J.J.'s Everything Your'e Not Supposed to do During a Grow Journal

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Well, I see you got it!:yahoo:

I see Blue and the others have told you how to use it. When you place the very small piece of leaf on the white background carefully try to put it directly under the light and not touching the scope anywhere on the rim of the leaf. Like Blue said once focused, leave it and your next leaf will be almost there. Once you get used to it, you will be able to move the scope right, left, up, and down. It's kind weird, when you move left the view goes right. Same for up and down. I love the damn thing! I thought about buying a really fancy one, but why bother?

I missed who said it, but Radio Shack knows exactly what they are doing. This thing in one form or another has been selling for years!:yahoo:
Thanks for stopping by OMM!

It is going to take a lot of practice getting the hang of the scope. Good thing Hermi-one is up for the challenge! LOL
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Ok Trich report


Mostly clear 50%
Some Cloudy 25 %
Few Amber less than 3%

Getting the hang of the pocket scope though!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Ok Trich report


Mostly clear 50%
Some Cloudy 25 %
Few Amber less than 3%

Getting the hang of the pocket scope though!

I really don't mean any offense, but look real hard at that total trich report :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Something is missing.:grinjoint:

Don't get mad at me! :yahoo: Just have another bowl!:)
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I really don't mean any offense, but look real hard at that total trich report :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Something is missing.:grinjoint:

Don't get mad at me! :yahoo: Just have another bowl!:)
I know, it doesn't add up to 100% but the remainder is my margin for error :)

I figure I can't give an accurate estimate on trichs using a leaf less than 1/2 inch long...

Today is Week 8 Day 2 (Flowering day 58) on an Indica Dominant plant.

So who wants to start a pool on how much my plants put out?? ;)

I'll be happy if I get an once and a half...
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Day 58 wow! You should be ready real soon Gal, I very curious to see how quickly your trichs turn amber. Post some current pics of your plants and we'll get the yield speculation underway.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Day 58 wow! You should be ready real soon Gal, I very curious to see how quickly your trichs turn amber. Post some current pics of your plants and we'll get the yield speculation underway.

They are starting to turn amber now. They are mostly clear/ some cloudy/ and some are starting to get an amber hue to them. Like coca cola... LOL It's hard to get it on the cardboard the right way up the first time, so by the time I get to look at trichs, the heads are ripped off

I can't get the scope and my camera on my cell phone to work together. :(

I'll take some pics with the good cam this evening. I'll try and pop something in for perspective. Right now, it's a hot one out there, and I am giving the girls some conditioned air. It's still not too hot in the grow room, and I can go in there with a jeans and t-shirt and not be too hot.

Will remind myself to take tip from Woodsman. Only 10 pics... LOL its a lot of work putting them all up...
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Picture Time!~





Ignore my white spot, I got burned by the light!




Damn camera works better than the pocket scope.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Wow! great shots! how did you pull those ones off?

Also ladies looking fantastic, wont be long now!
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Great pictures!:cheer:
Thanks! I have more, I just need to resize.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Wow! great shots! how did you pull those ones off?

Also ladies looking fantastic, wont be long now!

Take lots of pics, unload the camera, open up browse in Paint Shop Pro, and find the picture that's in focus and crop and zoom! ;)

I figure maybe another week or two left? They are going from mostly clear, to cloudy, and I can see a few amber heads. Not many, but I can see them.

I may have to sample some for research and development. How do you quick dry buds? I have an Aqua Pipe (bubbler) so I can deal with the harshness with an ice cube in it :smokin:
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I place them in a metal cake pan. Place in the oven, then turn on to warm. 30 min later they are ready to smoke.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I quick dry with a method that I think I got from this site...break up the bud and stick it in an envelope on top of my light hood for a couple hours.

Your trich porn is lovely as usual, but you know what I'd also like to see the next time you feel like taking pics? It would be awesome to see some close-ups of those beautiful long white pistils.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

I place them in a metal cake pan. Place in the oven, then turn on to warm. 30 min later they are ready to smoke.


The last time I quick dried anything I used my laptop video vents :rofl: dried them FAST!!!

But I kid with the pics. This is what I did, I zoomed in as close as I could get and then waited for the camera to focus, if it didn't focus right away, I backed off the zoom a bit, waited, and if it was in focus, took the pic. Then I edited and cropped them with my photo editing software.

With my pocket scope, I cut off a piece of leaf, then put it on a piece of white cardboard, and hope that it doesn't land the wrong way or flip. Then I check it out with the scope. Most of the time, the leaf has flipped so many times that the trichs are ripped off. So I really am digging that my camera can take trich pics.

God my head is POUNDING...
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Yeah I figured you camera could. I'f my 4 year old powershot can yours had too!

you should smoke a bowl if you head hurts. Always helps me..
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Your trich porn is lovely as usual, but you know what I'd also like to see the next time you feel like taking pics? It would be awesome to see some close-ups of those beautiful long white pistils.

Like this?

Or do you want it zoomed in more? Hairs aren't so white anymore...
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Yeah I figured you camera could. I'f my 4 year old powershot can yours had too!

you should smoke a bowl if you head hurts. Always helps me..

Oh I am going to. Just waiting for the old man to get home from our biz.
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Yeah I'm doing the same, the misses is still at the office, which is f'ing nuts! Its like 11 and she went in at 11..
Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal

Your trich porn is lovely as usual, but you know what I'd also like to see the next time you feel like taking pics? It would be awesome to see some close-ups of those beautiful long white pistils.

Or this?

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