Laid off, Broke, and tired of paying these high bud prices.

ok well i hope someone else tunes in becausei thik 150 is way to small and i think oyu can easily double your yield easy with switching to a 250w hps just saying have seen the results and the time verses the bud amount quality and effort it is not worth it comparing to the price anyways TTUL

hmm..double huh? any idea how big a dent that's gonna make in power bill a month? just an average..50? 60? 70?...100?
Just a passing observation Roller, + reps on the light canopy btw, as long as your going to finish with CFL's you might want to lower it, get it closer to the tops by putting in a few more side supports, allowing you to raise it as the plants gain height. Be a DIY cheap-o mod. Good looking grow!
DIY is always the most fun, and less $
it was pretty fun and now im seeing some areas for improvement..

omg no if it is .11-12 cent per kilowatt in the states and it would take you 4 hours oof running for it to cost .11-12 cent therefore at 18 it waould cost around .50 cents a dayequalling to 15 a month
you should become a sales man..if the price still holds for that 250w then i'll get that when the time comes...thx bro for chiming in on this...:cheer:

or a 120 some Watt LED light... then it would be about as much electricity as an old light bulb.
too spendy for day though..

LOL, Yeah... You gonna watch may fav grow in the signature??
yeah i was reading it last night...nice...i'll be following.

Just a passing observation Roller, + reps on the light canopy btw, as long as your going to finish with CFL's you might want to lower it, get it closer to the tops by putting in a few m ore side supports, allowing you to raise it as the plants gain height. Be a DIY cheap-o mod. Good looking grow!
thx bro...i was gonna lower it yesterday but got a little lazy..get to it as soon as the lights come on..:grinjoint:
Henny (has fat leaves, indica i think...)

Ali (sativa)


Grow light 250 watt sun system they are everywhere.
I was a saleman once or twice but what a grind for money i hate talking out of my ass and alot of it unless it is somthing i love and enjoy anyways I would just love to see your results making you ever so happy making it a better expereince for everyone.
anyways plants look great and more trichs by the day
Ali is looking Sativa with a capital S. Do you know the strain? Them sob's take along time to start to flower, yet longer to finnish. Looks great I have a pure sativa going she finally started flowering after like 3 weeks of 12/12. I hear it can take up to 12 weeks to flower. Hope you still till it shows the long ass main cola. I'm going for my first 'skinney ass leaved mfer'. Hard to see what they are from the last few pages. I'm lazy and I just first time looked. But last page looks like spring is in the air, or flowers are starting to bloom. GL
I'll look back as time let's me. But looks good so far.....++
Let me forewarn you, if you are thinging of a lite, always get more than you really think you need, or more than what ad's tell you. I hear you can 'keep' a plant alive with semi good growth at 2,000 lums per square ft. Dude what you got you could 'easly run a 250 'with prefect results. IF you can keep the heat down. I seen the size of your box but forgot, or can you up to T-5 units. They put out some lums seeing as close as you can mount them from the canopy of your babies. But I always found whatever life I buy I outgrow it REAL fast. Like next crop! Think it thru is all I can say. Htg has 250's like next to nothing. GL
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