Holy crap its a Phototron

fuck man evertime i get ready to do this i just had sevral b rips to my head uh ill be back in a bit i have them up in my photo album but getting them there to here is always a very hard thing for me to do i dont know why so ill work on it :roorrip: It will be just a bit over 3 weeks in flower but uh i think there looking pretty good.
Well fellas im nearing the end of the cycle my camera is broke and my bud has seeds but it turned out fucking great i had a hermy in the box i guess and i didnt catch or something but i ended up with huge buds but with a few seeds meh you learn more and more evrytime you do this this being me second time it turned out great the box preformed at top notch preformance.i was very impressed with it im going to do a few things different one being actually getting my hands on some good seeds that i know are feminized.im working on getting my camera back i still have 3 plants in the box finishing up with the other 3 drying atm. I would have to say thier idea of six fucking plants in that box is insane i figure i would have done a bit better if i only had 3 to 4 plants in the box im thinking thats how i missed whatever it was that gave me seeds way too much leaf was very hard to see anything in the middle.So imo i would say the amount of light the box puts out is very capible of producing huge thick resin soaked buds the amount of crystal that was produced was insane this leaf off the flower will make some very tasty hash.All in all with still using all pyroponics fertz lights and guide it turned out excellent except for the amount of plants they think you should grow in the box ofcourse im no scientist thats for sure but i do know thats too many for that box to easy not to catch things like hermys or males.Well ill try to get a few more photos before i take the last three down next week so you guys can see.One more thought i thoguht i read some where before to shut your lights off 48 hours before you crop to fatten them up a bit more before you harvest if theres any thought on this let me know thanks guys all who kept up with me on my tron experience.Oh and thanks boss for all the help you did with my photos i posted apreciate it.....:roorrip: for eveyone.
Wow i can't belive i have this many seeds so i need to know a few things before replanting these seeds.Will they turn hermey again? I dont know much on this part any sugestions will be apreciated.I definatley dont want seeds again.
The seeds from a hermie will be all female, that's how they make feminized seeds. Assuming it's a female that also becomes male, if it's a male that also becomes female I think it can produce male only seeds, but that is extremely rare. The problem with feminized seeds is that they are much more likely with each generation to pass on hermie traits. Not worth it unless it's all you have in my opinion, or unless you're growing outdoors where you will not be able to tend it.
Hey i just picked a used Phototron i dont know what model number it is i also have this little motor type deal that came with that im clueless as to what is dose or what is goes lol i have to little grape 8 clones inside of it oh yea by the way im having trouble keeping the temp down inside of it when it's all sealed up it can get up to 105 i really need your advice and some solutions please thanx...
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