Indoor Grow July 2009 : AustralianQ1 CaliGDP CaliSSH CaliOrange DutchWidowSkunk


The last plant in the recent photo's is a bubblegum clone I took off an outdoor plant. It has a very unusual leaf shape to it as it is a late taken clone, but the new growth is all traditional cannabis leaf shape. A great little clone though as it is all budding sites and yet again I cannot rave enough about the Bubblegum as a variety!!


Longest I have been able to store and keep pollen was 18months. It could have been longer perhaps, but what I had at the time I completely used. I guess maybe 2 years would be about the longest? Not really sure but I have had seeds last 5 years in the freezer, so it is difficult to say. How long have you found yours lasts in the freezer?


Longest I have been able to store and keep pollen was 18months. It could have been longer perhaps, but what I had at the time I completely used. I guess maybe 2 years would be about the longest? Not really sure but I have had seeds last 5 years in the freezer, so it is difficult to say. How long have you found yours lasts in the freezer?

The general consensus on the storage of pollen from what I've read and heard on the subject, is that it's usually only good for at most a couple of months in the refrigerator (not freezer) before it gets moldy.

The pollen I collected on my first LR grow has been kept in the refrigerator for about 8 months now and is still viable.

Haven't heard of storing it frozen, but it makes sense, and you have been able to keep it viable far longer than anyone else I've heard of. I'm glad I asked.

I think the reason the pollen I collected hasn't molded is because I stored a very small amount. The more you store, the more moisture it's going to have, and the higher the risk for mold.

I probably stored less than half a dram in a small clear plastic container. I think a clear container may also help keep things from getting moldy. No grains of rice or dessicant of any kind, although that would have been a good idea.

So, that's been my experience as far as pollen goes. Thanks for sharing yours. I'm taking notes.

Believe it or not, as far as seeds go, I have some that have been kept mostly refrigerated for 34 years, with a few long periods where they were at room temps.

I stashed them in an ammunition box in 1975 in a Kodak film canister and completely forgot about them.

Came from a lid of Mexican brick weed I'm sure, because mostly all we had back then, but I wouldn't have saved them if the weed was bunk.

I haven't tried to sprout them because I'm saving them until I get a bit more experience. If they sprout, they're gonna be tall. Another few months or a year isn't going to make much difference as far as their viability;)

I haven't stored any other seeds for any significant length of time.



I do exactly the same as you. Collect and refrigerate until I need to use it. The longest I have kept pollen for and for it to be viable was 2 years. However, I try to use it straight from the open flower as a general rule. In a breeding programme the refrigeration works great though. Especially if there is a trait from the male you are particularly interested in keeping.

Does SS stand for super stoned?
Ahhh, your girls are still lookin lovely man. Keep up the great work.
Ya really notice the diff with that 1k watt light! LOL.
Day 38

Closeup of plants showing sexing.

The Q1, being a feminised plant is showing small pollen like sacks, which I would normally consider to be male. As the plants are a known commodity, and being feminised, means that I am aware of the male flowers but they barely get to any size or mature.

Interestingly, they don't do this when grown outdoors properly, and, clones taken do not show any of the immature and under developed male flowers




Cmx & Wolfie,

Am trying to get better pictures of the Q1 and how it shows male sexing to start but ends up all female. Not hermy in behaviour at all. Just starts with male flowers that never really mature, and if there are any that I do want to keep I leave them on and let them open. Just thought you may want to see it yourself :)
Day 40

The family as they are under 1000Watts of HPS.



This photo is of the WidowSkunk, a closeup of its pollen sacks. Great colouration! This plant has been outside 8 days now and appears to be handling the cool. It should, he's Dutch, they would be used to the cold.


This is the closeup of early sexing that will be of interest to many of the feminised Q1.
Notice in the 1st picture how it appears to be male. These sacks never fully develop and pose no threat of pollination. The 2nd and 3rd shots show the pistils starting to appear.




Make sure that you do!! As with all feminised seed, there is the desire to rip them out wneh they first start sexing as they appear male. What I also see with the Q1 is that sometimes the pollen flowers will ripen and other times not at all. If I do want any pollen it can be a bit hit and miss. Outdoors, and when cloned, this never happens. It only appears from seed.

When the Q1 first starts to show sexing, it appears that it is a male as the pollen sacks appear first. These never fully ripen and open up. There is the temptation to rip it out but just leave it and it will go all female with no hermi attributes. The little sacks I either leave or knock them off the plant. Every now and again 1 of these will mature and I use the pollen to cross into something else or I repollinate another Q1 to keep fresh feminised seed.
Day 42

6 weeks into the grow from seed, and the family is looking very happy indeed!

Over the weekend here we have had 120km hr winds again and of the male plants that had been taken out and put outdoors, I have lost the CaliOrange and the CASSH due to the plants being snapped. Wind and young plants are not very good friends!!


Closeup pictures of some of the girls



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