Oops Better Late Than Never 1st Time Grow Journal, Sort Of


Well-Known Member
Hi all you wonderful folks here at 420. Stumbled on to this site about three weeks ago and have been spending almost every free moment I have reading and scanning and Lord willing, gleaning some knowledge of how to properly and effectively grow this medicine. I am a complete and an absolute newbie when it comes to growing. I just have never been around any type of growing operations and truth be told, these two girls that I am trying to grow are the first plants that I have ever seen in my life. Had I known this site existed, I would have been over here back in
April, when I started this, begging for input.
Anyway, here it is, I was told and have tried to keep it as simple as possible:

Grow area: 3 X 5' grow closet built in the back corner of my tool shed.... with a small a/c unit to circulate air and help control RH, flung flat white paint all over, caulked and sealed it up
Lights: LED 1500W full spectrum?
Strain: Two Northern Lights clones crossed with ?????? who knows what, taken off the mother plant of a good friend of mine.
Medium: Happy Frog
Nutrients: Fox Farms Trio
Containers: 5 gl. Grow Bags
Photographer: Some old man with shaky hands

April 24, 2019 got both plants home and transplanted out of their beer cups into 1 gl. grow bags:

Well, sort of got them transplanted. I hadn't moistened the soil in the grow bags when I transplanted, and watering turned into a fiasco and
both plants layed over, I tried to dig the girls out of their bags, and it only got worse from there. Somehow, was able to keep the roots together long enough to get them into the 5 gl. grow bag and looking somewhat happy after a few days......

May 2, 2019
I didn't know anything about LST, but I knew about tomato cages, so, I wrestled a couple cages over them to keep them from falling over.


So, from May 2nd until May 25th, ran 18/6 and watched them grow and over watered them and over watered them.

On May 25th, I whipped out the tape measure, measured my plant, measured my light distance from the plant and how much room I had
from the ceiling and having read that the girls might shoot up twice their height, I gave them 36 hours of darkness and switched them to
12/12, and switched to bloom on the LED...... and by June 4th was seeing first pistils...
Red pictures, sorry....

Along about this time I found 420, by searching for proper watering for potted plants and landed on Emlya's thread here..... and lurked around
for a few days, while applying what I was learning here towards the girls..... got the PH of the water down into the 6 and 1/2 ish range, went full nutrients, pruned lower areas and they started to look pretty good.....


June 26th, brought them out for their flush and a little underside pruning..... kinda had to wrestle them back into the closet.... don't
think the 24" door was a well thought out plan when I went with it......

Which brings me to tonight, this morning, whatever it is.

July 4th, Happy Independence Day to the Americans here!

According to the calendar, the girls are either 5 1/2 wks from 12/12 flip or 4 wks from budset.


To be continued, next post.....
Continuing..... over the last couple of days, have started noticing these things going on with the leaves.... and I have no idea what they are......


And this is where I sit........ Someone can probably glance at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I'm up against next..... any help that can be given, is greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks all,


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Could this be caused by incorrect PH? More precise..... could this be caused by someone inadvertently pushing the PH down into the 4.7 range? I think that is what I might have been doing..... I had been using PH paper along with a chart to
get the PH where I thought it was supposed to be. Received a digital PH pen today and tested my plant water the way that I had been mixing it, and it was down around 4.7. ..... So, for the last couple weeks I have been watering and with acidic leaning water.... Hopefully, no long term effects.... You all have a wonderful day!
Welcome oops, That looks like the early stage of a deficiency or splash. Any chance you might have splashed a little while watering. Bad PH will definitely lock out available nutrients. I have run into the same problem, my meter was off. I have some seriously rusted leaves. The recommended doses on Fox Farm watering schedule gets my tap water very close to 6.3-6.5. I’m In!! Hopefully some more of our peeps will chime in!! Cheers!!
Thank you Jdeck, and yes, no doubt I could probably have splashed the girls. Will I need to flush or anything like that? Or, just get their PH where it needs to be..... Tap water here is 6.5 according to new meter, which puts me right where I need to be, correct? Maybe I was color blind with the PH paper..... thank you again, Jdeck.
Howdy oops! I'm with Jdeck on nute splash or calcium. I used to use the FoxFarms trio but I added Botincare cal-mag+ to make sure that I was covered in that area. What kind of water are you using for your nutes? Reverse Osmosis (aka RO), tap, filtered?

I wouldn't worry too much about the pH of your nutes; as long as you're somewhere between 5.0 and 7.0 you should be fine.

I love that fact that you put tomato cages on those plants and never used them. Everything is growing on the outside! That said, I think you've done a damned fine job so far to get these plants stacked with buds. :welldone: I have questions if you don't mind, and feel free to tell me to shut up any time...I don't take it personally! And any advice I give is just advice (take it or leave it), unless it's science. Then they're facts...which you can also ignore :).

What's your feeding schedule look like and do you have a TDS or PPM pen, or are you just following the FF schedule for flower at this point?

Do you have a loupe to check trichomes as you get closer to harvest?

What kind of effects are you looking for when you use the harvest? Heady get-things-done high or painkilling relax in the couch high? And will you be smoking or ingesting?

I'll stop for now but I will have follow-ups for sure. This is what happens when you stop by my thread to say :ciao:

Howdy oops! I'm with Jdeck on nute splash or calcium. I used to use the FoxFarms trio but I added Botincare cal-mag+ to make sure that I was covered in that area. What kind of water are you using for your nutes? Reverse Osmosis (aka RO), tap, filtered?

I wouldn't worry too much about the pH of your nutes; as long as you're somewhere between 5.0 and 7.0 you should be fine.

I love that fact that you put tomato cages on those plants and never used them. Everything is growing on the outside! That said, I think you've done a damned fine job so far to get these plants stacked with buds. :welldone: I have questions if you don't mind, and feel free to tell me to shut up any time...I don't take it personally! And any advice I give is just advice (take it or leave it), unless it's science. Then they're facts...which you can also ignore :).

What's your feeding schedule look like and do you have a TDS or PPM pen, or are you just following the FF schedule for flower at this point?

Do you have a loupe to check trichomes as you get closer to harvest?

What kind of effects are you looking for when you use the harvest? Heady get-things-done high or painkilling relax in the couch high? And will you be smoking or ingesting?

I'll stop for now but I will have follow-ups for sure. This is what happens when you stop by my thread to say :ciao:

Hiya InthShed, I don't know how I missed this, this morning. I will try to answer your questions.... using tap water that has been set out for at least 24-36 hours. I'm hoping that the tomato cage will come in handy for support if the buds start getting heavy, but for now, it does a fine job of holding the humidity monitor. The only pen I have to date is a PH pen, that I received in the mail yesterday. Bought a 60-120X LED pocket microscope, but I think it is smarter than me, or my hands shake too bad to get it focused up close. The effects that I'm looking for in harvest are: Something to slow me down in the mornings, without giving me couch-lock, but be able to focus clearly. I wake up wired, and I stay wired for 20-36 hours, which makes insomnia an issue. Then, if possible, would like it to help ease pain, again without couch-lock, and finally maybe a stronger strain for late in the evenings, that would allow my brain to slow down enough to allow me to sleep like a semi-normal person. Right now I am smoking, and being a non-smoker, some strains that I have tried do make me cough. I smoke it for the quick kick-in. Have tried vaping however, did not seem to have a quick enough effect to suit me and those around me. Have tried ingesting concentrate with liquids and that doesn't seem to ever kick in as far as my pea brain can tell. Should I get a TDS pen (not a clue what that is) and a PPM pen (this one I do sort of know what it does) now? I do eventually want to get everything I need to grow as effectively and as I close to organic as I can. Thank you again Shed for all your help!
... and the missus is ordering the girls some botanicare cal mag as I'm typing this.
I'm hoping that the tomato cage will come in handy for support if the buds start getting heavy, but for now, it does a fine job of holding the humidity monitor.
Tying them up to the top of the cage will be a good idea as they swell...excellent planning!
The only pen I have to date is a PH pen, that I received in the mail yesterday.
TDS (or PPM) pens measure the strength of your nute mix. Some folks measure and some just go with the nute company's guidelines. If you feel the need to go with an organic soil, you won't need one as there are no nutes. Keep in mind that the roots don't know the difference between organic and synthetic nutes. A nitrogen molecule is a nitrogen molecule!
Bought a 60-120X LED pocket microscope, but I think it is smarter than me, or my hands shake too bad to get it focused up close.
The higher the magnification, the steadier your hand needs to be. I have an 8x loupe that works when taped to my phone.
The effects that I'm looking for in harvest are: Something to slow me down in the mornings, without giving me couch-lock, but be able to focus clearly. I wake up wired, and I stay wired for 20-36 hours, which makes insomnia an issue. Then, if possible, would like it to help ease pain, again without couch-lock, and finally maybe a stronger strain for late in the evenings, that would allow my brain to slow down enough to allow me to sleep like a semi-normal person.
That's a tough one, so I would think for the daytime, you want a good indica that is harvested before it gets too amber. For night time, you might want to try leaving a few buds on the plant when you harvest and letting them ripen more fully.

Do you know what the effects of this current strain are?
Right now I am smoking, and being a non-smoker, some strains that I have tried do make me cough. I smoke it for the quick kick-in. Have tried vaping however, did not seem to have a quick enough effect to suit me and those around me. Have tried ingesting concentrate with liquids and that doesn't seem to ever kick in as far as my pea brain can tell.
Who made the concentrates? What kind were they? Not everyone knows how to make them or how to make them strong!
Should I get a TDS pen (not a clue what that is) and a PPM pen (this one I do sort of know what it does) now? I do eventually want to get everything I need to grow as effectively and as I close to organic as I can.
TDS/PPM pens (they are basically the same thing) are for most folks using synthetic nutes, and they give you an accurate picture of how strong your nute mix is.
Tying them up to the top of the cage will be a good idea as they swell...excellent planning!

TDS (or PPM) pens measure the strength of your nute mix. Some folks measure and some just go with the nute company's guidelines. If you feel the need to go with an organic soil, you won't need one as there are no nutes. Keep in mind that the roots don't know the difference between organic and synthetic nutes. A nitrogen molecule is a nitrogen molecule!

The higher the magnification, the steadier your hand needs to be. I have an 8x loupe that works when taped to my phone.

That's a tough one, so I would think for the daytime, you want a good indica that is harvested before it gets too amber. For night time, you might want to try leaving a few buds on the plant when you harvest and letting them ripen more fully.

Do you know what the effects of this current strain are?

Who made the concentrates? What kind were they? Not everyone knows how to make them or how to make them strong!

TDS/PPM pens (they are basically the same thing) are for most folks using synthetic nutes, and they give you an accurate picture of how strong your nute mix is.
The current strain that I am growing, Northern Lights X ???? Haze, gives me a clear, focused mindset, with a slight dash of the giggles. It lasts for up to eight hours with (for me anyway) a single good hit out of a pipe. He said that he harvested his plants when the trichomes were over half to 70 % cloudy to get this result. You mean that I could harvest most of the
buds at that point, then leave a few to get a more couch-lock effect, and possibly get all the meds I need from one strain? Or am I dreaming?
The concentrates and vapes I did try were from dispensaries in OK, I honestly could not feel any effect whatsoever.
Thanks Shed for keeping an eye out for me. Appreciated!!
I said " He said that he harvested his plants when the trichomes were over half to 70 % cloudy to get this result." I don't think that is what he told me. He might have said 70% amber? I will have to get in contact with him in the next couple days to get that cleared up.
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