Lights Out Smell?

They expell carbon dioxide at night and expell oxygen during the day.
I know the smell you are referring to and I always equated it to a large expulsion of CO2 at the onset on dark marking their transition.

I have nothing concrete though. Just a simple theory.
I am wrong. Plants have their stomata open during the day. Forgive my misinformation.

Taken from

Stomata are mouth-like cellular complexes at the epidermis that regulate gas transfer between plants and atmosphere. In leaves, they typically open during the day to favor CO2 diffusion when light is available for photosynthesis, and close at night to limit transpiration and save water.

Perhaps the closing of these causes a change bringing about the smell. Less transpiration?
Its pheromones, your plants have a crush on you and they are trying to tell you know telling you that you're super special. Show them how special they are by setting them on fire and smoking them. lol
I am wrong. Plants have their stomata open during the day. Forgive my misinformation.

Taken from

Stomata are mouth-like cellular complexes at the epidermis that regulate gas transfer between plants and atmosphere. In leaves, they typically open during the day to favor CO2 diffusion when light is available for photosynthesis, and close at night to limit transpiration and save water.

Perhaps the closing of these causes a change bringing about the smell. Less transpiration?
Haaaa...I get stoma and stomata confused all the time. I've smelled open stoma before...I'd like to avoid repeating the experience again.

I feel something like this is correct. I know sugars flow back down into the roots (which is my I harvest outdoor weed before the sun has a chance to start the daytime processes again). See...I was going to college for biomed (stopped to save my GPA when 2014 upended my life) so I kinda already know basic science shit and it's all getting refreshed because of weed :D Waaaay better than damned fruit flies omgihatethosethings
ROFL! I think stoma is the singular and stomata is the plural.

H.S. was so long ago plural doesn't even seem like a real word!
Stomata is a hole that acts as an access port into a person's gut. Kind of the same thing as plants...but they release two very different scents :D
my best plants have always been loud first thing in the morning and at the tag end of the day.

even my veg plants will get pissy during the day if i have to work on them. they let off odour for all sorts of reasons.
I noticed when upending my clones to transplant, the AC/DC's give off a strong scent...

If I bury my nose in the foliage after the transplant, I can't smell a thing.

Almost as if they ink like a squid.
Well, well...

An average numptie like meh... would say, ya suppose to run the extraction fan 24/7 sweetie :thumb:

Mmm age of carbon filter... ye they get old & it might be time to replace it ?

Some thing to do with RH or Relative Humidity effecting the special ingredient over time, I'm sure that is bed time reading for some :)
The smell is completely normal. I can tell upstairs when the lights go out for about 10 minutes. I have pretty good to professional air handling to go with. It completely overwhelms my scrubbers and its normal.

Now the reason it happens is complex.
The smells are terpines and terpanoids. Plants give these off more during the day than at night. It "may" be the terpanoids/terpines they give off at night are more perceivable by hoo-man sense of smell and as time passes we get used to the smell very quickly and it sorta goes away. Its likely mostly subjectivity of smell as sensed by people.

Here's the best answer I found so far - sounds sciency to me. There's a link to the science but I have yet to read it.

"The most common plant volatiles emitted by plants, sensed by the human nose and considered fragrantly pleasant are terpenes and terpenoids. Thousands of different terpenes and terpenoids have been chemically characterized, and each has a different smell as sensed by the human nose. Numerous scientific studies have found that emission of those volatiles is actually considerably greater in the light of day than in darkness, which seems to point to the possibility that plants do not really smell more at night. Perhaps they only smell differently because the complexity of compounds in the air has been reduced.

Many of the thousands of different organic molecules produced by plants are released into the air as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so this question is really quite complex (see Regulation of the Rhythmic Emission of Plant Volatiles by the Circadian Clock

It’s also worth noting in relation to the carbon cycle that VOCs are carbon-containing compounds. Thus, when attempting to understand the balance between carbon capture versus carbon loss in plant ecosystems, it is necessary to think beyond CO2 fixation (e.g., photosynthesis) and CO2 emission (e.g., respiration) to include all the VOCs being emitted. However, the fact that perennials (e.g., shrubs and trees) accumulate carbon-enriched biomass as wood and bark informs us that the net difference must be in favour of CO2 removal from the atmosphere."
Well, well...

An average numptie like meh... would say, ya suppose to run the extraction fan 24/7 sweetie :thumb:

Mmm age of carbon filter... ye they get old & it might be time to replace it ?

Some thing to do with RH or Relative Humidity effecting the special ingredient over time, I'm sure that is bed time reading for some :)
No need for a carbon filter :D I love the smell and so far my RH hasn't been horrible
I did mean to add, I've experienced the lights out smell. I sat in my grow, waiting for my heater control to cut on to make sure it was working right and didn't get to hot, it was on the heater. About 10 minutes in the heater cuts on and I stay in the dark to check the temps with lights out. All of a sudden that smell starts, an all organic smell. Like rare earth smell, or similar to that ozone scent in a rainstorm.
I then started to take off my clothes and make out with the closest plant until my wife came in and.. wink wink nudge nudge Bob's your uncle Eh? LOL ;)
The smell is completely normal. I can tell upstairs when the lights go out for about 10 minutes. I have pretty good to professional air handling to go with. It completely overwhelms my scrubbers and its normal.

Now the reason it happens is complex.
The smells are terpines and terpanoids. Plants give these off more during the day than at night. It "may" be the terpanoids/terpines they give off at night are more perceivable by hoo-man sense of smell and as time passes we get used to the smell very quickly and it sorta goes away. Its likely mostly subjectivity of smell as sensed by people.

Here's the best answer I found so far - sounds sciency to me. There's a link to the science but I have yet to read it.

"The most common plant volatiles emitted by plants, sensed by the human nose and considered fragrantly pleasant are terpenes and terpenoids. Thousands of different terpenes and terpenoids have been chemically characterized, and each has a different smell as sensed by the human nose. Numerous scientific studies have found that emission of those volatiles is actually considerably greater in the light of day than in darkness, which seems to point to the possibility that plants do not really smell more at night. Perhaps they only smell differently because the complexity of compounds in the air has been reduced.

Many of the thousands of different organic molecules produced by plants are released into the air as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so this question is really quite complex (see Regulation of the Rhythmic Emission of Plant Volatiles by the Circadian Clock

It’s also worth noting in relation to the carbon cycle that VOCs are carbon-containing compounds. Thus, when attempting to understand the balance between carbon capture versus carbon loss in plant ecosystems, it is necessary to think beyond CO2 fixation (e.g., photosynthesis) and CO2 emission (e.g., respiration) to include all the VOCs being emitted. However, the fact that perennials (e.g., shrubs and trees) accumulate carbon-enriched biomass as wood and bark informs us that the net difference must be in favour of CO2 removal from the atmosphere."
This is amazing info. I'm printing the paper out to read later. Thank you!
i really notice the smells of marijuana more so indica s in veg .. can really stink up the house with that special smell

turn on the big 6 in blower and carbon filter clean up fast..

i find the stink of the vegging plants really picks up if you make the enviroment really humid..

at night the light s go off and your grow do your turn off the fans and blower filters then ?

i do shortly after so the humidity builds up takes a while to stink the house..

but its a different stick very mature flower stink... which i also find stinks way more on humid days..
and can carry much farther .. once i was growing one plant in 2001 day 55 im coming home to my 1 bd high res apt
i can smell marijuana a hundred yrd from the building entrance was rainy drizzle humid sept day .. ontario.
i get to the lobby holly cow the stink elevator door opens another wave of stink...
i get up to the 9 th floor holy mother....

was day 55 i just chopped it down no filter..

1 4.5ft white widow plant lots of colas flo s and 430 hps light on top flos on side in a 16 inch hexagonal chamber
3 side with 4 fit double 40 watt fixture.. added the 430 to the top of chamber on parabolic reflector
1st grow with it.. true story 100yards away plus stank..
Lots of terps are volatile at different temperature. You might be smelling the ones that evapoate in cooler air. You can capture those terpenes if you harvest at just the right time.
Lots of terps are volatile at different temperature. You might be smelling the ones that evapoate in cooler air. You can capture those terpenes if you harvest at just the right time.
I have to agree with this theory of "might be" My experience in the past with commando grows, the guy in charge did actually get in the patch and wait till the sunset, I cant say why but that was some of the stinkiest skunky..I'm still trying to replicate it.
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