How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

half strength??? bottle said 15ml is full strenth so feed 7ml because i don't have a ppm meter just a ph... this is way confusing..

By half strength, I mean half strength to my feeding measurements. So I make 5 gallons like I normally do, 5mL per 5 gallons, so 1 mL per gallon for calmag plus, and 8 teaspoons of Flora Nova Bloom per 5 gallons of water. I then cut that in half with plain R/O water, then PH again to 5.8.

The Flora Nova Bloom has almost enough calmag in it. It is really only needed if you use R/O water. If you use well or tap water, you don't need the added calmag as the extra amount is already in the water, but I add it anyway.

Too much calmag can cause other nutes to lock out, though.
Thank you LEDRF for sharing your expertise. This is the most educational and comprehensive tutorial that I have read on any forum. What I like is the simplicity - I never was one for a lot of additives. Two questions. I know that you use sand on top and bottom of the coco to prevent fungus gnats and their larvae from entering the root system. Can I use hydroton instead? I was going to use that mesh you use in gardens to prevent weeds to cover the bottom holes and cover the entire top of the bucket to keep pests out but allow water to pass through. Also - what do you think is the highest tap water ppm that can be used successfully without watering it down with r/o?

Thanks for the thread and your reply.

You can use that weed blocker fabric on the bottom. It also works great to make air pots. Drill large holes all around your pot, then line it with that stuff. I'm not sure if hydroton will work. Besides, play sand is less than $4 for 50 gallons at Home Depot. Much cheaper. I know it works well.

My well water is 150ppm. I use it just fine.

The problem with different tap water or well water is you don't know what the PMMs are. They might be super high in calcium, which will throw the nutrient balance off and can cause lock outs, thus deficiencies. If you get calcium deposits in your shower easily, you most likely have high calcium in your water. If that is the case, only add a bit of epsome salts, no calmag plus.

Highest amount, I am not sure. I don't even like using my well water at 150, thus the R/O filter.

I know people have grow successfully with 500ppm water, but who knows what was making it read 500.
I got sick of watering every day, so I decided to try to autopot system, which is gravity fed. So far, it is working awesomely. I will also post some grow updates using it. The plants are healthy and huge right now at 34 days old.

It uses no pumps and no electronics.

They do no pay me shit. I am not advertising for them. It is just a system that I found that is working good so far. I use the same amounts of nutrients, and I still use coco.

Here is how I set it up. This is when the plants were very young.
Here is a pic of Auto Sour Diesel from my last grow, using my coco system that you can learn about in this thread.


Here are some recent photos at the beach that I took with my phone. What does it have to do with growing weed? Nothing.


love the nature pics man :thumb: and im going to have to try the gravity feed system, i hate watering everyday as well man.
Arellan. So far it rocks and I love it. I will have to see how they flower, though. If after two grows, I don't get the yields I know I usually get, then I guess I will set up a drip system that feeds twice a day.
i know you say that airating the res may cause major PH swings in your vid, i actually keep my water airated to help it evaporate the chemicals that come with my tap then i add nutes and PH. do you think that is ok?
So on July 14 I filled my res up with 20 gallons of water. Six autos drank that in 4 days, so each plant is going through a little over 3 gallons in 4 days. I say that is good.

I just filled up the res today with 20 more gallons of water. I ordered a new R/O system that attaches to a hose so I make r/o faster, 150 gallons a day it is rated at. I will see if my hose pressure is good enough.

Here is a video showing how I fill up my res tank and maintain it.

Today the autos are 40 days old.
awesome vids man, that gravity fed system looks like it works well but also seems to use alot of water. would you say you noticed that you use more than you did when you hand watered?
Hey got a question for you.

I have been following your method pretty much exactly. First off a huge thanks for this amazing journal, this has to be the easiest most fool proof method i have ever used and the plants are loving it!

Im about to go into flower tonight. Usuaully i would add my flower booster in weeks 3-5. In your videos you said inly use it twice. Or did i misunderstand you? When would i add booster to follow what you do? Dont want any deviantions from your set out plan.
What caused you to get the mold, and it seems since your first videos, that your plants where so healthy looking, and you stuck to that process. Now, you are using bags some? Im going to copy your 1st videos. But now scared mold might come around. Any thoughts?

Great help though !
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