Mendocino Skunky Garlic Auto-Flower 2023

Day 7 Above Ground
She's as slow of a starter as I've had. I'm going to threaten her with the defibrillator if she doesn't get a move on. At least she's pushing her first true leaves now. I've got the Vivosun VS1500 at 24" away, 50% on the dial, and I lowered the fan so that I can see her rustle when it passes by. My planned feeding schedule may be too heavy for her but I'm going to start easing into "V1" and see how she responds:



Looking at the par map, it looks like at 24 @ 50% may be setting around 500 PPFD. Personally, I'd turn it down around 25% @ 18 AND that should yield a PPFD near the 200 mark where seedlings are most comfortable.

Good Call, I was/am guessing about height and intensity until flower honestly and need to be more scientific. I'll make that change here in a bit.
Day 11 Above Ground
Hey Everyone, We are finally starting to see some action over here as she's gaining in size and starting to push her 4th node. I've got the light at 18"/25% (~273umol/m2, thanks Greengo) and am watering in small but frequent increments (2-3 times per day) with PH'd DI and 7.5ML/G of FoxFarm Big Bloom, an OMRI certified stew of bat guano and worm castings. After a quick water and camera shoot, she's resting comfortably at 77.2d/66% RH. What more could a girl ask for?




Day 15 Above Ground
2 weeks in and things are getting serious. I haven't fed her other than the Geoflora that went into the soil but she seems really happy now that she's gotten her legs under her. Her color is a beautiful light green and her nodes are lock-tight (5 nodes in 2.5" plant?). I swear I see little crystals already and proved it by trying to remove a Big Bloom stain from a fan leaf. My fingers still smell like a molded potato chip pulled through an onion and chive lovers curdled cheese dip. She's definitely going to challenge the carbon filter. It wont be long now before she gets topped (as soon as the 5th node shows itself) and transplanted to her final home, a 5G fabric pot.






Day 15 Above Ground
2 weeks in and things are getting serious. I haven't fed her other than the Geoflora that went into the soil but she seems really happy now that she's gotten her legs under her. Her color is a beautiful light green and her nodes are lock-tight (5 nodes in 2.5" plant?). I swear I see little crystals already and proved it by trying to remove a Big Bloom stain from a fan leaf. My fingers still smell like a molded potato chip pulled through an onion and chive lovers curdled cheese dip. She's definitely going to challenge the carbon filter. It wont be long now before she gets topped (as soon as the 5th node shows itself) and transplanted to her final home, a 5G fabric pot.






Looking great! I won a pack of Twenty20 Mendocino's Unreleased cultivar for 420.... I'm stoked to have her to test and can hardly wait to Germ one..

Looking great! I won a pack of Twenty20 Mendocino's Unreleased cultivar for 420.... I'm stoked to have her to test and can hardly wait to Germ one..

Oh wow that's awesome greengo. The whip is one of there primary strains if i recall. @ me when you start your journal i'd love to follow along
I've said this before, I wish I could include a "smell" icon in a post so you could all experience this. Everyone says there plant is "dank" or "rank" or whatever, but i happened to put my face down close to count nodes and for a 3" baby girl she stinks like a vampires doom. The breeder used the word "savory", I can smell that, a rotting meat with a spritz of skunk and onion or garlic, stupendously nauseating already.
I had a couple of hours this morning so did a little prep work for the move to her final home, a 5G fabric pot. I really like how @LKABudMan does his transplants so my process is a mirror of what he does, meaning backwards :). I also nudged the light up a bit (20"/50%, or about 480 umol/m2). That's a little hot, so I am keeping a close eye and will adjust at any signs of stress. This is getting exciting, she looks really nice, a hulk/Bruce Banner type green.





Day 19 Above Ground
Hey Team.....I moved our little vampire slayer to her final home, a roomy 5G fab. I just dropped her, peat pot and all, into a Great White Myco lined hole (of the same size as the peat pot), backfilled, watered in, and off we go. I read somewhere that you do not want to confine autos or they flower prematurely. I don't "think" a peat pot is "confinement", but I poked a few holes in it just to be safe.

She didn't seem to like the light increase from a couple of days ago (looks a little droopy), so I went back to 25%/~17" for now. That's a bad habit of mine, too much too soon, then having to switch all over, but despite my impatience, she's pushing her 5th node. As soon as there is room I'll slip in there and top her between the 4th and 5th nodes. I am fighting a constant urge to feed her as well but her coty's are still green, that GeoFlora seems to be hanging in there. If the light decrease doesn't fix the droopiness i'll give her a snort of Nitrogen and see if that's what she is looking for. Here is the feed/supplement plan for the next week plus some shots of the up-pot. Thanks everyone, as always:hookah:








Is she a little light on green or is that the lightening?
Yeah good eye Trala she is a little limey but I think that’s her natural color she’s always been a lighter shade. I was thinking about a little nitrogen if she is still droopy looking tomorrow. When did you start feeding your auto? I feel like I’m in mimosa world again with the light issues. I veg like a fuktard but flower like a Viking? 😎
She just doesn't seem overly happy and not praying up so I gave her a bump (100 ML) of Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4) this morning, about 1ML/G which translates to an EC of 0.2! Its hard to PH 16 oz's of DI to "exactly" 5.8 btw! Hoping to see her perk up by this afternoon (and not burnt to a crisp :) )
She just doesn't seem overly happy and not praying up so I gave her a bump (100 ML) of Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4) this morning, about 1ML/G which translates to an EC of 0.2! Its hard to PH 16 oz's of DI to "exactly" 5.8 btw! Hoping to see her perk up by this afternoon (and not burnt to a crisp :) )
5.8 is borderline low for soil. A good solid middle for soil is 6.5 in my personal experiences. Also, be sure your PPFD is set around 200-250 at this point to be safe. Too much light can cause plants to stall...And with autos, time is of the essence.

5.8 is borderline low for soil. A good solid middle for soil is 6.5 in my personal experiences. Also, be sure your PPFD is set around 200-250 at this point to be safe. Too much light can cause plants to stall...And with autos, time is of the essence.

Thanks I think I have PPFD back in that range now (18"/25% on the dial or ~273 umol/m2). I struggle with "when" to increase light intensity. What sign do you look for that tells you to increase the intensity during veg (and I assume autos are different than photos)? PH of 6.5 for soil? Interesting I will check into that, I thought 5.8-6.0 was the holy grail for the feed. Thanks for the tip.
I struggle with "when" to increase light intensity. What sign do you look for that tells you to increase the intensity during veg
With or without a PAR meter, the plant will tell you...

One sign is this:

Night Owl Seeds, Creme De La Compton F3
The plant has now sexed and is meandering it's way into stretch and will absolutely begin requiring more light. But it's best to add light in slow increments as to not shock or stunt her.

Or this:

Night Owl Seeds, Creme De La Compton F3
Multiple Cola Tops have formed Budlets, and will be bulking in short order requiring greater light intensity.

My best suggestion is to purchase a PAR meter. The Photobio by Phantohm is an affordable option, and it is accurate.

Edit: Dutch Passion has a nice write up about light if you care to check it out..

Hope this helps..
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