Mini Green House Grow

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

nice! that's a really cool method, what's that actual press thing called though?

It's commonly called a "pollen" press.

After I take it out of the oven and it cools down a little, I put it in the freezer for about 1/2 hour. That really helps slide the hash puck out easily.

This particular press is made by a dude in Mendocino, CA. I like it because it has metal pins, so you can heat it in the oven. A lot of them come with plastic pins, and you can't do that. Also, it has nice big knurled "knobs", so it's easy to apply pressure.

I left the knobs off once and put the cylinder in my bench vise and cranked it down several times over the course of a week or so. Bad idea. That hash was so hard that I couldn't even cut it with a knife. It was hard as a rock, the knife would slip, and it would shoot across the room, LOL.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Tell me what you think of it's temp acuracy if you get a chance please.


I checked it against a couple of other thermometers and it reads about 1.5 degrees higher.

I'm OK with that. If it's going to be off a little, reading high beats reading low.

It's really nice to be able to just peek around the corner and see where temps are at. Even without the power supply function to drive the fans, that alone is very cool.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Thanks for that man, i've been looking for a funky way to make hash. PS looks like a very well organized setup and also - nearly 1,000 posts mate, well done.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Nice little hockey puck!
Where did you get that cool little pollen press? I want one!

I bet you could piece one together for pretty cheap at lowes or something. Great looking puck of kief btw. It has been soo long since I had some heavy smoke like that.:nicethread:
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

I bet you could piece one together for pretty cheap at lowes or something. Great looking puck of kief btw. It has been soo long since I had some heavy smoke like that.:nicethread:

Thanks brother!

I tried, it's not that easy.

You need to have very tight clearance on the cylinder and pins, and it's not easy to find the right pieces.

I even searched online at places like McMaster-Carr, and I got tired of trying to find a tight slip fit with available hardware. I'm sure I could have found something if I had looked more, or maybe sanded down some metal pins to create a slip fit, but I like the one I got.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Nice little hockey puck!
Where did you get that cool little pollen press? I want one!

It's a really well machined piece.

Do they sell those pollen press's at headshops? Or maybe you had a friend who works in a machine shop make it for you?

This is the wife of Miss Chump stain, my name is Laurie. I sooooo looove hashish! Thanks for this informative post man!

Hi Laurie! Nice to meet you!

Here's where I got it, and it's ten dollars cheaper now than when I bought mine. That is a very good price for the quality of this guys work.

Mendo Mulcher Aluminum pollen press dumbell - eBay (item 130315003544 end time Sep-23-09 09:nomo:42 PDT)
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

they sell presses at my head shop. they have small crappy ones for 20 bucks, but they have a nice big one with a crank for like 100 bucks. and it labels it. lol.

at my headshop one like what ss has would prob run 50-60 bucks cause its so big.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

they sell presses at my head shop. they have small crappy ones for 20 bucks, but they have a nice big one with a crank for like 100 bucks. and it labels it. lol.

at my headshop one like what ss has would prob run 50-60 bucks cause its so big.

Yeah, that press is a *steal* at $25 with free shipping. That dude's machining skills are excellent.

what's the 7th commandment?
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