Germination Went Well

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
On my first seed (Dark Angel). I should be planting it tonight or tomorrow morning; the acrospire now is about a 1/4 inch long.

Wish me luck!

Trevor (not really a doctor)
Thank you very much WH.

I'll be planting my seed (*snicker*) in the soil tonight. I'm concerned how much I should pack the soil around it.

From what I've read, I can stick a finger in the soil and drop the seed--'Lupe'--in the hole. Should I pack it down at all?

(not a real doctor)
Welcome! Congrats on the sprout. When I plant my seeds, I go about 1/4-1/2" inch, and then cover with coco (the medium I use). I then water in pretty well, but I don't pack down. The watering action removes any air pockets and settles the coco and the seed enough, I find. I'd hesitate to "pack" or press down too much out of fear of damaging the delicate root. I'm sure others will chime in with their thoughts, especially since it sounds like you are growing in soil, which might have different guidelines.

BTW, I believe that the convention is to start counting germination when the seed sprouts above ground and you see some cotyledons. Not a big deal, but thought I would mention it.

Are you going to start a journal? It is really helpful, both for yourself to refer back to, and for the rest of us to see what you are up to.

Good luck!
I have started a journal. My other DIY hobbies required this.

The seed will be planted tonight. The tent has a temp of 74 degrees F and humidity of 77%.

All help is appreciated.

(not a real doctor)
I have started a journal. My other DIY hobbies required this.

The seed will be planted tonight. The tent has a temp of 74 degrees F and humidity of 77%.

All help is appreciated.

(not a real doctor)

Awesome! Just a suggestion... you might want to put a link to your journal in your signature. That way when you post anywhere on this site, we can click to go check out what you are up to.
My journal is actually a small notebook sitting on my tent. I'll see about putting everything online.

I'm planting my seed now. The acrospire is half an inch long. I'm going to poke a hole in the soil with my finger and gently place Lupe (I call her Lupe) in it. I won't pack it down, but I'll gently place loose soil over the hole so the seed doesn't dry out.

(not a real doctor)
Good luck, Doc!
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