Producing Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Hey Granny,

I've made some canna tincture, but before I add the alcohol, I put my mj in a oven sheet, preheat my oven at 150°C or 302°F then I put in my MJ, turn off my oven, then let it cool with my MJ in for 15 minutes (Your house will stink like hell), and that's it, then I follow all your steps.

I made the oven thing cuz the THC molecule is carboxilated and with the oven you're decarboxilating it, so it can get you high when is eaten, if you don't decarboxilate your weed, then it won't get you high.

Decarboxilating weed is an old trick, many vaporizer users keep their AVB (Already Vaped Buds) cause the vaped buds are decarboxilated and there's something of THC, CBD and CBN on it, so they make Golden Dragon, cuz Green Dragon is not as powerfull cuz is not decarboxilated.

It's only my 2 cents, but if it works for you without decarboxilating, then you're making something right that I don't.

Hey Granny,

I've made some canna tincture, but before I add the alcohol, I put my mj in a oven sheet, preheat my oven at 150°C or 302°F then I put in my MJ, turn off my oven, then let it cool with my MJ in for 15 minutes (Your house will stink like hell), and that's it, then I follow all your steps.

I made the oven thing cuz the THC molecule is carboxilated and with the oven you're decarboxilating it, so it can get you high when is eaten, if you don't decarboxilate your weed, then it won't get you high.

Decarboxilating weed is an old trick, many vaporizer users keep their AVB (Already Vaped Buds) cause the vaped buds are decarboxilated and there's something of THC, CBD and CBN on it, so they make Golden Dragon, cuz Green Dragon is not as powerfull cuz is not decarboxilated.

It's only my 2 cents, but if it works for you without decarboxilating, then you're making something right that I don't.


Hi Honey!

Yer just never to old to learn new things, eh? I had never heard of this before - :thanks: for the info! Now ya gotta tell me how green and golden dragon are made! See whatcha got yerself into??? :)

I can say I get REAL high on my tincture (50 drops is way too much unless yer in the mood to be really really really stoned), but I will have to try this sometime. Right now I'm set for tincture for at least 6 months, but when I make some more, I'll try doing it both ways and then test the product. Isn't it great to test the products???? :)

Thought I could squeek in a little more time (to visit OMM) but hubby just got home and he's hungry and it isn't his tummy growlin'!!!!

Hi again Granny,

Well for me Cannabis tincture = Green/Golden Dragon. So I'm gonna make some tincture with your method right now.

Maybe I've been wrong all this time....

As always, great pics Granny. They really help! Here's my personal update. Top pic is from my half and half plant. I got viable pollen 6 weeks into flowering, (Sprayed CS from 2 days before flowering). Thought it would be too late for female half of plant, since it looked like most pistils had changed color, but I dropped pollen on her anyway, and today at about 9 weeks into flowering, and about 3 1/2 weeks after pollination, it's looking very good.


The pic below is of the all female that went into flowering 1 week behind the changed one. The plant itself is not as healthy looking overall, since I tried extra pruning to slow down the flowering early on, but still getting seeds.
As always, great pics Granny. They really help! Here's my personal update. Top pic is from my half and half plant. I got viable pollen 6 weeks into flowering, (Sprayed CS from 2 days before flowering). Thought it would be too late for female half of plant, since it looked like most pistils had changed color, but I dropped pollen on her anyway, and today at about 9 weeks into flowering, and about 3 1/2 weeks after pollination, it's looking very good.


The pic below is of the all female that went into flowering 1 week behind the changed one. The plant itself is not as healthy looking overall, since I tried extra pruning to slow down the flowering early on, but still getting seeds.

:love::love::love::love::love:Denny in CA!!!:love::love::love::love::love:

You did wonderful!!! I am so tickled for you!!! And yer photos are excellent!


I am reaping FEMALE seeds and will be giving an update as soon as I can find time again!

Today has already been a 12 hour work day and I am shot (as it seems I am every night). I hurt everywhere and am having a tough time keeping up with everything at present. With April 15th sneaking up here, I have to make sure I have all businesses and tax returns done - it bites. I am very very tired but knew I needed to get in here to at least let everyone know I'm still alive!

Luvies to ALL!!!
Helluva thread Granny! I've had this one bookmarked for a while. I'm currently doing selective pollination on a few budsites with a regular male/female cross, but I'd really like to try the feminized seed thing sometime. Nice job and thanks for sharing your efforts with us all.

Thanks for your MOTM support, too, that was very sweet and extremely appreciated. I have much respect for you, so it is very meaningful to me. :thanks:

I have received word that the seeds have sprouted and are growing very well. I have not planted any myself, but it is good to know that it is working properly. Total success!
By the time I am done with my current scrog, those seeds should be finished flowering and I will know how they did. But the word is, they are growing very very well. ;)

Good thing you stopped by Granny,,, I was honestly beginning to find the lack of Granny unnerving. Great to hear that you are rolling in seeds ;)

Best Wishes
Thanks for the kind words Granny, and Notadrinker. And they do work. I put 2 in wet paper towels. Opened in three days. Popped into soil, and had sprouts in 3 days after that. I now have way more seeds than I know what to do with. Probably got 300 + good ones, and tossed another 200 that were green or light colored.

Take Care Granny, and get some rest.
Granny and Mojox

While researching various methods of making butter, oil, and tincture, I came across an article that reminded me of a discussion here about Decarboxylation prior to making tincture. I inserted a copy of the article below, but my interpretation of it, together with other material I've read is that it's probably always a good idea. However, it's probably not necessary if you are using fully cured weed.

Decarboxylation of Cannabis

Natural cannabis contains a wide variety of phytocannabinoids, compounds which bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body and contribute to the high felt when cannabis is consumed. One interesting thing to consider is that the majority of these compounds do not dissolve in water, but were produced in a plant whose leaves and stems are saturated with water and require it to survive. So how were they biosynthesized in a plant if they are not soluble in water?

One proposed solution is that while in the living cells of the cannabis plant these cannabinoids are almost entirely present as their carboxylic acids which are water soluble. After cannabis is harvested and cured, these carboxyl groups begin to degrade, releasing CO2 and leaving behind the desired decarboxylated active cannabinoids. Drying, aging, and heat all contribute to break this carboxyl group down, which is why fresh cannabis is typically cured and then smoked for maximum potency.

But what if you’re consuming the cannabis in a different manner, for instance in brownies or in an alcohol tincture? Then additional care must be taken to ensure the inactive cannabinoids such as THCA and CBDA are decarboxylated into the desired THC and CBD. This is especially important with lower quality cannabis that has not been properly cured, and will likely contain significant amounts of carboxylated cannabinoids as a result.

The good thing is that it’s quite easy to accomplish. Most recipes recommend heating ground cannabis in oil or butter, or a layer of roughly ground cannabis can be put on a baking sheet and put in a pre-heated oven at 200°F (~93°C) for five minutes which will dry and heat the cannabis sufficiently to improve the potency of the resulting product. This is especially important for alcohol tinctures, which typically are not heated as part of the preparation process unlike a baked good such as a brownie.

Maybe this is partly the reason why you both had positive results.
Thanks DennyinCa,

I think that's why we success in the making of edibles, but I think maybe we must to create another tread for this topic, don't you think?

I start to see some people that isn't happy with our chat.

I wouldn't worry any Mojox. This thread was started by Granny as her journal, which has helped everyone who's read it. I view your post on a possible improvement to the recipe that she posted earlier in this journal, as well as my back up data, as relevant, and a way for us to give a little back to her.
Thanks Dood,

I've been doing the decarb thing since first time I made tincture, so I had always success but sometimes there's no high effect on me but in my friends got a savage high with the same tincture, even when I made it with premium buds, just don't know why cuz I smoke once a week, mostly vape every day.

I'm member in this and other 4 or 5 inglish spoken forums, and 2 or 3 spanish too, and this is the coolest forum I've ever posted, cuz here's good people and good info, so Granny420, DennyinCA, NotaDrinker, BID, etc, keep this thread rockin' like always.

I agree with paw-paw. And I still think that responding to something Granny brought up is fine, but we don't want to steer this too far off her topic, so mojox has a good point about another thread. I may start a current one after gathering more info, but for now if you do a search in the forums of 420 Mag. for Tincture, and "Search Titles Only", there is some excellent threads and great reading.

First - I got caught up on reading and I want everyone to be assured there are NO subjects we can't visit about! ALL IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD!

The only time I would suggest putting info in a different area is if it has a specific interest to others and would be easier for others to find if it was separate - like when Irish (BigIrishDude) was adding info about how to make colloidal silver - the info was fantastic here, but he went into great depth and answered tons of questions in his own journal on that subject (and we linked to it and I still send folks there)! He has a WORLD of knowledge on that subject!!!

Hmm... I am short on time and will be giving an update, but it seems there were some important things here... hmmm...

I'm not sure I gave a proper welcome to
:welcome:paw-paw and FrankFoster:welcome:
I do so hope you love :420: as much as I do!!!!

Xrl8... I am clenching my dentures tight in my mouth so we don't have a repeat of January!!! EEEK!!! I will sure comment much more when the MOTM contest is over for March!!! And your welcome for my vote - :love::love::love:you sure do deserve it, honey, for all the support you give SO MANY FOLKS HERE!!! ME INCLUDED!!!:love::love::love:

Mojox, NotADrinker, DennyInCA, and anyone I forgot - IT IS ALWAYS SO WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU FOLKS CONTINUING THE CONVERSATIONS IN MY ABSENCES!!! :thanks::thanks::thanks:

Ok... I have some images to upload and then I will return with a most-likely LONG WINDED (wouldn't be G420 otherwise, eh???!!!) update.

Oh... and I finally got to take a day off and went riding with hubby on Sunday. IT FELT SO GOOD!!!!! VRROOOOOMM!!!! :)
Oh - and I forgot to mention...

I liked the article about decarb.... It might be that my tinture is real good cuz I use some real good parts in making it!!! LOL I am going to try warming it for 5 minutes next time tho, cuz maybe it could be even better! Mojox, please let me know if you test this!

Okay - pics are uploaded but I gotta go tag them... brb...


I am so pleased to have seeds finally being harvested!!!

I will start with the minimal amount of feminized seeds I have harvested - but I have a number of strains still finishing their seeds and I sure got better as I learned! :thanks: to those who helped me learn!!!!!

This pic is of all feminized seeds I produced using CS spray...

I have gotten better and have more strains finishing, so I am VERY PLEASED!!! Mataro Blue, Red Dragon, Trainwreck and Aurora Indica are among the strains finishing fem seeds for me in the next few weeks.

And there are some feminized seeds in the first purple auto Blue Himalaya that I seeded (Different branches seeded with different strains)....

This single plant included 2 branches crossed with auto Mazar (4 fem seeds from auto Mazar CS treated plant), a few upper branches pollinated with it's own strain which threw this purple, and the bottom (the plant material in the pic) was crossed with auto Cream Caramel. I know I have auto CC crossed seeds in here cuz I've been seeing them, but I like to dry the material before taking seeds and I just clipped this today (and put one seed in the bag that would have fallen off).

My first plants to use in this experiment didn't yield as many seeds per strain as I would have liked - and some that I missed with timing didn't give me any seeds ... so I have taught you all what NOT to do!! :) But now that I am only using fresh pollen that will immediately fall out (drop) inside my lil cup, I'm having a great deal of success!!! I'm doin' a happy dance!!! :slide:

And here are the regular seeds I have gotten with pollinating one bud on a few strains with MALE Papaya pollen (NOT part of this experiment - just did mainly to assure I would have seeds if all else didn't work!)...

I am absolutely loving how well it works to self a plant by only treating the lower nodes and then pollinating on the upper part (all in one plant). Here are two strains I did this with on a small clone of each grown in a small pot...
Master Kush and Bubba Pre-98

I pictured these two a couple weeks ago with pics of the pollen sacs on the bottom.

I pollinated only the lowest branches on these plants - that way I still get to smoke the top bud!!!

Below you can see the feminized seeds on a Master Kush bud...

And here you can see some seeds on the Bubba Pre-98...

Both are very nicely seeded, so I removed the treated parts and sacs from the bottom of these plants and they both got promoted out of the dungy closet and back into the flower room! They liked this. :)

Before I go tho, I'm gonna add a few pics of a couple ladies in my flower room. First, a Red Dragon at 7 weeks. LST gave me a number of nice long colas on this one...

Next, a few pics of the same plant (G13Haze - all pics are the same plant) - but with different light settings. This is a G13Haze from one of the 2 seeds I had of this from my first grow. LOVE THIS STRAIN...
I'm still experimenting with my light settings for in the HPS area and found this plant looked different depending upon the light setting...

G13Haze 1

G13Haze 2

G13Haze 3

It is hard to see all the bud that grows along those long colas but the different light settings show that a bit better. This one grows nice firm buds on long colas and was one of my highest yielders in the past cuz of it - and it's a butt kickin' powerful smoke!!! I had 2 seeds ... the other plant I treated the bottom two nodes and it has just recently been pollinated and is beginning to show seeds, as is 2 small branches lower on this lady pictured above. I WILL have feminized seeds of this strain too.

If anyone is wondering by now if this process works... just look at NotADrinker, DennyInCA, and I can't remember who else other than this ol' Granny who has had GREAT SUCCESS!!!

I'd never have thought you could do it all on one plant either, but it sure does work real nice. I'm so glad I experimented with this method. DennyInCA is right on target for approximate times, about 6 weeks into flower and the bottom has viable pollen while the top is ready to pollinate.

That's it outta me. I won't be able to get back in here much until after tax time, but please everyone keep the home fires burnin' here!!!!

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