Our Ongoing Grows

Well Just a quick post to wish everyone a great New Years. Going to be a long night here. Done got me a jug and afew peoples coming over to raise alittle hell. And blow up afew things for fun. I got acouple mortars rigged and ready. Left overs from the 4th. Wish I still had afew connections I had back in Arkansas for some C-4 and caps. You know how much Rednecks love to blow things up. Well this household is no different. Not that I want to do a lot tonight but a token blast or two........... or if a lot of others out there...
Garden's growing atad slow seeing it's going to drop below freezing here. I'm looking forward to this God Bud I got started. I have afew interesting strains going. Real pretty plant called Dark star too. I wasn't able to get this PC to download my photo program I use soo it will be a minute longer before I update pic's. I have one just starting to flush now. Called Berry Bomb. Which will be followed by a Silver Kush.
They are bulking up nicely.
I hope all have a safe New Years and Keepem Green
Happy New Year NC and Miss Janet

Looking forward to the images

Well Cisco I didn't blow that up,,, but hail did help. Wasn't really hail tho. UVB light I guess wore it out. Turned real brittle then some small ass hail laid waste to it. Imagine UVB light in Portland?????? Cheap ass panels. I plan on getting some of that corrugated panels up this year. Some of them white ones you can damn near see thru.. Soon as I get up to snuff I'll get her going. I'm going to just use the aluminum as regular studs and screw it to it.
Buck I'm waiting also. Got some nice buds coming out in the next few days. I will get acouple pics when she comes out from under the HPS lites. Cold outside. I've been able to run both 1500 waters for awhile. Temps hit 78 inside in the daylight. Now I need to come up with some money to fix my base unit, so I can download pic's. Guess I can try whatever program windows offers. Miss J switched her pc to windows 10... Man that op system really sucks the big one.
Well I'm off to bed Keepem Green
Happy New Year Woody.
Happy New Year to ya and yr old lady, NCW!
Happy New Year Wood and good luck with the PC woes.

Up here in AK we can get anything you want as far as things that go boom. My house is on a hill and it was 15 sites lighting off full size mortars within a quarter mile of my house and we could watch them all at once. The show started about 8 and ended about 1AM. Great show and all just folks setting them off from ice tents on the lakes.

Was a time I could hit the local feed store and buy anything. From Cracked corn and sugar to brew a batch, up to dynamite and caps. Hell it was like a hillbillie hobby shop. I can only imagine the leeway you guys get up there. Times changed a lot since 9/11 even in Stuttgart Arkansas. I hear it takes a act of God anymore to get some explosives there or just about anywhere. I played around hard rock mining afew years and we had a blasting permit. 7 miles of tunnel on that claim. Upper Yuba River area. Place called Emigrant Gap off 80. Never found mineable amounts but sure found a lot of specimens of other minerals. Found good placer gold down in the river. Shit was under 400 a Oz. I'd have got rich at 1500. I bet them spots been worked to death by now.
Thanks all for the well wishes. Won't be long Conradino you be looking for preflowers. And up and growing. I shudder thinking what a greenhouse with tempered glass wood run. But I do have plans to have it operational next year. Those panels are a cheap fix but hell the new panels were a cheap fix. Is a great frame under it.
Snow and ice out there for the last couple days. And I best post this or it will be tomorrow again... Keepem Green
Was a time I could hit the local feed store and buy anything. From Cracked corn and sugar to brew a batch, up to dynamite and caps. Hell it was like a hillbillie hobby shop. I can only imagine the leeway you guys get up there. Times changed a lot since 9/11 even in Stuttgart Arkansas. I hear it takes a act of God anymore to get some explosives there or just about anywhere. I played around hard rock mining afew years and we had a blasting permit. 7 miles of tunnel on that claim. Upper Yuba River area. Place called Emigrant Gap off 80. Never found mineable amounts but sure found a lot of specimens of other minerals. Found good placer gold down in the river. Shit was under 400 a Oz. I'd have got rich at 1500. I bet them spots been worked to death by now.
Thanks all for the well wishes. Won't be long Conradino you be looking for preflowers. And up and growing. I shudder thinking what a greenhouse with tempered glass wood run. But I do have plans to have it operational next year. Those panels are a cheap fix but hell the new panels were a cheap fix. Is a great frame under it.
Snow and ice out there for the last couple days. And I best post this or it will be tomorrow again... Keepem Green

mmmmm-hmm... nice li'l batch o' shine. 'Gramaw used t' call that corn squeezunz. Good for just about anything that ailed ya, too.

I know a guy that used to work Emigrant Gap to Georgetown, and all over anywhere he could fit in between permanent claims. EJ/Rockhound . . .He was a Crystal Digger. Used to be pretty good at it, too. Never got really rich, cause he spent every dime he made, but if he'd kept it would have had a nice haul. Hindsight being 20/20 sux sometimes, looking back kicking yourself for doin' what ya did all the while knowin' ya shouldn't.
Yep, restrictions are pretty lax up here. Especially if you get into the bush and away from the few cities. First place I have ever lived that I helped bury a friend. Whole community came and helped, we camped and dug frozen soil and the whole town came out in the end to pay respects in the snow. Felt like we were in the old west. When there are no services, there are no restrictions as people have to fend for themselves and need all the supplies to do it. Things like stills and explosives were common out there.

I live much closer to the city these days but fireworks are VERY close by now!

Good to see ya drive bye Son. Hope the new ride is cool. Know its small but guess you'll deal with it.
Thanks all for stopping in. Hey I bet you can still get good M-200/ M-80's etc.......... Man I wish I was 15 years younger in heath,,, I love Alaska. I did a bear trip up there in a exchange for a Stuttgart Ark Duck hunt. Did get a bear off a bait stand. Got him with a bow. Damn near needed the 44 I carried. Even tho it was a pretty good placement on the shot. He lite out after me in a tree stand. Still was a respectable 400+ lb's.
You know Jandre, I had tailing dumps on the property that were loaded with crystals. Maybe he squatted on our place. Jk but we did have squatters doing just that. Guess they made 'bean's'. My partner Johnny brang home a 900 lb. chunk of beautiful crystal outta there. Some had points that were 8" long. The old timers use to blast and muck out crystals. I found great quartz laced with gold specimens up there. I know I crawled in a lot' of the little pockets up there and stuck my head in. Like a 4X4 cave walled with quartz crystal. Some were really beautiful. Even found the old timers blasting box. about 1/4 filled with ugly old stuff. One day I'll babble about that one. We closed Highway 20 for 6 hours with tailings.
But that is great crystal hunting area. 16 to 1 Mine's just north of there and that place has special gold. A lotss'''''' of crystallized gold. Stuff sells bye the caret. Makes a solid nugget seem like chump change.
Isn't anything going on here. Took PC down to be looked at. Going to damn near cost same as newer one. Least newer to me. One thing I did see is I don't like windows 10. So that isn't a option. They do have some reasonable price rebuilt units for damn near cost of repairs. So guess I get one.
Gardens doing good. Last two plants I cut still had afew seeds. I hope the next is better. I do have to say this about one stand out,,, the GSC's. Her branching is aimed straight up causing the need to cull a lot of the sun leaves. Man I hate doing that. So I staked mine up to let alittle more lite in the center. Poor little buds have that yellow tinge from light depravation. Well maybe tomorrow I can get acouple pic down loaded and posted. Till later's ya'll Keepem Green
Man NCW, you've been there and back in all sorts of chiyatt. I can never grow up to be like you...maybe 1/16, and that's good for me. Heee-ee. Get an apple, have one and mines like 5yrs old with no problems. Had all kinds of Dells and others that never lasted more than a year without some sort of glitch. Well, you take care and get things str8 with that..:Namaste:
You know Jandre, I had tailing dumps on the property that were loaded with crystals. Maybe he squatted on our place. Jk but we did have squatters doing just that. Guess they made 'bean's'. My partner Johnny brang home a 900 lb. chunk of beautiful crystal outta there. Some had points that were 8" long. The old timers use to blast and muck out crystals. I found great quartz laced with gold specimens up there. I know I crawled in a lot' of the little pockets up there and stuck my head in. Like a 4X4 cave walled with quartz crystal. Some were really beautiful. Even found the old timers blasting box. about 1/4 filled with ugly old stuff. One day I'll babble about that one. We closed Highway 20 for 6 hours with tailings.
But that is great crystal hunting area. 16 to 1 Mine's just north of there and that place has special gold. A lotss'''''' of crystallized gold. Stuff sells bye the caret. Makes a solid nugget seem like chump change.<snip>
Naw, he used to dig in between the claims where he could. He never squatted on people's claims. He also had a couple kids with him at times (boy and a girl). Also had a thing for geodes, though those are rare round those parts...
I was joking about the squatters. We di have a lot not that I paid any mind. We weren't looking for crystals, just load gold. But we had families up there depending on the snow line that use to set up tents and stay for acouple months of the year digging tailing piles. Well good news I hope... bought a new pc. Least new to me anyways. Got afew new programs to load and then I'll get acouple picks. Did mess up and let acouple girls dry out alittle. They are ok just I plan on alittle fried leafage. Well for now I'm outta here Keepem Green
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