Grow #2 - Auto Blueberry - 2'x2.5' - Citi & Osram COB

Blueberry Auto (blue pot) @ day 62
Hindu Kush Auto (orange pot) @ day 56
Barney's Pineapple Express (supercrop oops) @ day 20
Barney's Pineapple Express x2 @ day 8

Welp I am back, peeked in tent, everything survived. Looked at a couple buds on the Blueberry, found a few amber, few being the key word, not even 5% and mostly on the lower branches. The Hindu Kush is filling out, still slow, but the size of the main cola and everything else on that plant is much bigger.

Tomorrow I am going to get them out, look em over, take photos. The BB is going to get Flawless Finish-there is prob so much nute in that soil I want to hopefully fix that. The HK is going to get nutes, prob just 2l, then see what take-up is like. I am going to cut back under 1k ppm. I will remove the glass covers off the pineapple express seedlings in a day or so. All the PE will get Big Bloom in a low ppm solution. These are all in soil mixes, so not worried about getting nutes high in the first month.
Blueberry Auto (blue pot) @ day 63
Hindu Kush Auto (orange pot) @ day 57
Barney's Pineapple Express (supercrop oops) @ day 21
Barney's Pineapple Express x2 @ day 9

Pineapple express-the 9 day seedings split 250ml of 300ppm Big Bloom. The 21 day one got about 200ml of it.

Hindu Kush-Got 3 liters of 950ppm solution. Big Bloom, Grow Big, Beastie Bloomz, and tiger grow. The main cola is filling out and there is some nice size to the subs. I am going to see how this 3 liters gets taken up, plant is not really growing up more, and I see some yellow on the lowers (hence my adding Grow Big). pH to 6.8 no runoff.

Blueberry-It got flawless finish @ 2ml per liter, gave it 2 liters. The pot was a little lighter than what I was fighting past couple weeks. This one is officially 'day to day'. I see some amber in the lower parts, but think it could take another week as there is also some glass looking stuff up higher. Smells freaking awesome, and that main cola is pretty dense. Going to take all the trim and run it through some screens.

Anyone see anything on those photos???? Last pic is the top of the main cola.
I took a snip of a sugar leaf on the top bud to look at under my Leica microscope, as a loupe is not cutting it.

I am going to pull out the Blueberry again to flush with about 4 liters Flawless Finish tomorrow (Note: when I added this to my RODI water it went from pH 7 to about 7.5-been researching their line and will probably go to it, as I think it does not require pHing). I will take samples from multiple sites and look at them. This plant might be at the beginning of ready. I would like to take it prior to it dying more where I have dead sugar leaves. Or do I just cut those leaves out?
Re: Grow #2 - Auto Blueberry - 2'x2.5' - Citi & Osram COB

Hi Nobody. Autos sound great. I might get some seeds. Pity about the boys but I know what you mean about learning stuff you wouldn't have without doing it. I learned that they count the flowering time from when they start to flower not from when you flip. No one tells you these things :thumb: Looking good :cheer:
I just learned that this week so its good to know this now as day 70 starts now but im on day 18 or so of flip is this correct math? Im doing buckeye purple 70-80 day flower 2 month veg
Re: Grow #2 - Auto Blueberry - 2'x2.5' - Citi & Osram COB

I just learned that this week so its good to know this now as day 70 starts now but im on day 18 or so of flip is this correct math? Im doing buckeye purple 70-80 day flower 2 month veg

I take times with a grain of salt. They could be from after flip, or just assuming your running 12/12 all the time.
12/12 on photos they just started showing atleast 2 out of 5 have a male passed away last night met my scissors lol

~20 days after 12/12 was when my photos started showing, I had vegged for about 8 weeks. Both were male. See link for Bogglegum thread below.
Blueberry Auto (blue pot) @ day 64
Hindu Kush Auto (orange pot) @ day 58
Barney's Pineapple Express (supercrop oops) @ day 22
Barney's Pineapple Express x2 @ day 10

I shut the closet door and turned on the dehumidifier, RH is around 50% max and temps are 73-78.

Pineapple Express plants - nothing done

Hindu Kush - some leaves are starting to yellow slightly. I removed a couple of lower ones. I gave 2 liters of 750ppm, pH 7.0. Just added about 4ml of Big Bloom, 3ml of Grow Big, and 3ml of Tiger Bloom. This plant needs its room.

Blueberry - Pulled out and took about 5 snips and looked through the microscope. The handheld devices suck with my eyes and movement, much better views on a top light microscope at 4x. I gave a 1.25gallons of RODI water with Flawless Finish and a half gallon or RODI water, I got runoff, it was pH 5.8, going in was 7.4 ish. The 5.8 is better than what I saw last week. Hopefully the FF will cut uptake of the residual salts. I did a pretty good trimming of the ugly leaves that I don't want in the hash bags, it will also save a little time on cut, maybe 15% of the leaves removed so there are still plenty there.

I still think I am daily here, maybe 2-3 more days. I feel like I could harvest now, but want a little more amber as it's just starting to show.

My guess, maybe 40 grams dry.

These photos were taken with an iphone through the ocular on a microscope hence the crappy photos. The last one is the underside of a leaf, it appears that the tops of the sugar leaves are more ripe than the undersides. There is some serious crystal on the buds and most of the tri's appear to have some portion of white to them, with about 20% still clear. I am probably about 1% amber.
Blueberry Auto (blue pot) @ day 65
Hindu Kush Auto (orange pot) @ day 59
Barney's Pineapple Express (supercrop oops) @ day 23
Barney's Pineapple Express x2 @ day 11

Not much going on today, decided to flush the Hindu Kush. Top leaves are yellowing at a very fast rate. I gave it 10 gallons of RODI water which is around 7. Tested the pH of the last gallon and it was 6. First gallon it was somewhere around 5.4. Both the HK and the Blueberry are in soilless medium. So start and finish are still in range.

I am going to give the Hindu Kush 2 liters of RODI with just Big Bloom and CaMg.

My best guess at the ugliness of the plants is that my pH went south and that caused CaMg issues.

Blueberry-Ripen, ripen, ripen...:cheer: I looked at two small sugar leaf samples under the microscope, could not find any progress, also scoured the plant with the loupe. Who knows, I might have 10 more days.

I plan to take some photos while trimming of my bubble hash attempt - 1st ever. See how much I can botch it.
I also flushed the Blueberry with about 6 gallons. first gallon was 1600ppm out....ouch, got it down to about 100ppm out.

Thinking towards my next grow....

Been researching nute lines and thinking about my next Photo grow after the Pineapple Express is done. I will probably start 3 BOG Bogglegum seeds in light warrior under a 65w cfl. Thinking about starting them when the little PE hit around 30 days. These will be vegged again for 2 months under CFL (I have a pair) until the PE is out of the tent. I hope to get a female to clone or maybe make into a mother plant if I can make space (I can), and get an early test kit to check for sex.

I ordered most of the crap I would need to whip up a super soil. I will start that this weekend outside in a Brute trashcan. Excited about going just water and maybe a few ml of Big Bloom here and there.
I ordered most of the crap I would need to whip up a super soil. I will start that this weekend outside in a Brute trashcan. Excited about going just water and maybe a few ml of Big Bloom here and there.

Making your own super soil is, in my opinion the best way to go! I can get about 2 months of veg and into 2 weeks of flower on my soil mix and plain ol tap water (PHd 6.5). The key its to have enough nitrogen to get you to flower and have it taper off when you flip. Too much nitrogen in flower can elongate your buds and cause other issues. Then as you go into flower you can supplement with flowering nutes to help things along.
Blueberry Auto (blue pot) @ day 67
Hindu Kush Auto (orange pot) @ day 61
Barney's Pineapple Express (supercrop oops) @ day 25
Barney's Pineapple Express x2 @ day 13

Welp, learned something growing wise today, more like 'experienced'. The flush. 2 days ago I ran a metric ton of water through both plants. The leaf issues stopped. The HK is just as pretty as it was when I removed all the crap leaves off it.

I cut a small larfy bud off the BB and have it sitting out on a tray at room temp to dry. I see more amber daily, but it's a slow process-ha. I do see significantly less 'glass' trichomes. This plant I think I timed the flush correctly, I am guessing a week to 10 days left.

I did not want to flush the HK this early...but it was going south quick. Now the buds look a little heftier post flush. But it confuses me where to go nute wise for the remainder of the grow.

1-water and Big Bloom only (basically organic only after flush)
2-above, but maybe continue with a low dose of tiger bloom so they have access to phosphate.

Tent shot

I mentioned above about doing a few photos in super soil after the PE are done, or 30-40 days into it. I may also attempt a 'frisian duck' outdoor, but I need to time stuff with temps-it's 103 now. So went out to HD for a nice rubbermaid 50g roller.

I threw the 1.75 bags of FFOF in there, and about a .25 bag of light warrior. Big scoop of perlite. I also am adding a 1.5ft bag of Roots Organic and about a 1/5 of a large bag of sunshine4. 15# of earthworm crap, 2.5# of blood meal so far. Have Bone Meal, Lime, azomite, humic acid, epsom salt, rock phosphate, bat crap on the way. It will easily cook in these temps in a month and change. Going to add some worms. basically its half of subcools recipe.

Stir it with a bulb planter and a cordless drill.

I mentioned above about doing a few photos in super soil after the PE are done, or 30-40 days into it. I may also attempt a 'frisian duck' outdoor, but I need to time stuff with temps-it's 103 now. So went out to HD for a nice rubbermaid 50g roller.

I threw the 1.75 bags of FFOF in there, and about a .25 bag of light warrior. Big scoop of perlite. I also am adding a 1.5ft bag of Roots Organic and about a 1/5 of a large bag of sunshine4. 15# of earthworm crap, 2.5# of blood meal so far. Have Bone Meal, Lime, azomite, humic acid, epsom salt, rock phosphate, bat crap on the way. It will easily cook in these temps in a month and change. Going to add some worms. basically its half of subcools recipe.

Stir it with a bulb planter and a cordless drill.

I know it's gonna be a while before you know but I'm curious about the results you find in supersoil over what you currently run. Is it just the ease of not having to do the nute thing for the veg and beginning of flower or are the final results actually superior?
I know it's gonna be a while before you know but I'm curious about the results you find in supersoil over what you currently run. Is it just the ease of not having to do the nute thing for the veg and beginning of flower or are the final results actually superior?

I am skeptical that the results are better for either supersoil vs soil + nutes, when either are executed near perfectly.

Not that I will do either perfectly. Not even close.

I travel alot in the fall. I need simplicity for watering while away. Figured why not...what will go wrong can.
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