Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Lol I don’t know why I went with the theme I went with. When I heard Merica after hyena I just went with what I think of when I hear someone say “merica” lol guns. So I changed the flag for you to fit what I envision your flag being lol sorry if it doesn’t fit. I used the grenades on the bottom with hyena’s hidden horticulture because your stories always make it sound like a grenade just waiting to go off. Lol so your welcome. I admire you. :)

LOL You nailed it. Thanks again.

Peace, Hyena
Friday ROAD TRIP update!

Greetings from sunny Denver, Colorado!

I came out here to treat myself to a little R&R and tour the legal weed scene...interesting is how I would describe it!

First, this is what I now call a "Denver breakfast"


Of course, that's my breakfast every day but I just named it. Now it's a thing. Tell everyone. :ganjamon:

Okay, the weed shops are neat. But a little disappointingly, no surprises. I figured the legal "retail" cannabis scene would play out about the way it has here. They are a lot like head shops as far as atmosphere but they all have counter people, and also roaming sales "assistants" who must be on commission as I found them generally aggressive and determined to help you buy everything you need right now baby! But I also understand the need for that as a lot of folks are probably buying cannabis for the first time and it's intimidating.

I decided I would learn more by acting basically uninformed and true to my suspicious mind, a lot of what these salespeople told me was pure horseshit. Some gave rapturous descriptions of strains I have smoked many times and let's just say there were exaggerations made. But again I get that and no problem. I tried not to laugh a few times but I also ended up buying about $250 dollars' worth of something I already have pounds of so I guess it works! :laughtwo:

You have the problem of wanting your customers to get as close to a fresh herbal product as they can...without being able to touch it. So, some have little sample jars in glass counter cases, and they will bring them up individually and let you smell them. Others had clever solutions like these sample stations:


You could slide that little rubber dealie aside and smell it, plus the magnifying top is cool.

Colorado laws are somewhat stricter than Michigan for example. In the Michigan shops I have visited typically you looked at gallon-size jars of buds, they let you hold and smell them and then a guy with forceps plucked out buds by hand. In Colorado all the herb is pre-packaged in 1-gram sealed packages. So, it all hangs on the wall behind a counter like a pharmacy. If you buy ten grams you get ten packages. All sealed for safety. In a bag with another safety closure so complex I almost couldn't figure it out. I guess the retail market is really here.

I saw stuff that is really amazing, cannabis essence now comes in so many forms it's frankly almost TOO much!

Here's some cannabis SODA:


I didn't spend much time researching the potency of these elixers, the simple fact they make them was enough to impress me. All I can say is at seven bucks a soda it better get you completely and totally wasted.

They have product after innovative product, all presented with the maximum variety of clever names, pitches, and images. So much amazing marketing I was lost in a canna wonderworld...it was so Willy Wonka after a half-dozen shops, I felt like the kid in that movie, dancing along with Gene Wilder in his purple top hat, both of us smoking and laughing.... Finally the last counter girl came off like Veruca Salt and I snapped back into reality.

It's a business. And they have this business down. Madison Avenue was ready for legal pot.

This one caught my eye...hot chocolate that also gets you high. Is nothing sacred?


Sorry, I don't see the point of a lot of it...if I wanted to drink hot chocolate and get high, I would drink a cup and smoke a joint. Since I really enjoy both, why would I want to lose half the pleasure? Just my take.

So my conclusion is a lot of it is aimed at non-users. Which is fine, except my ancillary minor concern for the black eye it gives all cannabis users when a little kid get a hold of something and has to be rushed to the hospital. It's not too much risk that my six-year-old will smoke my herb accidentally. This stuff, especially candy, gummies, etc., bring that issue into play. But safeguarding your stash is still each person's responsibility and that hasn't changed. Not preaching you know that, just an obvious potential issue. But the whole scene is pretty cool.

Okay, my buds want to go and I'm stoned and blogging. See ya!

Peace, Hyena
Friday ROAD TRIP update!

Greetings from sunny Denver, Colorado!

I came out here to treat myself to a little R&R and tour the legal weed scene...interesting is how I would describe it!

First, this is what I now call a "Denver breakfast"


Of course, that's my breakfast every day but I just named it. Now it's a thing. Tell everyone. :ganjamon:

Okay, the weed shops are neat. But a little disappointingly, no surprises. I figured the legal "retail" cannabis scene would play out about the way it has here. They are a lot like head shops as far as atmosphere but they all have counter people, and also roaming sales "assistants" who must be on commission as I found them generally aggressive and determined to help you buy everything you need right now baby! But I also understand the need for that as a lot of folks are probably buying cannabis for the first time and it's intimidating.

I decided I would learn more by acting basically uninformed and true to my suspicious mind, a lot of what these salespeople told me was pure horseshit. Some gave rapturous descriptions of strains I have smoked many times and let's just say there were exaggerations made. But again I get that and no problem. I tried not to laugh a few times but I also ended up buying about $250 dollars' worth of something I already have pounds of so I guess it works! :laughtwo:

You have the problem of wanting your customers to get as close to a fresh herbal product as they can...without being able to touch it. So, some have little sample jars in glass counter cases, and they will bring them up individually and let you smell them. Others had clever solutions like these sample stations:


You could slide that little rubber dealie aside and smell it, plus the magnifying top is cool.

Colorado laws are somewhat stricter than Michigan for example. In the Michigan shops I have visited typically you looked at gallon-size jars of buds, they let you hold and smell them and then a guy with forceps plucked out buds by hand. In Colorado all the herb is pre-packaged in 1-gram sealed packages. So, it all hangs on the wall behind a counter like a pharmacy. If you buy ten grams you get ten packages. All sealed for safety. In a bag with another safety closure so complex I almost couldn't figure it out. I guess the retail market is really here.

I saw stuff that is really amazing, cannabis essence now comes in so many forms it's frankly almost TOO much!

Here's some cannabis SODA:


I didn't spend much time researching the potency of these elixers, the simple fact they make them was enough to impress me. All I can say is at seven bucks a soda it better get you completely and totally wasted.

They have product after innovative product, all presented with the maximum variety of clever names, pitches, and images. So much amazing marketing I was lost in a canna wonderworld...it was so Willy Wonka after a half-dozen shops, I felt like the kid in that movie, dancing along with Gene Wilder in his purple top hat, both of us smoking and laughing.... Finally the last counter girl came off like Veruca Salt and I snapped back into reality.

It's a business. And they have this business down. Madison Avenue was ready for legal pot.

This one caught my eye...hot chocolate that also gets you high. Is nothing sacred?


Sorry, I don't see the point of a lot of it...if I wanted to drink hot chocolate and get high, I would drink a cup and smoke a joint. Since I really enjoy both, why would I want to lose half the pleasure? Just my take.

So my conclusion is a lot of it is aimed at non-users. Which is fine, except my ancillary minor concern for the black eye it gives all cannabis users when a little kid get a hold of something and has to be rushed to the hospital. It's not too much risk that my six-year-old will smoke my herb accidentally. This stuff, especially candy, gummies, etc., bring that issue into play. But safeguarding your stash is still each person's responsibility and that hasn't changed. Not preaching you know that, just an obvious potential issue. But the whole scene is pretty cool.

Okay, my buds want to go and I'm stoned and blogging. See ya!

Peace, Hyena

Thanks for the detailed imagery of the Colorado marketplace! I've wondered for some time what it's like
Great breakdown Hyena!!! Very eloquently worded. I couldn't agree much more with your assesment.

For a veteran smoker they sure know how to make you feel like you know nothing about cannabis, which as you said is them just trying to blow a ton of smoke up my ads.

Do you prefer a sativa or indica? And then they proceed to make them seem like total opposites. One that brings you down and another that has you all creative and energetic.

I told them shit which ones gets me the most high? Lol. I mean I don't give 2 shits about the effect other than does it get me realllllllly stoned. And honestly I can't notice a huge difference. But I can tell you when the weed DOSENT get me high ..

They really gear the recreational marijuana for.... recreational weekend smokers. They need a separate line for those who already know they just want a the strongest shit in the joint. It would be nice to walk up say sativa, hybrid, or Indica and be out the door after 5 mins without the "history of cannabis and it's uses" lecture from a D class bud tender.....

But I also can't seem to ever spend under a few hundred dollars on all the strain names and Shitty buttered concentrate.

I will say increddibles 100 mg strawberry shake chocolate bar is the best buy Every time I step foot into a shop!!!
Seattle had a similar scene. It wasn't limited to one gram containers, but everything for the most part was hermetically sealed.
A bit hyped and over priced, though I also played the tourist.

There was a soda that came in a few flavors. Like lemon ginger, and pomegranate. Indica or sativa, and low to high doses.
It was called Legal, and was pretty delightful.

Mrs.A and I had a great time downing one before outings. :tokin:

She is a lightweight so on the trip out she spaced out in the airport. I went to the latrine, and told her to stay put.
I found her wandering around, being assisted by an employee looking for me.:rofl:
Great breakdown Hyena!!! Very eloquently worded. I couldn't agree much more with your assesment.

For a veteran smoker they sure know how to make you feel like you know nothing about cannabis, which as you said is them just trying to blow a ton of smoke up my ads.

Do you prefer a sativa or indica? And then they proceed to make them seem like total opposites. One that brings you down and another that has you all creative and energetic.

I told them shit which ones gets me the most high? Lol. I mean I don't give 2 shits about the effect other than does it get me realllllllly stoned. And honestly I can't notice a huge difference. But I can tell you when the weed DOSENT get me high ..

They really gear the recreational marijuana for.... recreational weekend smokers. They need a separate line for those who already know they just want a the strongest shit in the joint. It would be nice to walk up say sativa, hybrid, or Indica and be out the door after 5 mins without the "history of cannabis and it's uses" lecture from a D class bud tender.....

But I also can't seem to ever spend under a few hundred dollars on all the strain names and Shitty buttered concentrate.

I will say increddibles 100 mg strawberry shake chocolate bar is the best buy Every time I step foot into a shop!!!

THANKS Dabber, great post!

Yes it's a retail experience buying something we always had to get in private so just that alone makes it weird.

BTW, how much of that 100 mg bar do you eat to get a good buzz? I mean, is 100mg one dose or ten?

Peace, Hyena
The dispensary you went to sounds different then the one I go to. It has jars of bud and some of the other stuff, but flower is their main focus. They had a really good New Year special, $107 Oz after taxes.

For sure. I went to four more places yesterday and two of them actually did the open jar thing then scooped. Yay! So I guess it might not be a state regulation to have everything in 1-gram increments. Bu I can tell you for certain a few of the dispensaries told me if I wanted an ounce I would get 28 1-grammers. Must just be a business preference. Another possibility is there are different merchandising guidelines/rules in different areas, we were in one of the most affluent parts of Denver on day one.

I'm not here to study business just to get high and hike, sooooo, that's my best guess. But the scene is cool.

Peace, Hyena
Seattle had a similar scene. It wasn't limited to one gram containers, but everything for the most part was hermetically sealed.
A bit hyped and over priced, though I also played the tourist.

There was a soda that came in a few flavors. Like lemon ginger, and pomegranate. Indica or sativa, and low to high doses.
It was called Legal, and was pretty delightful.

Mrs.A and I had a great time downing one before outings. :tokin:

She is a lightweight so on the trip out she spaced out in the airport. I went to the latrine, and told her to stay put.
I found her wandering around, being assisted by an employee looking for me.:rofl:

That's hilarious!

I actually picked up some brownie products and even a pack of the hot chocolate...I'm thinking the time is coming when I need to turn my wife on to some of this. She hates smoking so that's got zero traction. I will probably lay a brownie on her when we go to Las Vegas in March. Las Vegas would be a fantastically interesting place for those first few near-hallucinogenic experiences you have when you first start...plus if she's wandering around drooling there she won't even stand out. :laugh:

Peace, Hyena
THANKS Dabber, great post!

Yes it's a retail experience buying something we always had to get in private so just that alone makes it weird.

BTW, how much of that 100 mg bar do you eat to get a good buzz? I mean, is 100mg one dose or ten?

Peace, Hyena
Morning Hyena!

Hmm. At one point when I was smoking a lot of concentrate, 1 bar was a dose. That was a few years back. Now days 30 to 50 mgs has me buzzing like a bee hive .

The best thing I can suggest is starting with 20 wait and adjust based on your first experience. But be warned the eddible tastes so good it can be difficult to take just one bite.
Morning Hyena!

Hmm. At one point when I was smoking a lot of concentrate, 1 bar was a dose. That was a few years back. Now days 30 to 50 mgs has me buzzing like a bee hive .

The best thing I can suggest is starting with 20 wait and adjust based on your first experience. But be warned the eddible tastes so good it can be difficult to take just one bite.

Man my edibles always taste like shit! Lol
I's Tuesday, time for a


Got back from Denver and here's how we look...


Most everybody is popping and thriving...the general health of everybody is nice according to the leaves. I'm only giving an introductory amount of nutes, a couple splashes of Grow and one of Micro, with a couple shots of Cal-Mag which goes a LONG way...I used to add it all the time but I believe a nice shot stays available in the solution for awhile.

My first disappointment was that one of the two open pots is still empty. I know I planted a just-popping Blue Hyena there before I left last Thursday...it should be up and thriving by now! Then I looked closer...I was tweaking the water flow before I left, adjusting the valves on all the feeder tubes so the flow is even, and moved a few buckets around...and totally forgot to turn the valve back on on the tube going to the seed. It was totally dry. Shit.

So, I have one Blue Hyena this time around.


At this point it's too late to add another plant from seed...it would be too far behind.

Soooo, here's what we will have comprising PROJECT 27 going forward:

Left side: BIG NUGS FAST

There are four in the front and middle pots...plenty enough for a good solid try of the strain.


The third plant in the back is a solo White Widow. Nice.

Center row:

The front bucket will remain empty. But the middle and back have some great babies!

Center are two Hyena Berrys...my new blend. There were three and I had to swallow hard and chop one (sob!) since I think three would be counterproductive in a two-gallon pot. God I hated to chop it...I nuked the shortest one though they all three looked great.


The two Sour Jack are in the back...they both look fine and healthy. I have heard a lot about Sour Jack and all of it was good so I'm excited to see this new variety in my garden.

On the right side, there's a solo Big Nugs Fast in front, then the other two Hyena Berrys in the middle, with the single Blue Hyena in the back.


So everybody is up and on their way. Part one is over. Soon I will string the SCROG and get ready to start working them everywhere. Things get crowded and green in here so fast... it's nice to pause and appreciate the room without the jungle. So soon it will be huge!

Finally, after spending a great four days in Denver with the legal weed scene and all, I spent the flight home reviewing my smoking habits and my cannabis consumption in general.

I made this pie chart to illustrate my conclusions:


Peace, Hyena
Your update answers a question of mine i believe. I just added to drippers to my new beans. So i leave the drip directly on the bean before it breaches surface correct? I am new to recirculating With a fresh start and not from clone.

I place the tubes so the flow will touch each plug on the side but not directly on top. The beans need air too. The plugs I use soak up the water fine and stay moist. I also have a little squirt bottle used for basting that I use to squirt a little bit of water on each plug directly once each day for the first few days just to make sure.

I think soaking all beans for 24 hours in water then planting in the plugs increases the chance they will all sprout together. Sometime the plugs just don't soak the seeds enough.

Peace, Hyena
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