First Time Grow - The Incredible Bulk Feminized

It's not even 3 weeks into flower and I must say the buds are way ahead of where I thought they would be, even at the 2 week mark, I didn't give them an extended period of darkness like some do, the only reason I can think is maybe because they were sexually mature when I flipped the lights, I'm just guessing that maturity helps in this case. Things seem to be stable right now, can only hope for smooth sailing to the end. I'm gonna do a video everyweek untill harvest I think, enjoying seeing these buds so much I won't be able to help my self... oh if only you could smell it, cats piss, I get it now, I've heard so many people describe that as the smell, I knew it but I just couldn't imagine lol.
Not even 2 week! I'm getting ahead of my self. It's 2 weeks on wednesday, and I'm even more impressed with the way they look! I'll do a video every wednesday, I placed the seeds into water on a wednesday night, but it was half an hour after midnight, I still count it as wednesday so I'm rolling with that as a checkpoint. Not even 2 weeks in! Can't wait to see the coming weeks.
Day 84 From Seed/ Day 14 of Flower

Things are looking a little frosty for the first time, been hairy for a wee bit but frost is the exciting bit :cool:

This weeks feed:

30 Ltr mix
30ml Biobizz Grow
45ml Biobizz Bloom
25ml Plant Magic Cal/Mag
5 - 8ml Growth Tech Liquid Silicon (up PH)
PH 6.50
EC 1154

There was a popular guide somewhere that suggested 2ml per litre Bloom at this stage but I just went 1.5 to be safe, according to my EC reading of 1154, if correct, shouldn't be too much for them, don't want to under do it either, all power to the buds!

Some little popcorn bits I decided were not fit for bloom can be part of my "monster crop" attempt. I cut them all with a new sterile blade and placed them into a cup of water till I could fill some pots with my left over bag of All Mix. I used Growth tech Root Hormone Gel and put 6 of them into a 18/6 light cycle, will keep them moist till I can get a dome of some sort to fit. Not sure what my chances are but I'm gonna try it out, these little buds would have been cut and thrown/smoked anyway.
Not long after I started my grow, I happened upon a new friend, he just happened to be starting a new grow himself. I've been helping out and filling in the many gaps in his knowledge, but the other day, I was confronted with the results of one of his most recent and devastating mistakes, which I feel slighly responsible for, overfeeding. He was using the Flairform bloom and grow together, synthetic I beleive, EC reading of the that feed was over 8000, if it hadn't have been for his arrogance towards my advice, I would have wrestled it out of his hands... lmao but instead I had to watch him make his own mistake, then deal with it.., flushed his 4x Northern Lights feminized, two of which had burned beyond any recoverable foliage, they were a week into bloom so the 2 with hardly any leaves left have been put back to a 18/6 light cycle. I'm gonna get some pics and more details about it soon.
It's gone all LGBT in my f*$king grow room! It is only on the one plant just now thanks god, the plant seems to have started growing "nanners" I noticed 5 or 6 of them when the lights first came on last night, so for the 12 hours that followed, I was in the room every hour to inspect it, pulling off more and more as the night went on, they just kept showing. I've read a little about hermies and my question would be now... Is it too early in flower to have this in my room? I want to get it the hell out of there in all honesty but I've heard if you can relieve what cause it too hermie (if it was even stress) it may come back or stop growing balls....

Even the clone I took went hermie, just checked it a few hours ago and found this...

It's gone all LGBT in my f*$king grow room! It is only on the one plant just now thanks god, the plant seems to have started growing "nanners" I noticed 5 or 6 of them when the lights first came on last night, so for the 12 hours that followed, I was in the room every hour to inspect it, pulling off more and more as the night went on, they just kept showing. I've read a little about hermies and my question would be now... Is it too early in flower to have this in my room? I want to get it the hell out of there in all honesty but I've heard if you can relieve what cause it too hermie (if it was even stress) it may come back or stop growing balls....

Even the clone I took went hermie, just checked it a few hours ago and found this...

Damn! That sucks. My little Incredible Bulk is still a baby... I hope she doesn't drop balls on me too. Where where your seeds from again?
Hey guys, commiserations are certainly the vibe around this issue, I'm a little bummed but I'm actually more concerned with what caused it, not that I've decided what it was but somes reasons I think I may have hermied is because the fan was right next to it, the first main stem to show balls was the one closest to the fan, if it wasn't wind stress, if it wasn't that could have been the stress of trimming not long before, I hope it was just genetic although that would still suck.
Damn! That sucks. My little Incredible Bulk is still a baby... I hope she doesn't drop balls on me too. Where where your seeds from again?
I got my seeds at my local hydro store bud, he kept the seeds in the fridge as far as i know, no sign of hermie on any of the others though I will be very vigilant keeping an even closer eye on things from now on. If a second one goes them I'm gonna be pissed... lol
That sucks. I'm not any help on the topic, on my first grow, 3 weeks into flower. After seeing those pictures, makes me worry about mine. Feel like I need to leave work and check on them.
Haha I bet you feel like that reading and seeing this horror show, It's cool as long as you catch them before they burst I think, and I would bet that most cases that end up with mass crop pollination were away from their grow room for days mor so than a day shift, although seeing how fast these balls grow and show I think I'll be lucky to come out of this with just one hermie and no pregnated girls.
Haha I bet you feel like that reading and seeing this horror show, It's cool as long as you catch them before they burst I think, and I would bet that most cases that end up with mass crop pollination were away from their grow room for days mor so than a day shift, although seeing how fast these balls grow and show I think I'll be lucky to come out of this with just one hermie and no pregnated girls.
I pulled them out last night and looked over all the buds, so far so good.
Remember a lot of polyhbrids have never been stabilized so like Cookies be on the watch for nanners. They normally show on the lower 1/3 of the plant. Pull them and a lot times they don’t come back and a lot of them don’t produce viable pollen. For me they would only be a big issue if I was breeding with them.
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