like a frog in a sock for ya! lol.. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)
During LST you shouldnt need much nutes still yet, as thats why its called 'Low Stress Training' so plant has minimal stress, ther's a few good pics on how to tie down ur plant different ways, its done gradually so as to not stress the plant much. But u may add light nutes every 3rd water or so, but usually theyre fairly happy at that stage with the growing medium as nute supply.. Look into it first tho to get more precise idea. Goodluk and Happy harvesting;)
@ Inkdot yeah, i was scared too when i snapped the main stem. i taped it and hoped for the best. guess my plant wasn't too mad at me, cause it bounced right back. thanks for the comment.
a quick tip with the lst, when you tie the branches down you need to remember the plant is still growing so it puts more and more strain on the lst site every day, the best thing to do is every 4 or 5 days undo all the lst you have done and leave it for 24 hours so the plant can stretch and stop any stress on the lst parts, then put the lst's back on, not doing this can stress the main stem as it tries to grow but is under pressure from the lst, this can break branches and stunt growth, so just remember to untie any lst you have done i undo mine every 4 or 5 days then leave it 24 hours before putting them back on, doing this stops any problems and stop stems breaking, you got to remember the stem is always growing taller so this pulls on the lst sites and causes problems if not checked
a quick tip with the lst, when you tie the branches down you need to remember the plant is still growing so it puts more and more strain on the lst site every day, the best thing to do is every 4 or 5 days undo all the lst you have done and leave it for 24 hours so the plant can stretch and stop any stress on the lst parts, then put the lst's back on, not doing this can stress the main stem as it tries to grow but is under pressure from the lst, this can break branches and stunt growth, so just remember to untie any lst you have done i undo mine every 4 or 5 days then leave it 24 hours before putting them back on, doing this stops any problems and stop stems breaking, you got to remember the stem is always growing taller so this pulls on the lst sites and causes problems if not checked

I appreciate the tip. I assumed as much, so I was releasing every 2 days with about 12 hours of no bindings. This was my first time. My next grow I will have a plan instead of just tying branches down lol.
So it's day 10 of the 12/12 light change, and i notice a couple of preflowers. Being i didn't use fem seeds, i was/am hoping for a female.
Anyways, the preflowers look more female'ish than male'ish. Can anyone give me any thoughts? I know patience is key, but curiosity killed the cat lol. TIA

Day 10 of 12/12 light change. Female? Male? or too early to tell?
I think its still a little too early to tell , but the hairs could shoot out overnight :)
You will notice the white hairs or balls straight away, It will be unmistakable ha ha



I appreciate your response. I'll keep a close eye on it of course. Just thought I'd throw the newbie question out there lol.
Hey mate, girls coming along nice! Im tipping that youll have urself a girl there.. it is early but the growth seems to be a leaf cluster as opposed to the ball sacks that start at the sides more.. But ive been wrong before..My girl looks alot like how urs started out short n bushy without much growth space between nodes..So im trying to stretch her a little before LST. Hope your grow continues to go well. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)
Hey mate, girls coming along nice! Im tipping that youll have urself a girl there.. it is early but the growth seems to be a leaf cluster as opposed to the ball sacks that start at the sides more.. But ive been wrong before..My girl looks alot like how urs started out short n bushy without much growth space between nodes..So im trying to stretch her a little before LST. Hope your grow continues to go well. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)

You may have been wrong before, but you were right on with this. She is a girl. Showed me 2 hairs on one node yesterday, and today they are all over. Thank you for your expertise.
So it's day 15 since i changed to the 12/12 light cycle, and SHE is doing pretty good. No more guessing, i have a young lady :clap:
I am seeing that the new growth is coming in folded/twisted (as you can see in the following pics). Any ideals or suggestions? I did a couple of troubleshooting things like moving lights in case it was heat related. However my thermometer says my lowest temp has been 70, and the highest 88. Humidity 68 highest, 54 lowest. I noticed the tips of my leaves getting burned, so i flushed my soil with straight water. the run off tested a ph of 6.8. Anything else i should or could be doing? TIA

Folded/twisted new growth in question

Another one

Looking down on her (i like saying her/she instead of it)
You may have been wrong before, but you were right on with this. She is a girl. Showed me 2 hairs on one node yesterday, and today they are all over. Thank you for your expertise.

Hi EZE, Congrats buddy!! :cheer: I have seen fair few males starting out, and usually i see small round lumps starting on each side at the nodes..So Just off that pic, even tho it was early the new growth seemed fine..Glad she finally has her hormones coming in,hairs are a relief to see! The growth should be good from now long as minimal stress:thumb: Im lookin forward to see what you do and how the NL goes with the Purp.. Should be a colorful plant at flower! NL's are great to grow.. im going to get some more seed later this year, but ive gotta get some skunk - MY ALL TIME BEST STONE THUS FAR.( XCEPT PURE RESIN). Ive never grown a skunk, so the things im having to learn with this grow will hopefully prepare me for any stubborn sativa's to come! All the best and ill chat soon bro.. Smokemup
LOL.. I was told to name my girl, i held off a bit like an expectant father not sure if his baby will be ok, once she established in her new pot and showed she was fairly healthy i chose her name, fairly lame but combo of Cinderella99 x Panama red, so she's named : Cindy LawPR:) I have a bit of info on her, tho seems not that popular growing wise? Or just people maybe havent had the X PR strain? I am learning how she likes her environ. had to put my 400w MH 45cm from top of cola and she is more comfy and i now have better RH, slightly higher.. Goodluk matey and Happy Harvesting;)
Hi Easeedoesit,
Saw your question about the twisting of your new growth. My NL plant did the same thing. I also had some pale/yellow leaf tips like yours. My plant seemed to grow out of it. The new growth coming out between the twisted leaves looks great. Overall your girl looks very healthy. Just keep an on eye on the twisted leaves and my guess is they will correct themselves. My NL plant seemed to be hungry for nitrogen, something you may consider.
Looking at the pics it seems like the pot they are in is only 1/2 - 3/4 full. How big is that pot? If the twisted growth continues maybe the plant is root bound?
Can't wait to see the buds on your girl. Keep up the good work!
Hi Easeedoesit,
Saw your question about the twisting of your new growth. My NL plant did the same thing. I also had some pale/yellow leaf tips like yours. My plant seemed to grow out of it. The new growth coming out between the twisted leaves looks great. Overall your girl looks very healthy. Just keep an on eye on the twisted leaves and my guess is they will correct themselves. My NL plant seemed to be hungry for nitrogen, something you may consider.
Looking at the pics it seems like the pot they are in is only 1/2 - 3/4 full. How big is that pot? If the twisted growth continues maybe the plant is root bound?
Can't wait to see the buds on your girl. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the response. My pot size is 12" in diameter, and 14" deep. If its root bound, does that mean I will need to replant into a bigger pot? Hopefully it will correct itself like yours did. I'd hate to make her mad at me because I thought something was wrong with her and she's fine. I have enough of that with my daughter and fiancé. Gotta love women lol. Again, thanks for the response. Oh, and my pot is full to the top with soil. The soil is about 1/2 to 1" from the top.
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