New grower


420 Member
I am a new grower I started 12 autoflowers in an autopot system in a 50/50 coco clay pebble I planted the seeds after germination on July 6th I have 2 200w leds on full power(no way to dim) and a 640w led on 25% at about 2ft Temp is between 72-81f Rh is between 60-80% I gave them first dose of nutes yesterday general hydroponics 4ml micro 4ml of gro 4ml of calmag 2 ml of bloom and 5ml of bioroot in 2 gallons ph 5.8 water and gave them 1/2L each before that they were receiving just ph water at 5.8 . I’m noticing they are a lime green and starting to yellow and I even see small brown spots on leaves of one of the plants And some leaves are starting to curl. I just want to know if these are looking healthy and growing regularly. Any advice and information is welcome and appreciated
Welcome to the forum @ENelson723

I am a new grower I started 12 autoflowers in an autopot system in a 50/50 coco clay pebble I planted the seeds after germination on July 6th I have 2 200w leds on full power(no way to dim) and a 640w led on 25% at about 2ft Temp is between 72-81f Rh is between 60-80% I gave them first dose of nutes yesterday general hydroponics 4ml micro 4ml of gro 4ml of calmag 2 ml of bloom and 5ml of bioroot in 2 gallons ph 5.8 water and gave them 1/2L each before that they were receiving just ph water at 5.8 . I’m noticing they are a lime green and starting to yellow and I even see small brown spots on leaves of one of the plants And some leaves are starting to curl. I just want to know if these are looking healthy and growing regularly. Any advice and information is welcome and appreciated
Pics would be a nice reference :popcorn:

If you look in my signature, there's a link to "how to ask for grow support"...if you fill it out and copy and paste it here, we can help :thumb:
We need to know all the pertinent info....because my main question would be, "Are you watering everyday with cal-mag?
I guess my pics didn’t upload...and yes first 3 days were plain ph 5.8 water then after that 5.8ph water with calmag and bio root I will try to post pics again
also my ppm for my water before first actual feeding were 300-400 and an ec of .3 until yesterday when I fed first round of nutes then it was 1200ppm with a 1.2 EC


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:welcome: i don't grow in coco or have much exparince with it, but you don't need to feed that seedling much nutr in the begging stages. would you give a two year old steroids?

you can also just run one of your lights until your plants grow a bit further.
You are growing in Coco. You never use straight water on Coco. Feed nutes every time & twice per day till run off. Are you using the 3 gal. or 6 gal. Auto Pots ? If they are 3 gallon your roots are probably close enough to the bottom to feed from the reservoir. The 6 gallon should only take a few days longer for the roots to be long enough. I think your main issue was feeding straight water.
There's no nutrients at all in Coco so you have to feed every time.
This will be a good journal to follow for those that want to see how Auto Pots work. I have the 3 pot XL system. Those who are feeding Coco by hand will especially want to watch this. Afterward Auto Pot sales will climb ... lol. Kind of expensive though. My 3 pot system with Air Domes & Pump was around $300 total.
I am a new grower I started 12 autoflowers in an autopot system in a 50/50 coco clay pebble I planted the seeds after germination on July 6th I have 2 200w leds on full power(no way to dim) and a 640w led on 25% at about 2ft Temp is between 72-81f Rh is between 60-80% I gave them first dose of nutes yesterday general hydroponics 4ml micro 4ml of gro 4ml of calmag 2 ml of bloom and 5ml of bioroot in 2 gallons ph 5.8 water and gave them 1/2L each before that they were receiving just ph water at 5.8 . I’m noticing they are a lime green and starting to yellow and I even see small brown spots on leaves of one of the plants And some leaves are starting to curl. I just want to know if these are looking healthy and growing regularly. Any advice and information is welcome and appreciated
Please start a journal on this grow. I have 2 journals going now or I would do it. Tag me if you do.
I had them under one light and they started to st
You are growing in Coco. You never use straight water on Coco. Feed nutes every time & twice per day till run off. Are you using the 3 gal. or 6 gal. Auto Pots ? If they are 3 gallon your roots are probably close enough to the bottom to feed from the reservoir. The 6 gallon should only take a few days longer for the roots to be long enough. I think your main issue was feeding straight water.
There's no nutrients at all in Coco so you have to feed every time.

These are the 3 gal autopots and I was giving them calmag and bioroot only until the other day. How much run off I’ve been giving them 1/2-1/4L per pot and end up with about 200ml of run off once per day if I turn on the system since these are autoflowers should I dose my reservoir for half strength on everything or just main nutrients but dose calmag normally I’m using the general hydroponics flora micro gro bloom and I have been following this chart at half strength I will start a journal as soon as I get home from work and will tag you
They only had 2 airdomes in stock so I have 2 pots with them and the rest do not can you tag your journal I’d love to check it out but am having a little difficulty trying to navigate this site
My current Journal is 2 - DWC Auto Critical 2.0 & 5 Soil plants. I don't have a journal with Auto Pots right now. All my journals on this site are in green under my posts. You just click on those to get there.
do these look on track as far as timeline tho I’m worried they are smaller than they should be
They may be a little small at the moment but once they start the Auto Feed they will take off & double in size in no time at all & keep going from there. They should be fine as long as you start feeding nutes. I'd start out with 1/2 strength nutes & go up to 3/4 strength in about 2 weeks. Once they start flowering I go to full strength. As far as Cal Mag goes I usually figure 2 ml. per gallon. You might want to get some Hydro Guard for your Reservoir so the nutes don't get stagnant from warm temps. I use 2 ml. of that per gallon also. You will probably have to adjust your Res. pH daily as it rises a little every day.
You are growing in Coco. You never use straight water on Coco. Feed nutes every time & twice per day till run off.
dosn't tab water have enough for the beging stages?
They only had 2 airdomes in stock so I have 2 pots with them and the rest do not can you tag your journal I’d love to check it out but am having a little difficulty trying to navigate this site
in your green menu at the top you can find the button that says "grow" and in there you can find the link to journals
Tap Water is OK to get them started for maybe a week. But if you want good growth you start feeding with 1/4 strength nutes as soon as they sprout. At least that's the way I do it & it's worked very well. But that's only because he's in Coco.
If he were in soil he could probably go 3 - 4 weeks without using nutes.
Tap Water is OK to get them started for maybe a week. But if you want good growth you start feeding with 1/4 strength nutes as soon as they sprout. At least that's the way I do it & it's worked very well. But that's only because he's in Coco.
If he were in soil he could probably go 3 - 4 weeks without using nutes.
i totally get that soil can go few extra weeks before nutrients are given. I just thought that the water perameters are good enough for seedling stage. Regardsless of soil or coco.
beacsue even potting soil with no fertilizer still has no nutrient to provide to the plant and the water perameters would be suffecient. I guess i thought wrong :bongrip:
i totally get that soil can go few extra weeks before nutrients are given. I just thought that the water perameters are good enough for seedling stage. Regardsless of soil or coco.
beacsue even potting soil with no fertilizer still has no nutrient to provide to the plant and the water perameters would be suffecient. I guess i thought wrong :bongrip:
I'm going by the way I was taught by a guy they call Old Salt. He's been growing in Coco for life & a day so I followed his recommendations & had a great grow. You may be able to get away with just water. Just not the best way to do it. I usually wash & sort of pre-charge my coco. I wash it with 5.8 pH'd water till the run off comes back 5.8 too. Then let it drain / dry some over night. Next day I pour a 5 gallon bucket of nutes with Cal Mag through it. Let it sit over night & then use it for my grow. Once I do that I can keep my run off real close to 5.8 all the way through the grow.
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