Off green blotches need help! Please

Ah, I see. She looks pretty healthy. What are you planning on feeding her as she get larger?Are you sticking with the Happy Frog? Moving on to Ocean forest?

Thanks! Well I’m in too big of a pot right now to transfer to the ocean fox farm. So I’ll leave it in the happy frog when it flowers. This is my first plant so I’ll have to research some fertilizer in about 2 weeks when I switch the lights.
Hi Camer41, I see the variegation Virgin Ground i talking about for sure. We both had plants that and grew great with that trait. The #3 post pic shows her looking in beautiful health from my eyes. I'm hoping the calcium deficiency looking leaf pics in the first post is nute splash? Keep watching. Nice plant and sweet first grow!

Thank you ! I actually haven’t added any Nutes at all.... the burn marks could be from me spraying with regular tap water at the very beginning.... I stopped doing that. I haven’t had any scorched holes since.
Thank you ! I actually haven’t added any Nutes at all.... the burn marks could be from me spraying with regular tap water at the very beginning.... I stopped doing that. I haven’t had any scorched holes since.
Your welcome. However don't discount Emilya's not of thrip horror. I haven't had them. Check real close that you might.
I found this on them. Does it look like you have them?

Thrips are really tiny, but can be seen by the naked eye. Some may have wings and some may not. Thrips reproduce rapidly, especially in tight places. That is what makes them hard to get rid of when using pesticides. The suck the sap right out of your plant with there piercing mouths, which makes the leaves look like they turned white. You can tell when you have thrips by taking a look at your leaves, the leaves will look as if there chlorophyll have been ripped right off the plant. Plants that are damaged can't be healed thus making it harder for the plant to absorb light. SO if left untreated the thrips will kill the plants. Damage also can be seen by the greenish black specks of there poop they leave on leaves. Also the plants will show silver patchs from scar tissue. Depending on the severity at first, thrip damage might look like spider mite damage untill it increases in damage and then thrips case is for sure when you see the greenness replace with big parts of white.

One good way to repel thrips for those growing outside is to use garlic, this is a good way to keep them away before you get them. The color yellow attracts the thrips and should be advised not to have this color around your grow.. If you already have them using neem oil, and or lady bugs can get rid of them. If the infestation is bad then you need to use biological solution like, pyrethrin-like insecticides. Picture 8 shows thrips damage.
Other Products include:
Hot Pepper Wax,Safer Yard & Garden Insecticide (which can be used right to the day of harvest),GNATROL( used in hydro in the water as well as soil),Doc's Neem Pest Soap,Safer Sticky Stakes,TR-11000 Pyrethrum.

Picture 1 is Thrip damage
Picture 2 is Thrip Larvae (Picture Contributed by: Flatt)
Hello. Thanks for the info. Everything helps. I don’t think thrips is what I’m dealing with. The “mosaic” has spread to almost every leaf now. The new growth is somewhat twisted and a couple leafs are curled right under on the sides. I’m leaning toward tobacco mosaic or some sort of genetic mystery. I don’t know. I’m going nuts trying to figure it out. Also these new growths are they thin and wavy ?
Hello. Thanks for the info. Everything helps. I don’t think thrips is what I’m dealing with. The “mosaic” has spread to almost every leaf now. The new growth is somewhat twisted and a couple leafs are curled right under on the sides. I’m leaning toward tobacco mosaic or some sort of genetic mystery. I don’t know. I’m going nuts trying to figure it out. Also these new growths are they thin and wavy ?
Once those bugs start sucking, all sorts of weird things happen. I still think it is thrips, and if I am right and you don't start treating soon, you will lose this crop. Sorry to be so heavy, but it is that serious of a problem.
I know it is much easier to believe that instead of us having bugs in our tents, in our homes, that we instead have the rarest of all rare afflictions that can attack our plants... so rare that very very few of us have ever seen a confirmed case of TMV or even know someone who has.
And then again, so much more likely than bugs is the possibility that out of all the varieties you could have chosen to grow and all the sources for seeds that are out there, that you had such bad luck that you got the 1 in a billion rare genetic defect that is going to take down your plant.
The odds are with the bugs... check again. look for little piles of poop on and near the damaged leaves.
Once those bugs start sucking, all sorts of weird things happen. I still think it is thrips, and if I am right and you don't start treating soon, you will lose this crop. Sorry to be so heavy, but it is that serious of a problem.
I know it is much easier to believe that instead of us having bugs in our tents, in our homes, that we instead have the rarest of all rare afflictions that can attack our plants... so rare that very very few of us have ever seen a confirmed case of TMV or even know someone who has.
And then again, so much more likely than bugs is the possibility that out of all the varieties you could have chosen to grow and all the sources for seeds that are out there, that you had such bad luck that you got the 1 in a billion rare genetic defect that is going to take down your plant.
The odds are with the bugs... check again. look for little piles of poop on and near the damaged leaves.

Amilya - thanks so much. I was actually thinking if something so rare and weird would to happen it would happen to me. Ok I will take another look tonight ! Is there any harm in treating her right now for thrips? I am going to take your word for it. Could you kindly send a link to a product ? I can google it but I know 1000 products will come up.
Thanks again... I’m loving this forum.
Amilya - thanks so much. I was actually thinking if something so rare and weird would to happen it would happen to me. Ok I will take another look tonight ! Is there any harm in treating her right now for thrips? I am going to take your word for it. Could you kindly send a link to a product ? I can google it but I know 1000 products will come up.
Thanks again... I’m loving this forum.
I had to check the sponsor list to see if there was one up there, but I don't see the one that used to sponsor us. I guess that means that we are free to recommend any product that we like? Let's see if we can get the group to give some of their favorite methods, both natural and nuclear. I have never had the problem and short of neem oil, I would have to do research to find the right method too.
Hello. Thanks for the info. Everything helps. I don’t think thrips is what I’m dealing with. The “mosaic” has spread to almost every leaf now. The new growth is somewhat twisted and a couple leafs are curled right under on the sides. I’m leaning toward tobacco mosaic or some sort of genetic mystery. I don’t know. I’m going nuts trying to figure it out. Also these new growths are they thin and wavy ?
Hello. Just an update for those who are interested. I ended up putting the plant outside and just watered with the garden hose and currently using regular garden bed fertilizer. Things are just starting to show signs of flowering here in southern Ontario. The plant continues to grow small. The most damaged leaves fell off and now even some of them are white. Very interesting. It’s sister that grew beside it ended up having the very same variegated pattern just not as bad. I’ve moved onto other plants that are doing way better. Thank you to everyone to helped it’s unbelievable to think how much I’ve learned. Here is a pic of the whole plant. I’ll try and get a picture of the white leaves soon.
Hi @Camer41 ... I'm also growing Tweed Bakerstreets ... and they are doing well ... no need to switch strains.

For a few dollars you can get a pocket microscope ... it is an important tool to have.

I would really suggest you start a grow journal so we can tag along ... there is no need to ever lose a crop here at 420.

I am just concerned that if it wasn't a genetic mutant ... that you may run into issues again ... and if you do, then we'd like to help right away.

Alright ... let us know when you get that grow journal started so we can follow along :)
Hi @Camer41 ... I'm also growing Tweed Bakerstreets ... and they are doing well ... no need to switch strains.

For a few dollars you can get a pocket microscope ... it is an important tool to have.

I would really suggest you start a grow journal so we can tag along ... there is no need to ever lose a crop here at 420.

I am just concerned that if it wasn't a genetic mutant ... that you may run into issues again ... and if you do, then we'd like to help right away.

Alright ... let us know when you get that grow journal started so we can follow along :)

Hey thanks for the post. I will have to check out the journal. This plant just looks very doomed from the start. I didn’t take it down it’s just in a different house vegging in the backyard.

Side note:
Not sure how I forgot to mention this. But when this plant was super young I had a tomato plant beside it. I know I know never to do that again. I got the tomato from the store. The tomato is outside now and it doesn’t show any signs of TMV and is growing fast and high. I’m mentioning this because I truly believe the issues are all because of TMV even though I can’t see it on the tomato plant. It had to of come from the tomato plant in its early stages. But I may never know.

In the pack of 4 Bakerstreet Seeds from Ontario Cannabis store. 2 of them show this possible TMV, 1 is extremely healthy, the fourth I haven’t popped yet. Here is a pic of the healthy Bakerstreet from Tweed. Grown solely outside in ProMix Tomato Organic Soil. No nutes have been added.
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