Mr A Starts Again: A Moderator's Journal!

Wow look at the trichomes already!

An early frost is always welcomed me in my garden, I have high hopes for this one.:p

Welcome new baby ✊

Them new babies aren't that new anymore, this on the other hand.....

When the 2 autoflowers I put into soil a few weeks ago didn't come up so I dropped a Mama Mia seed 2 weeks ago. I had given up on it. When I opened the box this morning to spread the FJH out to fill the space, I was greeted with this little one, she will run 11/13 from seed, hope she don't get too big.


Many thanks Mr Krip, I still need to confirm that order yet...

Hi Everybody.

Hope all is well in your world.

This update is to keep you posted on what's happening in the gardens.

In the veg space I have 5 girls growing well. The (not so) young seedlings, CriticalJack and Freddy's Best, are starting to gather pace now. They had there tops removed this last week and will start there training over the next couple of weeks. Both are 18 days from seed. The 3 FJH clones are enjoying soil life and starting to grow up.

In Flower I have 2 ladies, the scrogged up Funky Jack Herer at just over 4 weeks in and a Mama Mia from @SeedsMan at 7 days from seed. The resin production on the FJH is Am4zin, I can only hope she packs on the bulk like her mother did.

Well that's all i have time for now.

Please let me know if you have any questions .

Thank you for your understanding and support, I am truly grateful.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Amadeus Forzin

Reading is for rich people :rofl::rofl:

Nice photo bomb some crazy training I started some light lst on my bomb seeds girls today going to just grow these the way I want should be fun times .

Glad to see ya and about it bud
Reading is for rich people :rofl::rofl:

Nice photo bomb some crazy training I started some light lst on my bomb seeds girls today going to just grow these the way I want should be fun times .

Glad to see ya and about it bud

Crazy training you say? I call it "wingin it" no plan in mind, just pin down the leaders take some tops and see what happens. In veg these little plants can take some serious abuse.

I'm always about, you just don't see me

Looking good A! Keep it green friend

Cheers Dutch try this, found a jar of Jack herer down the back of the shelves. Been looking for it for 6 months. It's hits smooth and hard.
Crazy training you say? I call it "wingin it" no plan in mind, just pin down the leaders take some tops and see what happens. In veg these little plants can take some serious abuse.

I'm always about, you just don't see me

Cheers Dutch try this, found a jar of Jack herer down the back of the shelves. Been looking for it for 6 months. It's hits smooth and hard.
Flap.. Flap.... The second strain I want to try..... :passitleft:
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