J.J.'s Everything Your'e Not Supposed to do During a Grow Journal

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I hope you get an answer, I saw yours and was going to post a thread asking the same for a quite hot & humid environment without access to a/c.

Do you have an area that you could keep more humid? Seems to me that around 65 degrees and 50-60 RH is the sweet spot for drying and curing from all the reading I've been doing. Here it will be like 90 & 60-70.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I hope you get an answer, I saw yours and was going to post a thread asking the same for a quite hot & humid environment without access to a/c.

Do you have an area that you could keep more humid? Seems to me that around 65 degrees and 50-60 RH is the sweet spot for drying and curing from all the reading I've been doing. Here it will be like 90 & 60-70.

The only places in my house that is even close to that humid, is the laundry room (when I am drying a load of laundry because the vent is blocked, and I have panty hose on the end of the vent line for dust/lint) or the bathrooms. But the RH isn't consistent in either. It is only humid in the bathrooms when you shower, or shave etc. Once the doors are open, it dries out fast.

For your problem, try sticking a couple of 1 lb bags of rice in your drying area. I played violin eons ago, and lived in a hot/humid state, and violins are put together using water soluble glue. My violin fell apart from the humidity one year, and the repair shop suggested that I keep a bag of rice in the case to absorb any extra moisture. It worked! Just get the kind of rice that you have to cook, not instant, and if you are going to keep it in the plastic bag you got it in, poke holes in it everwhere with a toothpick or something small, (smaller than a grain of rice). Or you could put it in small a cotton bag.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Whew, got a little spooked. Went to come here and log in and the site was POOFED! As in I ping the server and get "Request Timed Out" poofed...

The girls liked their nutes so much, that there was NOTHING in the resevoir this afternoon on lights on. I might have to water them again tomorrow. I guess since this is week 7 of flower, they are starting to pack on the weight, and need the water and nutes to grow nice and big.

No one has still answered my question in the harvesting section. I live in basically a high mountain desert area. It's very dry, and has cooler temps in the summer months. We haven't gotten above 85 yet this year. The only time the Relative Humidity gets out of the 20% range is when it is raining...

Gonna do a pre lights off check on the girls.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Thanks for the help.I took a pic of a special plant.E-mailed it to myself,saved it,and now I can't resize it.Tried paint,and a few online resizers.No big deal but what do you think of this.I think I'm going to get a web-cam.The plants are in my room anyway.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Here we go,potted today,
On top is Bubba on bottom is Blackberry,and thats another blackberry on the floor still waiting for a pot/dirt
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Thanks for the tip about rice GD. I'm going to try it. I have these things called DampRid from Lowes that use calcium chloride to absorb moisture, but rice has got to be lots cheaper.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Thanks for the help.I took a pic of a special plant.E-mailed it to myself,saved it,and now I can't resize it.Tried paint,and a few online resizers.No big deal but what do you think of this.I think I'm going to get a web-cam.The plants are in my room anyway.

There is a photo editing software called GIMP, it's free, and it does a pretty good job for editing and resizing pics.

I see you got it resized and posted, they both look good!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Thanks for the tip about rice GD. I'm going to try it. I have these things called DampRid from Lowes that use calcium chloride to absorb moisture, but rice has got to be lots cheaper.

Yup, especially if you use No name/Generic Rice in a bag. Just check the rice daily for signs of mold. They absorb water, but water breeds mold... Damp rid is nice for basements, but I wouldn't want to test out what they would do to plants. Rice is all natural, cheap, and easy.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Lights on check on the girls. Penelope's top cola is now wider than my thumb. Her lower colas are trying to fill the gap, and her popcorn colas are getting bigger... They are almost quarter sized.

Hermi-one, well I did a thorough check on her last night, and I can only see 5 budding spots that have seeds, the rest seems to escaped her attempt at seeding herself.

Still no answer to my question in the harvesting forum... wonder if I should cross post it to the FAQ or How to forums?
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Still no answer to my question in the harvesting forum... wonder if I should cross post it to the FAQ or How to forums?

Go for it, they get a lot more traffic. Surely there are some people on here who have dealt with your issue in the past.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

this is the special one.she's over 3 1/2 ft tall,2nd week of 12/12

I had to change format as well as resize,but I got it done eventually.
I think your question will fit in the "how to",maybe you will get a response.
Thanks again
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

It's been quite rainy here over the last few days. Maybe our monsoon summers are back? It's been 11 years since we've had this much rain, so maybe.

Anyway today's RH is 73% and it's been raining off and on all day. The girls are digging the nutes and sugar water. I guess since the brown sugar is from cane, and isn't refined, and they add molasses to it, it must be a good substitute.

We are on week 7 day 2 of flower, and trichs are still mostly clear, on both plants. I am seeing her pack on the weight in the last two weeks, but I don't think she's gonna be ready at 8 weeks flower. So I'll go by trich colors...

I'm going to be patient about the thread I posted. Maybe someone will see it and post something.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hey hey,

Haven't be around much this week but I think I can help with your humidity question. I have read that you want between 30% and 60% humidity for drying. with 30% being on the low end you'll just want to be vigilant and make sure it doesn't over dry. Also you want to keep in mind that the plant will be releasing moisture into the environment raising the humidity. Also on a less technical note I have always heard its best to cure plants in the same environment. More of an old wives tale.

Hope all is well!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hey hey,

Haven't be around much this week but I think I can help with your humidity question. I have read that you want between 30% and 60% humidity for drying. with 30% being on the low end you'll just want to be vigilant and make sure it doesn't over dry. Also you want to keep in mind that the plant will be releasing moisture into the environment raising the humidity. Also on a less technical note I have always heard its best to cure plants in the same environment. More of an old wives tale.

Hope all is well!

I might use the brown bag method, I also thought of trouser hangers (you know the ones with clips on them?) and use a combo of hanging them upside down, while in the bags, attached to the trouser hangers. *shrug* I have a while to ponder as the trichs just aren't right yet.

I do have a large jar that has an airtight seal on it, cleaned, sterilized through 2 dishwasher cycles. It used to be a candle jar, and I have washed out all traces of the candle, so that will be my curing jar. I am also going to get some mason jars in case it isn't enough (one can dream).

All is well with the girls. Checked soil dampness, and it is dry for the first inch, and then it's moist, I'll pick up the pots tomorrow and see if they need more water. I usually water on Wed/Sun but they have been really thirsty as of late. I might have to adjust to their increasing needs soon.

I need to find that honey spot on my camera that got me the trich shot a couple weeks ago.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Sneak Peak.

Took a few pics yesterday. This is the best shot of the Trichs. I'll try again tomorrow.

Be sure to click on the picture for the bigger image.

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

hmmmm that didn't work

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

awesome pic GaladrielDreams, I posted on your other thread, check it out if you haven't already ;)

Peace :)

Yup, I saw it thank you! If you saw my pic above, you can see they aren't quite ready yet. Still mostly clear trichs.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Mmmmm...trich porn. Very nice.

Thanks GG! I must have taken a dozen pics before I finally found the honey spot!

Trichs are still mostly clear, got a few cloudy heads in there, but not a lot.

I need to go check on the girls and see how damp the soil is.
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