Hi there, plan to move to the US

The list is constantly growing but as of last time I looked.

Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Indiana and South Carolina have no form of legalization. So vary unfriendly to it.

Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, everything from Virginia to Main except Philadelphia and New Hampshire are recreational or medical use allowed. Most have some way to legally grow clause.

The rest of the states not listed have some type of cannabinoids allowed but it's regulated. Like low THC or only certain cannabinoid extracts allowed.
Welcome IndianosNL to 420 Magazine. I probably live in the worst state Texas CBD barely legal.
Below on my post is a helpful link for new members plus the sponsors and the contest , check them out and enjoy .
Welcome to 420mag :welcome: hope you get growing soon 🤞 legally would be a bonus 😂
Welcome to 420 Magazine @IndianosNL

What kind of growing do you enjoy?
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And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Hi all,

New member here, some experience with growing, but a lot with smoking 😋

At the moment I live in the Netherlands, but I am planning to move to the US. Looking for a cannabis friendly state 🙃
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Hope the move goes well.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, everything from Virginia to Main except Philadelphia and New Hampshire are recreational or medical use allowed. Most have some way to legally grow clause.
@IndianosNL, it sounds like you can pick and choose the state and Sativa1970 did a good job seperating them by catagoy. Of the states that allow recreational or medical use it is often better to go with recreational. If the state is medical only that almost always means having to get permission by visiting a doctor and paying for the appointment; then having to pay for a "medical use" certificate or license. On the other hand, if looking at a recreational state the only requirement often is to be of legal age, most likely 21 years old and no special permit or license required.

If you think you might want to grow a plant or two check what the particular state allows as far as number of plants. Some are rather restrictive such as only allowing a few plants and only a small amount after harvest. Plus just about anywhere you go you will need to already own or be buying the property since it is very hard to get permission to grow from a landlord or property owner.

As you find states that might be what you want do not forget to look for and read the language of the laws there. Some are very liberal as far as amounts that can be stored at home as an example of what to look for.
California, Washington, and Oregon are all good choices, though cost of living is pretty high in Ca.
Yep. They probably deliberately keep the price of gas high in CA to discourage people from driving to the weed store:).

On a serious side it is best to consider the cost of living for each state whether for gas, heating and cooling costs, food, health care availability or whatever is important at the current stage of life.
The US is a big place with almost every natural environment. Every state wrights there own laws and has there own economy so it's almost like 50 countries cohabitating. The states bordering the pacific and northern atlantic oceans and most large cities are generally more liberal and higher cost of living. Southern half of atlantic, gulf and center of the country are generally more conservative and lower cost of living.

I'm sure there are many other factors deciding where to live like school or work and this is just a piece of the puzzle. Missouri has a low cost of living, 50/50 liberal/conservative mix, mountains and plains, all 4 seasons so indoor or outdoor seasonal grow, can grow 18 plants for personal recreational use or a $50/per year license to grow as a medical care giver. Yes, you can be your own care giver. Your plants are then protected under the state medical disabilities act. Nobody can legally complain abought you growing unless your rental lease specifically says no cannabise growing.
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