Pictures of trichomes: Plants ready yet?


Well-Known Member
Got my laptop microscope to work. Here 2 pictures each of 4 plants. I can't tell if I'm getting pics of trichomes on buds or sugar leaves. From the pics, do they look ready yet?


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Thanks for the replies. This is my 4th grow and this is the only part I hate because I'm never sure if I'm harvesting at the right time.
If the weather or bugs or pathogens are not an issue , it appears there is maybe a 1 to 2 week window ( give or take ) for many plants , in regard to “ right time “. When most of the trichs turn cloudy starts that window. Up to each grower to decide what level of amber , on the calyx , one prefers.
Harvesting outside of that window , too early or too late , can definitely affect quality.
I suspect more girls are harvested too early than too late ;)
I suspect more girls are harvested too early than too late ;)

ha friend,, i would be willing to wager heavy on that one,, all in perhaps

according to ed rosenthal,, trichomes begin to degrade the second they turn cloudy,, degrade from top psychoactive qualities that is,, into less psychoactive compounds, not degrade into nothing

now, when a trichome turns amber,, well, it is full on degraded,, i think near no psychoactive properties left at all

one will never lose, other that a tiniest percent of volume, never lose harvesting early. the high can be noticeably improved

i recommend experimenting with picking a bud or two early and trying this

but, of course,, there is no wrong answer,, it's all good,, and would or could one ever really tell,, pick one path to travel, and forget the others,, cheers

edited the first word amber to cloudy,, cheers
I can see white pistils in some of your close ups. As far as anyone being able to tell you if your plant is ripe based on those pictures--they can't. Need a pic of the whole plant and a good bud shot. Learn to tell what a ripe bud looks like, then you can play with the magnifying glass.Show your buds like this. When calyxes get swollen and the pistils seem to get gobbled up is when you start looking through a microscope.
Looks like ur getting close, but from those pictures I’d give it a little more time, week maybe
Hey could anyone please&thankyou tell me if my plants are ready to be pulled or not
Hey could anyone please&thankyou tell me if my plants are ready to be pulled or not
Just remember once the trichomes start to turn amber -- they turn amber at the rate of 5% per week FYI
Okay thankyou sorry my photos didn’t load, so I know this much right .. I know that someone is growing a male around me because they all of a sudden got shocked & the buds stop swelling .. so I pulled off a little nugs dried it & it has seed all through it & they was gorilla glue feminized seeds









I can see white pistils in some of your close ups. As far as anyone being able to tell you if your plant is ripe based on those pictures--they can't. Need a pic of the whole plant and a good bud shot. Learn to tell what a ripe bud looks like, then you can play with the magnifying glass.Show your buds like this. When calyxes get swollen and the pistils seem to get gobbled up is when you start looking through a microscope.
Thankyou mate I appreciate it & holy smokes brutha are they yours because they are hectic aye that’s what my goal is to get to, to make my buds look like yours, it’s my first time growing this season so..
these photos was taken a week ago









Hey Bluey, as @zigzagman1960 said, it is far too early to harvest. You could do with trying to take some clearer close up pictures to see better the state of the trichomes. A shame you got an unwanted pollination but the buds so far look nice and tacky!
Hey Bluey, as @zigzagman1960 said, it is far too early to harvest. You could do with trying to take some clearer close up pictures to see better the state of the trichomes. A shame you got an unwanted pollination but the buds so far look nice and tacky!
I’m in Australia, I planted them back in spring second month of spring, the 21st of October, it’s now the 14th of March..
& when I get home from work I’ll take some close ups !! Yeah it’s definitely a shame I couldn’t believe it took me a little to work out what was going on ‍♀️ They are definitely nice & tacky, just a shame they aren’t swelling up anymore
Hey Bluey, I have a soft spot for Ozzie, as I lived there for a few years. I started my current grow at a similar time to you. I am not expecting to harvest mine until another month for a hybrid and probably another 3 weeks or so after that for the 3 sativas I'm growing. Your plants aren't likely to be ready until all the white pistils have withered and turned brown, then you can look at the trichomes. I prefer mine mostly cloudy with maybe 5-15% amber. But you need clear close up pics for that, so it may be useful to try to steady your camera by having it on a chair/stool/tripod rather than hand held if that's too shaky.
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