Mr Teddy Grows Indoors & Out In 2015

Delighted to have you back, 420brother. :cheer: Yes, I too need it to warm up soon - still around 10C here with sunny periods that promise to stay but are just teasing. I reckon I've got a couple of weeks before the tent really does turn into a scene from Aguirre Wrath of God. I'll pop over and take a look at your garden.

make sure you do next week, new digital camera on the way (finally) so no more iphone updates, but you know how it is .. like every other service in this country our postal office is making me wait for something that i need yet again :yikes:

it's good that they gave you all that afghan regulars, most people breed with afghani at first for some reason, maybe they want the short flower and the weight it's genetics bring to the table, but who knows, if i breed someday i'll have a stronger opinion on the matter :smokin:

be well my friend, cheers.

It was a glorious afternoon. The warm sunshine made the purple Judas trees gleam like amethysts in the forest behind the house and the olive trees on the slopes below shone like emeralds. Everybody came out of the tent for a watering. The older ones, at least 17 days, or 21 of course in the States, were allowed to go to the bar for a nettle and borage cocktail. Mmmm, yummy. And smelly.


:ciao: little sprouts.


This lot are old enough for tea and spring water.


After an hour, it was time to get everybody home; they were all very well behaved. The dormitory is a little bit crowded. All the little ones are looking forward to living in the sunshine.


Pip Pip! :love: Mr Teddy x
They'll be monsters in no time Mr Teddy... It's getting cold down here. I'm already jealous of that sunshine... Enjoy it!!
Everyone looks super Mr. Teddy. Luscious leaves all round. You certainly have your work cut out for you this time, eh?

The light in your tent always looks so warm and inviting, and I'm so thrilled you have sun again. WooHoo!!!
:ciao: Chums.

Now there's a photo shoot worthy of a Parisian catwalk!

Looks like all systems are go, so many plants, so much work!

Nice looking space you've got outside also!

Happy gardening Mr T :thumb:
:thanks: Bappie. Glad you liked the pics - it's so much nicer taking photos outdoors. Yes, I love our garden. It's our second year here and I started it from scratch - should look OK in another 10 years or so. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Everyone looks super Mr. Teddy. Luscious leaves all round. You certainly have your work cut out for you this time, eh?

The light in your tent always looks so warm and inviting, and I'm so thrilled you have sun again. WooHoo!!!
:circle-of-love: Sue. The light is just the LED veg spectrum augmented this time by a few CFLs. I was concerned about starting all the seedlings in there because I've read that tiny ones can have trouble under LEDs - but they are tickety boo. In fact, they are getting hardened off now for life outdoors with an extra hour out on a sunny windowsill each day. Once they are ready and potted on in a week or two, I'll switch the tent into flower mode for the 6 older ones. All the winter meds have gone now (where? *squints questioningly at Mrs Teddy*) so it would be good to see some buds. :cheesygrinsmiley:

They look like they loved there day out :thumb:
The older gals all look perky an happy ,,I hope you had a great day :circle-of-love:
:cheer: amigo. Thanks for popping by. And I hope all's well with you too. Yep, this soil mix plus nettle and borage tea seems to be the business. Happiest plants I've grown so far.

And if they're happy, I'm happy. :)

Little more topping and training scheduled for today. I'll have the camera with me.

Have a green one, Everybody. :circle-of-love:
That was a good laugh Mr. Teddy. I'm glad I was still up for it. I almost missed you but my finger went to Settings "just one more time" and there you were.

I needed a laugh to fall asleep on. :laughtwo:

Thank you. :green_heart:
I daresay Mr, Teddy, you are going to need to acquire a donkey and cart to move water up the hill from the spring for all those plants... Then again, Spyridon Louis who won the first ever marathon in the 1894 Athens Olympics got his muscular legs from being a Greek water hauler -something to remember as you trudge up the hill with your burden if donkey and cart acquisition isn't in the picture.

Since you so graciously offered your journal for posting pictures of my current unjournaled grow.... Fifteen days since breaking ground. There are two Darkstar, one Sage n' Sour, and one Dinafem Cheese. I have no idea which are which. They spent the first two weeks indoors under close proximity CFL lighting to encourage tight early node formation. They are now outdoors for the duration unless we have an evil cold snap, always a possibility at this altitude in early May.

Hey I like the sound of a PeeJay an Mr Teddy side by side growing :thumb:
Awesome Peejay they look lovely And you have the Cheese also I have Blue cheese at the Mo ,,but she is a very Gangly girl an a bit to tall for my space :volcano-smiley:which is worrying cause she is an autoflower:circle-of-love:
I daresay Mr, Teddy, you are going to need to acquire a donkey and cart to move water up the hill from the spring for all those plants... Then again, Spyridon Louis who won the first ever marathon in the 1894 Athens Olympics got his muscular legs from being a Greek water hauler -something to remember as you trudge up the hill with your burden if donkey and cart acquisition isn't in the picture.

Since you so graciously offered your journal for posting pictures of my current unjournaled grow.... Fifteen days since breaking ground. There are two Darkstar, one Sage n' Sour, and one Dinafem Cheese. I have no idea which are which. They spent the first two weeks indoors under close proximity CFL lighting to encourage tight early node formation. They are now outdoors for the duration unless we have an evil cold snap, always a possibility at this altitude in early May.


Good to see you growing again PeeJay. :love:
:goodjob: PJ. Not that one would expect anything less than green and gorgeous specimens from the SoilMeister. Please keep those photos coming. You are right - it will indeed soon be time for me to peel off my winter layers, wash off the goose fat and begin the wheelbarrow-led journeys to and from Saint Charalombros' spring for the water of life. In fact, I was down there today. The wild primroses have given way to Lenten Roses and a forest of ferns. Those surrounding the spring are Horsetails. There are fewer there now as many have been harvested for a nutritious tea. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Hullo, Playmates. :ciao:

Mrs Teddy today kindly went off on her scooter for the shopping and a swim, (the Aegean is still too cold for my old bones), leaving Teddy and I to tend to all the girls and fend off the army of 8 kittens. (If anybody would like one, I'll pop it in the post. In fact, have two. Please).

First, let's get all the little ones onto a sheltered windowsill for more outdoor acclimatisation.


Then outside with the about three to four week old Mazars and Master Kushes. Plain spring water and a touch of topping all round. So much better than watering in Mrs Teddy's bath as the winter demanded.


This Mazar developed the most peculiar third set of leaves. A glitch in its matrix. All distorted and grimy. For no logical reason they reminded me of having to stay at my bitter old granny's house when I was young and green.


However, and unlike my nasty old gran, the new growth is fine. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Finally, it was watering and dappled sunlight for the four to five week old Master Kush and Blueberry. I love this Blueberry strain. Fat leaves and just so goddamn healthy. My winter favourite is again not disappointing. They were trained a little more and the lower nodes topped.


So lovely to see everyone under natural light and being gently swayed by a non-electric breeze for a couple of hours. As an electric blue storm rolled up the Gulf, we all went back inside. Hooray. No need to hose the flower beds today.

May your God go with you.

Pip Pip! :love: Mr Teddy. x
everyone in those cups is a winner, all we need now is time, so its time to kick back and enjoy the show :smokin:

lovely update neighbour :high-five:
Breath taking Teddy, I do say the Blueberry is a mighty fine choice for favorite :cheesygrinsmiley:

If she is anything like your last one, no one will be disappointed. Keep it up my friend, love your updates. :cheesygrinsmiley: :thumb:
Spectacular little cannabis community you have going there Mr. Teddy. Great pictures too. That stone wall near took my breath away.

Have a great day. :love:
What to say SWEET:goodjob:really enjoyed the pictures :circle-of-love:
:thanks: amigo. Always a privilege when a MOTM pops by. :thumb:

everyone in those cups is a winner, all we need now is time, so its time to kick back and enjoy the show :smokin:

lovely update neighbour :high-five:
:cheer: neighbour. I've been keeping an eye on your place. Kinda glad it's not just me the postal system here keeps waiting. :cheer:

Breath taking Teddy, I do say the Blueberry is a mighty fine choice for favorite :cheesygrinsmiley:

If she is anything like your last one, no one will be disappointed. Keep it up my friend, love your updates. :cheesygrinsmiley: :thumb:
:thanks: Max. The Blueberry leaves are currently taking over the tent. :cheesygrinsmiley: She's gorgeous and she knows it. There's going to be trouble in the tent when I switch, I can tell. :high-five:

Spectacular little cannabis community you have going there Mr. Teddy.
Why :thanks: Sue. But not as spectacular as the cannabis community we've got going on here. :laughtwo: The 15 babies are now spending all day outside on the windowsill and looking tip top. I reckon another week and they'll get potted on and live outside permanently. Which means I can switch on the flower lights and go 12/12 indoors. Which means countdown to buds can start. :yahoo:

:circle-of-love: to you all.
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