My First Tent Grow

very confusing, but glad you made sense of it and got it yourself.

you can get away with one fan one filter.

it goes:
passive intake(tent flaps)----->filter------>tube---->hood----->tube----->hood----->tube------>fan.

that works well, it removes both odour and heat from the tent. it's what I did with my 1k mh/hps.

you just seem insistent to complicate it by adding in front of that with a forced intake. the one problem I see with your plan is you will have no way of cooling your intake. so whatever the temp under your house will be the temp of air you add to your tent, well, almost. have to somehow add the friction factor.

with a passive intake all that would be needed is a room air conditioner, be it portable or window, whatever.

sometimes, not always, but sometimes simple works gooder. maybe not in your case though, I don't know the seasonal temps there. here it goes from freakin cold in the winter to freakin hot in the summer. either way I wouldn't want that air put into my tent.
a can filter is for your "odour removal" inside the tent on your exhaust duct.

something to consider that just popped into my head....

whatever length of duct you are planning to use for your intake would be part of your gross cubic feet that you are drawing from.

lets say you use a 240 cfm fan for your intake, but the length of tube you use has a cubic footage of say 250. you really wouldn't be pulling in much fresh air at all. if you have a filter on the end of that, you actually may stall the fan.

hmmm looks like your overthinking is making me overthink it. lmao

yep overthought that one, lol

there. you can figure out if your ducting will be effective or not.

I over think everything!!! I wish I dident!!! Help me keep it simple!!
very confusing, but glad you made sense of it and got it yourself.

you can get away with one fan one filter.

it goes:
passive intake(tent flaps)----->filter------>tube---->hood----->tube----->hood----->tube------>fan.

that works well, it removes both odour and heat from the tent. it's what I did with my 1k mh/hps.

you just seem insistent to complicate it by adding in front of that with a forced intake. the one problem I see with your plan is you will have no way of cooling your intake. so whatever the temp under your house will be the temp of air you add to your tent, well, almost. have to somehow add the friction factor.

with a passive intake all that would be needed is a room air conditioner, be it portable or window, whatever.

sometimes, not always, but sometimes simple works gooder. maybe not in your case though, I don't know the seasonal temps there. here it goes from freakin cold in the winter to freakin hot in the summer. either way I wouldn't want that air put into my tent.

Its hot in the summer and kinda cold in the winter. It rarely snows but does get to freezing at times.
Ok then, I dont need the intake fan/ filter., just intake from the portable A/C? I thought maybe I might need one (A/C) to control temps anyways. This makes it cheaper too. Thanks, you got me before I cut a hole in the floor for the duct and bought the fan! A friend has a new digital/portable A/C for $100.00 . Is a bug filter needed for the A/C??
Passive air.... just draw from tent open the bottom two ports opposite side im exiting from? If so shouldent I have a 1' piece of duct in those ports with a filter cover for bugs? Or just open them ports? Also if I intake from the room its ok to use the houses air? Wont the heat from the tent make the rooms air to hot for intake? I have been told its best to bring in fresh air like from a window or under the house. Or the A/C will solve all that??
Im going to install the outtake next now, have all the pieces. Hoods, filter and fan
Thanks for your patients Unforgiven.
No where near ready but my kid put seeds on to soak last sunday and then goes out of town to work for 2 weeks so I was planting sprouts today. I had to hook up the closet with a T11 and timer today. I will take pics soon.
The girls in the yard are monsters!
just cool the room with the ac should be good enough. my tent tonight was sitting at 70. outside temp was around 84 and very humid so likely in the mid 90's.

you shouldn't need the ports open. use the flaps that are intended for passive intake. should be more than enough. and I know that gorilla tents have a great screen over the vents.

stop worrying so much and start trying the systems out.

why cut holes and install all this crap if you don't know that you need it?

you want a negative pressure in the tent at all times to ensure all air goes out through the filter. that is how your grow becomes smell proof. tents are great for that.

what is the current temp in the room where your tent is?

find that out, then turn the systems on that you do have in place and check temps in tent. if need be, turn on the ac. start controlling the tent temps by controlling the room temps.

good luck, anything else, just ask.

and remember,
have fun eh
Yeah man, just chill and use the KISS theory, Keep It Simple Stupid! You have air flowing into your house all the time, fresh air even. Do not worry about using a fan to make a "active" intake. Take some time and look at other journals. Go on YouTube and watch videos on tent setup. Sometimes it's difficult to visualize a system your unfamiliar with.

I cut a hole in my wall for a passive intake. When my fan is running you can feel air running through that opening. The air is being pulled into the room.

Do you have your tent yet? If so put that shit up! Even if it's not in the exact place yet. Look at the ceiling of the tent. There will be plastic frames that will be what you hang your carbon filter and lights from.

Are you going to "air cool" your lights? If so you should figure out where your lights are going to hang. Much easier when everything is in a straight line. An air cooled light has a tube built around the bulb. This tube is meant to be connected to ducting so hot air produced by the light can be sucked out of your room immediately. This setup would mean more finagling with duct work.

Your new so just buy everything you know you need.

Carbon filter
Humidity/temp meter
Straps to hang lights/filter from ceiling

Now, is your tent in a room that is dark? If not you must "light proof" your tent. Your lights will most likely be at a 18hrs on and 6 hours off. During the 6hrs of lights off that tent needs to be dark. During flowering the light schedule will most likely be 12hrs on and 12hrs off. Again, during 12hrs off that tent needs to be dark. The passive intake openings at the bottom of the tent should be open and light proofed. That's ONLY if your tent is in a room that cannot be darkened. If you can darken a window, right on.

Don't cut a hole in your floor to run intake ducting. You should have only 1 hole to cut and that is ducting going to ceiling/attic.

I bought my fan and filter before I bought my ducting. Before I even started a plant my room was running so I could figure out where my temp/humidity was at. Those are 2 most important factors you must keep track of, temp/humidity.

Before you do any cutting, get your tent and set it up.
just cool the room with the ac should be good enough. my tent tonight was sitting at 70. outside temp was around 84 and very humid so likely in the mid 90's.

you shouldn't need the ports open. use the flaps that are intended for passive intake. should be more than enough. and I know that gorilla tents have a great screen over the vents.

stop worrying so much and start trying the systems out.

why cut holes and install all this crap if you don't know that you need it?

you want a negative pressure in the tent at all times to ensure all air goes out through the filter. that is how your grow becomes smell proof. tents are great for that.

what is the current temp in the room where your tent is?

find that out, then turn the systems on that you do have in place and check temps in tent. if need be, turn on the ac. start controlling the tent temps by controlling the room temps.

good luck, anything else, just ask.

and remember,
have fun eh

Very good! The house has central heat and air but I will shut the vent to the room and use the A/C to control room temps. I will look on the tent for vent openings. All Ive noticed so far were ports for ducts and ports for electrical? will look. Its a gorilla grow tent and im sure theyre there. Thanks! I get conflicting advice, seen multiple videos of different set ups and it gets confusing. I just want to do it right.
I think it was the grow shop that said I need to bring fresh air from somewhere. The heat from the tent will warm the room air and will bring warm air in. This is why I thought of running a separate fan/filter for intake and drawing from a vent under the house.
I will do as you say Unforgiven....I will install the exhaust and lights and get it going. Check tent and room temps and go from there. Thank You!!
hey dutch, don't close the heat/ac vent that is bringing in the fresh air you need to the room. it is already conditioned to whatever temp the house is set to run at. the portable ac can be used to adjust the room if needed.

apparently the grow shop doesn't know that you are venting the heat from your tent outside the room and that the room already has air conditioning. hell I didn't know you had ac because you kept talking about a portable.

you should be more concerned with blacking out the window in such a way that the neighbors don't realize it's blacked out.

an easy way that I do it is put your same curtain inside the window frame so It looks normal, preferably with a lot of pleats in it, looks busy that way, I hope I don't have to explain that, then install panda film over the entire window black side out. seal it up with tape. miniblinds work great, but your neighbors are used to seeing that curtain right? so install that rod within the opening.

you need a dark room to run passive intake, but it certainly is easier and cheaper than running ductwork. especially if you already have a forced air unit feeding fresh air into the room all the time.

but here is the real kick in the pants for ya.............

if you do not test this you will not know if it works. you may still need to duct in air. that would a last course of action if needed.

that's why I've been pretty adamant about getting it running. you will have no clue, until you do it.

hell, you've got the tent up, and the exhaust fan hooked up already, right? close the tent, open the vents, and turn on the fan, you will see how many vents you need open to clear the tent and still maintain a negative pressure. once your lights are in then you can do the heat tests. one step at a time.

lets get er done eh.
Hi everyone. New to the forum. Gonna watch this Dutch, Getting ready to order the Gorilla 5x9 too, 2 of em. T5s in one and maybe CMH in the other for flowers. Getting back to it, 15 yrs. since last grow so when set up i might start a journal too. Anyway am here to learn with ya and congrats on your new tent. ps. i am in that overthinking stage too, all that planning and shopping for equip.:lot-o-toke:
Thank You!
I seen the passive vents. I wonder if they admit light into the tent?
I might have to run the light off time during the night because I cant completely black out that room.
Ive made a seedling station in the closet for the time being with a T11 and timer and I might have to be lights off at night to make things work. Ive got a new tarp on the window that fits good with the same flag for curtain. I might foil it. Will figure it out. During the summer I will open the room vent so it gets houses cool air but shut the vent down in the winter.
Friend said I might have to put a dryer vent in the wall for the A/C.
I cut this tree today so my girls get more fall sun. My best grow yet!
lights out at night is fine for veg at 18/6. but when you flip to flower you need to be at 12/12.

is the window not your only light concern in the room? why can't you block it? your grow store will have panda film. tarp is not light proof.

whatever, start running it before those plants need a home. then we can sort the rest out.
so when your meter maid reads the meter, they get a show of your garden eh.

my lights are off in daytime so the meter isn't spinning like a top if they show up. lol
lights out at night is fine for veg at 18/6. but when you flip to flower you need to be at 12/12.

is the window not your only light concern in the room? why can't you block it? your grow store will have panda film. tarp is not light proof.

whatever, start running it before those plants need a home. then we can sort the rest out.

I will check out the panda film. Im guessing I will still be able to open the window if needed? Its like window tint?
I have to get a room light to see. Maybe get a special one for the tent too, one that the plants cant see. The T11 situation I have in the closet I will perfect. Im thinking have the light off time from 11pm to 5am for now and will put the T11 on this schedule. Until I can situate the room lighting situation. I have it off now between noon and 6pm and will eventually run it all at this time.
My utility meter is digital and they dont come in the backyard to check. Too many do though.
Get it running..... if I try I can get it running by Oct. before my yard harvest. Im thinking Nov. But I will get the equipment I have going asap and go from there. Maybe by Aug! The electrician is scheduled Aug. 5 and I will try to have it running soon after
Thanks Unforgiven.
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