J.J.'s Everything Your'e Not Supposed to do During a Grow Journal

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hi Young Lady Great pictures again.:)

Ok on the hermi. I understand better now. Your gonna love the new scope. I love looking at tricks. It's a different world. If you want a up high, harvest when you see 20 to 30% amber. That should do it. By the way, your doing one hell of a job! :bravo:
Thanks OMM!

It's been a long time since anyone called me Young Lady! Especially since I have what is considered old people diseases. LOL

Getting the pocket scope either today or tomorrow. It depends on when the old man can get to the Radio Shack. I figure since I am at least a couple weeks till harvest I can still manage with the camera for a day or two.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I wonder what the suits at Radio Shack think when they see that the sales of their pocket microscopes are up 3000% nationwide :bong:

Gal I love your pics. When I was looking at the first ones I too was taken by how otherworldly they look.... like alien sea creatures.

You should look into water curing if you're after edibles, some good threads on it here. I've never tried it... ha I've never tried anything... but apparently it leaches out all the water-soluble plant matter. You're left with odorless and tasteless high potency buds. And it's faster than air-curing.

I think hubby's whole issue with the edibles is the chlorophyll taste in them. So will water curing get rid of that, or preserve it? I figured if I gave them a good dry cure, then break it up, and make my budder, or add the leaves directly into the edibles that it would get rid of that taste? I dunno... I've got a while to figure that out yet.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Oh man, didn't you read the sub text? just remember they are clever beasts, the raptors that is... they can even work doors...

so THATs where all the scratch marks came from:rofl:

lol, that cracked me up...+reps....if it will let me
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I think hubby's whole issue with the edibles is the chlorophyll taste in them. So will water curing get rid of that, or preserve it? I figured if I gave them a good dry cure, then break it up, and make my budder, or add the leaves directly into the edibles that it would get rid of that taste? I dunno... I've got a while to figure that out yet.

Here's a thread talking about it:

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Here's a thread talking about it:

Thanks for the links! I'll definitely check them out!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hey GD, did you get your microscope yet? They're fun to play with. :)

Hubby is supposed to pick one up today.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hey GD,I just found your journal. Better late than never I guess! Looks like you have everything under control, Love your pics. If you haven't got your scope yet I would recommend you look for one with an LED. My regular scope works fine but it don't seem bright enough, and it goes through batteries rather quickly. A regular one will be fine though. :allgood: :peace:
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hey GD,I just found your journal. Better late than never I guess! Looks like you have everything under control, Love your pics. If you haven't got your scope yet I would recommend you look for one with an LED. My regular scope works fine but it don't seem bright enough, and it goes through batteries rather quickly. A regular one will be fine though. :allgood: :peace:

Got a link for the scope with an LED?

Thanks for stopping by! I take LOTS of pics because my camera has this funky auto focus thing. Out of 12 pics I might have 4 that are usable. I'm getting the hang of it though.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hubby brought me the pocket scope today. Went in, clipped a leaf, and put it under the scope. I think I need to break out tweezers to hold the leaf. It kept flopping all over the place and by the time I got to see trichs, they were all ripped off... LOL

I did look at one of the buds from my dispensary. NICE!! Put some Skywalker under it. Looked like a different planet!

So those who use the scope, what magnification level do you have it to view trichs?
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Congrats on the scope. Love the reviews, Hilarious! They take some getting used to, I use mine on the highest magnification but it's easier to get used to on lower settings. Have fun with your new toy :peace:
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

It takes a steady hand to use it on 100x magnification but the trichs are amazing. I used the 60x when my last buds were still on the plant.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

The best way is to cut a very small part of a leaf and put it on a solid surface(like a table),then put the scope on the surface. At least thats what works for my unsteady hand!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

The best way is to cut a very small part of a leaf and put it on a solid surface(like a table),then put the scope on the surface. At least thats what works for my unsteady hand!

That's what I did! put it on a white book, and I just could not get the damn leaf to stay in the spot I wanted, and it kept moving around, and by that time the stupid thing had more trichs ripped off than anything.

I did manage to see some on Hermione, I saw some amber trichs. not a lot, but they are there. right now, they halfway between clear and cloudy.

I'm going to see if I can take a pic with my cell phone camera with the scope. if it works, I'll post it.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hi Gal love those reviews lol! Word spreads fast.

Using advice from Woodsman I cut a small piece of leaf, put it on white cardboard and put that on a table.

You can really practice with anything so you have it more or less dialed in. I had better luck with the eyepiece all the way extended to 100x. Then I looked underneath to make sure I had it under the lens and voila there they were... all I had to do was focus a bit. Once you have it working leave it alone so you'll have it pretty close for the next time. Just make sure you have everything on a real steady surface... good luck!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Hi Gal love those reviews lol! Word spreads fast.

Using advice from Woodsman I cut a small piece of leaf, put it on white cardboard and put that on a table.

You can really practice with anything so you have it more or less dialed in. I had better luck with the eyepiece all the way extended to 100x. Then I looked underneath to make sure I had it under the lens and voila there they were... all I had to do was focus a bit. Once you have it working leave it alone so you'll have it pretty close for the next time. Just make sure you have everything on a real steady surface... good luck!

Good advice Blue. If you cut the leaf about the size of the switch to turn the scope on,it will fit and you wont tear the trichs off. I hope that makes sense, I'm having a hard time explaining it. Either I'm not too bright or over medicated, or probly both! :peace:
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Well, I see you got it!:yahoo:

I see Blue and the others have told you how to use it. When you place the very small piece of leaf on the white background carefully try to put it directly under the light and not touching the scope anywhere on the rim of the leaf. Like Blue said once focused, leave it and your next leaf will be almost there. Once you get used to it, you will be able to move the scope right, left, up, and down. It's kind weird, when you move left the view goes right. Same for up and down. I love the damn thing! I thought about buying a really fancy one, but why bother?

I missed who said it, but Radio Shack knows exactly what they are doing. This thing in one form or another has been selling for years!:yahoo:
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

The best way is to cut a very small part of a leaf and put it on a solid surface(like a table),then put the scope on the surface. At least thats what works for my unsteady hand!

I tried that last night. I cut the leaf off the plant, then put it down on a white piece of cardboard, and put the scope on top of it. I had to move the scope around and that's when the leaf started flopping all over the place.

I did see the trichs on the leaf, it just took a while before I got it all dialed in to the scope.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Good advice Blue. If you cut the leaf about the size of the switch to turn the scope on,it will fit and you wont tear the trichs off. I hope that makes sense, I'm having a hard time explaining it. Either I'm not too bright or over medicated, or probly both! :peace:

Yea I got the shakiest hands in the world I think. I'm going to keep practicing with Hermi-one. But thanks for explaining it.
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