Math on seeds

Lol reminds me of that guy getting interviewed on the news.....Sir what would you do if you won the jackpot..... " Cocaine and strippers "

Hookers n blow.

Careful what you wish for.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one who's not comfortable with the math on the price of seeds. From what I gathered an average plant will have about 3600 seeds....
Sooo in my tiny little mind I see 1 plant as representing a $36,000 profit. Did I miss something in the translation? Capitalism? Too many seeds? OK lets say it's 3000 seeds/plant.... math says $30,000 profit.

New math, 5 seeds for $40 = 3600/5= 720 x$40= $28,800/plant still seems like capitalism at its finest.
or 3000seeds/5=600 x$40= $24,000/plant

am I kookoo? or what. or are we all kookoo.
Check out @New420Guy Seeds
Those are probably the prices you prefer.
I won’t buy from anyone else unless he runs out of strains.
Good stuff. I started ordering seeds for the first time this year and they are a bit pricey but honestly, I was just glad to be able to get good genetics delivered to my door discreetly.

I have now accumulated a nice stash of genetics over a few orders and I'm starting to breed those for the first time.

Now I should be set with a relatively small investment assuming breeding goes well.
Okay, so here's the question that gets the whole saloon fist fighting each other :lot-o-toke: I'll probably be the one that gets thrown through the swinging doors out into the street for asking, but how much do you guys think a non-college degreed marijuana breeder should earn in a year?
Why does college education mean anything? Plenty of welders, hell even salary capped factory rats make more than teachers. Also yearly income is pretty varied across the country. I'll guarantee anyone that lives on a coast or even in a city couldn't survive on what we make in a year, yet we live comfortably here. 50k in the middle of nowhere Midwest goes farther than 100k in LA. Does a dishwasher in NYC deserve to make more than a medical assistant in Iowa?
Okay, so here's the question that gets the whole saloon fist fighting each other :lot-o-toke: I'll probably be the one that gets thrown through the swinging doors out into the street for asking, but how much do you guys think a non-college degreed marijuana breeder should earn in a year?
We talking working in a facility growing cannabis.
Okay, so here's the question that gets the whole saloon fist fighting each other :lot-o-toke: I'll probably be the one that gets thrown through the swinging doors out into the street for asking, but how much do you guys think a non-college degreed marijuana breeder should earn in a year?

Get a "reel" job... lol

Go fishing.
We talking working in a facility growing cannabis.

No. On your own, one guy. Every two years, using separate greenhouses you manage to produce five new strains. With a good reputation and most of the new strains you create being top sellers, you also have been taught in school by educated botanists and have ten years of experience which pretty much totally eliminates any problems you might run across in growing or breeding. You clone all five F1 mother plants at the end and get 200,000 seeds of each strain, totaling 1,000,000 seeds. How much should you get paid for one million $15.00 seeds getting sold by that seedbank? Or in other words, two years work that could be done in an average size suburbanite home?
Does a dishwasher in NYC deserve to make more than a medical assistant in Iowa?

I wouldn't take 100K for dishwasher job in NYC.

The rats, man I hate rats.

You have to factor in all the real hardships of being a breeder. The endless drama. The hissy fits. The pain. The other douchebags pretending they originated your strain, the partners ripping off your genetics and starting rival businesses, the endless hours you have to spend on social media shredding the other guys to defend your rep, the catfights, hair pulling, face scratching, .. the medical expenses. It takes real work to attain real credibility like that.
Yes yes ... short term memory ...the first thing to go. Then next it’s math skills. Not to worry mate. :passitleft:

I guess for the most part people feel kind of fond of their favorite seed producers. Though I’ve dealt with a couple rotten ones. Like that one with the dopey ‘royal clown’ mascot. But usually ten dollars spent on a seed is good value. Years and years of cloning if it’s a good one- and if I want to breed it, the fun can go on for lifetimes.

Wait what? My favourite seed vendors got seen sucking champagne off supermodels’ butts through rolled up thousand dollar bills at a cocaine fueled orgy ??
Those bastards! This changes everything!!! I’m never buying there again!!!
Lmfao!! "sucking champagne off supermodels' butts through rolled up thousand dollar bills at a cocaine fueled orgy..."
That's hucking filarious man! Brings back some good ol memories tho. Cept it tweren't champagne going up the rolled up bills. Those days are long gone. I'm not as young as I once was.
On the topic though, every seed I've purchased whether $3 or $15 I've always considered money well spent. I always feel like I get more than my money's worth. I love exploring the world of cannabis. So many wonderful strains to try. That's just my two cents
Yes yes ... short term memory ...the first thing to go. Then next it’s math skills. Not to worry mate. :passitleft:

I guess for the most part people feel kind of fond of their favorite seed producers. Though I’ve dealt with a couple rotten ones. Like that one with the dopey ‘royal clown’ mascot. But usually ten dollars spent on a seed is good value. Years and years of cloning if it’s a good one- and if I want to breed it, the fun can go on for lifetimes.

Wait what? My favourite seed vendors got seen sucking champagne off supermodels’ butts through rolled up thousand dollar bills at a cocaine fueled orgy ??
Those bastards! This changes everything!!! I’m never buying there again!!!
The full quote is "I don't remember saying anywhere that I wanted to produce seeds. Just bringing up a subject. I also don't remember saying I was looking to buy seeds just yet. "

Somehow you broke that down to "I don't remember" "I also don't remember" ? Then you go on to talk about your hookers coke and champagne?

Look mr. You're one of the seed producers from what I'm gathering here, looks like I hit somekind nerve... I can relate I've only 1 of those suckers left myself. But to suggest my math is going next is pretty lame IMO. Maybe my math is wrong have you ever counted your seeds from 1 plant? maybe there's less.....or more. Or do you just weigh them, how many seeds are in a lb anyway? Instead of giving us reasons your making a big joke about this. There are legitimate arguments for you no doubt
That dopey royal clown mascot you talking about? Does that refer to the seeds I bought? I dunno, all I know is when I go to the store to buy seeds my choices are very limited as in one choice of breeder per store and I need to travel 60 mile round trip to find a city with 3 stores in it. 3 stores = a possible 3 different breeders (lucky if you get 2). I don't give a rats ass who produced the seeds I'm just looking for some seeds and I would like to know at least if there are auto or not auto, bag seeds can throw shit off time for me.
I grow 2-4 plants legally, personal use. I ain't no master grower I'm a master smoker though. Personal use and I have very little to give away for now, my pots sit up high (no kneeling) my pots are shallow so I don't expect big yields anytime soon, don't need them either.

I'm on disability, my income is $800/month I'm allowed to make $5000/year and not a penny more, I wish I could earn that $5000 instead I have to cash in rrsp every year to keep the wolves away. I plate my car only in the months I have DR's appointment (3 time/year). I did the math and I questioned, you were quick to rebut, that's cool but I believe carrying on with somekind argument is not gonna be my best option. I do get out of hand, perhaps I already did again I don't recall all that I've I've said in this very thread. bla bla bla there I go rambling on.... check my tag out.

I smoke pot and it's byproducts, I gave up mushrooms, alcohol and acid years ago and I never did like cocaine. Last I sold any pot was years ago last I bought pot was when it became legal here. I grow my own for myself and friends. I barely pay my bills and could use extra cash but I don't produce enough and it's illegal. Not saying I'm a saint just saying I don't need any unnecessary risks at this time in my life.

$60/grow is a bit much in my books, cloning puts me in that 'unnecessary risks' category.

One last thing buying online is not an option everyone can access.
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