Radogast's 2018 Basement Adventure

Sounds like things are coming together nicely at your shop. :goodjob:
The right hand woman to our landlord came into the shop today and said "Wow. It looks like a real store."
Yesterday, the hairdresser next door wandered in, saw our classroom, and said "I want to live here! This is how my house should look." This is good for my wife's confidence.

In my 12 hours today, the main sales room had 6 decorations and fixtures mounted to the walls and stocked with tagged and inventoried merch, the classroom had about 40 yards of silk hung on the ceiling, which really helped the acoustics, (we have about 60 more yards to go this week,) I stripped 12 guage copper wire and shaped into sort of lighting bolt patterns to hang broomsticks on sheetrock walls, and the back room had 40 more varieties of herbs placed in glass bowls and a half dozen decorative herb bundles hung from the ceiling (it smells marvelous.) I'd have liked to have done more but I had to take the girl out to test drive, and put a down payment on, her first car. - It was a good day.

In the garden, I took a hatpin to the sprayer unit of my clone bucket and cleaned out gunk clogging half the holes (it's been over a year), watered and supercropped the Devil's Tit that didn't make it into the flower area, took a clone of the Devil's Tit in the flower area, and watered the remaining 420 and non-420 hempies. There is a Delicatessen Lilly 1-day hanging to dry, a Carnival harvest due in about a week, and CAT drenches (as the flowers set) for 3 plants in the next 1-3 weeks.

I'm wondering how long to go between waterings in the flower area. I've been top watering about 1.5 gallons per 7 gallon fabric pot every 3 days in a room of 78-84F and 40-50% RH.
What a contrast. Very cool the way she bounced back.

Those DT do drink a lot of water. WAY more than you even think they would. Big plants tho. They can take 1/2 gal a day every day to the end and still be thirsty.
Those DT do drink a lot of water. WAY more than you even think they would. Big plants tho. They can take 1/2 gal a day every day to the end and still be thirsty.

The two DT#6 were about the same size and structure and drinking at the same time a few weeks after a single FIM.

I topped one of them, removing about 4 inches off of each of four arms figuring I would slow it down and encourage lower growth. I don't think it heped with the lower growth, but the one I topped is only drinking every 4-6 days, as opposed to 2-3 days in veg. It seems to be 10-15 days behind the taller one in being ready to go into flower, My next girl to come out of the flower area has two top nugs ready to harvest on 1-2 days and the rest of the plant about 8-10 days behind, so the timing will be nearly perfect.

I'm surprised the topping had such a profound effect, but in this case, it worked in my favor :)

The Lilly I harvested a week or two ago is dry. The plant had gone through a reveg during cloning and her structure was loose and thin and bushy. Her buds came out the same way.

1 liter of thin, airy, Lilly buds

The yield may have been disappointing but my wife says the high is excellent - some of the best I've grown. The fresh harvest is an almost pure head highfrom an almost pure sativa. Not at all racy. Mildly energetic. She functions fine, and reports life is more fun and trippy :)

PS - Lilly had about 40 seeds. I'm fairly certain she self seeded.


Today, I harvested a smallish Carnival at 66 days. Aged pistils. Trichomes are full cloudy with aged stalks that are getting stretched and bent. She went into flower at 25"high x 25"wide and came out at 30" x 30" and slumping over .

A view of the buds after removing the larger fan leaves

Buds are typical 'dispensary sized.'

Buds have been foxtailing for at least 2 weeks.

After trimming you can see how the buds are clubbed-shaped at top from the foxtailing.

About 1.5 oz of dense, sticky buds hanging to dry after their bud washing.

There is an aroma I had not been able to place from Carnival; a tangy, sharp aroma that is bitter but not unpleasant.

Riding in the car after I trimmed, the wife asked, "Have you been eating garlic this morning?"

I sniffed my fingers for the tangy smell of her trichomes. Yep, that's it. The aroma of raw garlic.

I chopped and washed the hempy Carnival that had run 84 days.

I have previously harvested Carnival between 57 and 77 days, but this plant is so disappointing I hadn't bothered to harvest. The wash water was sitting ready so I pulled her up by her roots and washed the whole plant.

She looks like about 1 cup of popcorn. I may or may not trim this Carnival for smoking.

Congrats on your harvest Rad. Hope your DT gets done b-4 you need em again! :Namaste:

G/L with DT.. wont be a disappoint!

Well..... about that DT....

I decided to rope up Guawi as she was getting to be a bit too much of a space and light hog. She was overshadowing 2 of the other 3 girls in the flower stall. I could maybe allow that with a 7-8 week strain, but she went 13 weeks her first round, so I had to rope her in.

Guawi on the left after I tied her up. She was the whole width before I bound her to the wall.

With Guawi under control, I got my first good look at DT in about a week. Not what I wanted to see.

DT had a whole crop of boy balls

I chopped off those balls and leaves and shoved them into a killy litter box with some starter soil

The skeleton of Devil's Tit imitating a saguaro cactus

Mug Shot of DT- branded a male after 4 months of veg.

I soaked some new soil in transplant water and am soaking a new seed overnight to replace the DT boy.

I have another DT#6 seedling in late veg. She should be ready for flower in a week or so. I've a Labyrinth seedling and a Carnival clone another week or more behind the DT#6 seedling. That fills the flower area again.:)

The 7 gallons of Doc Bud soil from the DT boy was only used for 2 weeks, so I'll add a handful of worm castings and reuse it for the other DT#6 seedling.

I hate it when that happens. 4 months? Ow.

It's an interesting hobby in the way it forces us to look 5-6 months ahead all the time. Just yesterday, I was thinking how much I prefer a perpetual to a batch grow. I have a hard time waiting out the damned 5 months. This week, I'm about 45 days into bloom on a whole batch of plants I started at around the same time. They're getting sticky and smelly and very soon, rewarding. The long wait is coming to an end, and now I'll have my reward every week or so. :slide:

Males aren't so bad if you have another one to replace it, but I hate the feeling of lost time.

Yes spending that much time on a male stinks. there are now some services that will test your plant to let you know if it is a male or female an the test can be done around 2 weeks from coming up. I am yet to do it but Buckshot has had good luck and so have others on IG. The problem is spending the money to do it but it does save you time.

You have a Labyrinth going eh? I have wanted to run that but have not bought seeds. Exotic makes some nice gear. i have heard tell that a lot of the Cube crosses show some intersex issues on the seed plants on the bottom branches. From what I have heard though if you cut the male flowers early after seeing them they should not come back and they may not appear on the clones taken from the mother. They are supposed to be frosty and potent plants.
Hmmmm .... not sure how you got a male there Rad. Didn't have anything other than females in flower. That's interesting. Well not really. Sorry for your hard work into the bin.

I hate it when that happens. 4 months? Ow.

It's an interesting hobby in the way it forces us to look 5-6 months ahead all the time. Just yesterday, I was thinking how much I prefer a perpetual to a batch grow. I have a hard time waiting out the damned 5 months. This week, I'm about 45 days into bloom on a whole batch of plants I started at around the same time. They're getting sticky and smelly and very soon, rewarding. The long wait is coming to an end, and now I'll have my reward every week or so. :slide:

Males aren't so bad if you have another one to replace it, but I hate the feeling of lost time.


My first grow was a typical batch grow with good yields for a first grow (4 x 2.5oz plants for 10 oz.)

My second grow stalled and stalled and stalled while I struggled with watering and PH issues - I had to take clones and I had nothing in flower for 9 months, and by the time things started to straighten out, I had 14 plants of various sizes plus clones so I sort of slipped into a perpetual grow.

I find the perpetual so much more fun (there is always something going on) - plus I can run a 13 weeks of flower sativa in with faster flowering girls - something I would never do if I was growing a batch at a time.

One of the things I like about a perpetual and having a male - I only lost one slot in the flower room and there's another plant ready to step in pretty soon :)
Yes spending that much time on a male stinks. there are now some services that will test your plant to let you know if it is a male or female an the test can be done around 2 weeks from coming up. I am yet to do it but Buckshot has had good luck and so have others on IG. The problem is spending the money to do it but it does save you time.

I take two cuttings from each plant the day she goes into the flower area. After rooting them in the clone bucket (always running) the daughter clone goes into a 1-gallon pot until she is ready to move to a 7-gallon pot and into flower. Because I veg slowly, it works out that the daughter clone is about ready to go into flower when the mother who gave the clone is ready for harvest, so the daughter becomes the mother of the next generation on her way into flower.

Which is all to say, the issue of males doesn't come up that often for me. I only plant new seeds when I mess up and lose genetics, or want to replace the familiar genetics of one strain with a new strain. I messed up a few months back :)

You have a Labyrinth going eh? I have wanted to run that but have not bought seeds. Exotic makes some nice gear. i have heard tell that a lot of the Cube crosses show some intersex issues on the seed plants on the bottom branches. From what I have heard though if you cut the male flowers early after seeing them they should not come back and they may not appear on the clones taken from the mother. They are supposed to be frosty and potent plants.

I have a Labyrinth in veg. I have high hopes for both the Labyrinth and the Devil's Tit. Courtesy of the next person to be quoted in this post.

I had a very hard time starting the Labyrinth seeds. Per my memory, out of 4 or 5 started in water, only 2 seeds cracked and one of them had a weak tail that never broke the surface of the soil. I had hard time cracking other seeds this last round so I might consult the moon cycles and Old Farmer's Almanac before trying my next seed. I know I have New Moon energy behind this new Devil's Tit seed :) The family added a little extra juju.While the seed was bathing in water, we broke out a cauldron, lit charcoal, and added sage, dragon's blood, and other herbs to smudge the house and make the 'black' element for black salt. This little seedling should be potent :)

Hmmmm .... not sure how you got a male there Rad. Didn't have anything other than females in flower. That's interesting. Well not really. Sorry for your hard work into the bin.

To be honest, I had no concerns that this might be a male - except for the day I decided to start a second seed soaking just in case. He did veg faster than his sister seedling, but I put that down to topping her a second time. The plants did all the work.

To be fair, I went 3-4 weeks before the second watering to build roots, a stressor that is thought to increase the odds of a seedling turning male. I also had multiple T5 CFL bulbs burn out during the first few weeks of veg - another stressor.

Intellectually, I'm not convinced that female genetics of an entire plant turn male under stress, but since fish do it, I imagine plants may also do it.

I'm not concerned with one slot in veg being wasted. Mostly I'm hoping the male kept his pollen in his pants. 2 of the 3 girls in flower are of a tender age where their buds have just set. And that's my fault for putting an unsexed seedling in the back of the flower area and ignoring it for 12 days. There are a lot worse things than Devil's Tit crossed with other genetics:)
I have high hopes for your new genetics as well bud. I had not been starting seeds all that often but in the last year have built such a collection that I need to start working my way through them now. With reg seeds I always start 2 at a time and hope for at least one female. My Orangeades that I started turned out to be both female which was great, until the law of averages kicked in and caused my two MACs to be males lol. I have 3 strains I started a bit ago that I am waiting to show sex. Well 4 if I count the Peanutbutter Breath that I have been waiting on for even longer. I have considered the sex tests just so that I do not waste time and soil along with a slot in the plant count on males. I have considered getting a small tent to do some pollen chucks in so I can make some beans. I do have some really nice genetics at this point so it would be interesting to see what I can get.
I take two cuttings from each plant the day she goes into the flower area. After rooting them in the clone bucket (always running) the daughter clone goes into a 1-gallon pot until she is ready to move to a 7-gallon pot and into flower. Because I veg slowly, it works out that the daughter clone is about ready to go into flower when the mother who gave the clone is ready for harvest, so the daughter becomes the mother of the next generation on her way into flower.

Which is all to say, the issue of males doesn't come up that often for me. I only plant new seeds when I mess up and lose genetics, or want to replace the familiar genetics of one strain with a new strain. I messed up a few months back :)

I have a Labyrinth in veg. I have high hopes for both the Labyrinth and the Devil's Tit. Courtesy of the next person to be quoted in this post.

I had a very hard time starting the Labyrinth seeds. Per my memory, out of 4 or 5 started in water, only 2 seeds cracked and one of them had a weak tail that never broke the surface of the soil. I had hard time cracking other seeds this last round so I might consult the moon cycles and Old Farmer's Almanac before trying my next seed. I know I have New Moon energy behind this new Devil's Tit seed :) The family added a little extra juju.While the seed was bathing in water, we broke out a cauldron, lit charcoal, and added sage, dragon's blood, and other herbs to smudge the house and make the 'black' element for black salt. This little seedling should be potent :)

To be honest, I had no concerns that this might be a male - except for the day I decided to start a second seed soaking just in case. He did veg faster than his sister seedling, but I put that down to topping her a second time. The plants did all the work.

To be fair, I went 3-4 weeks before the second watering to build roots, a stressor that is thought to increase the odds of a seedling turning male. I also had multiple T5 CFL bulbs burn out during the first few weeks of veg - another stressor.

Intellectually, I'm not convinced that female genetics of an entire plant turn male under stress, but since fish do it, I imagine plants may also do it.

I'm not concerned with one slot in veg being wasted. Mostly I'm hoping the male kept his pollen in his pants. 2 of the 3 girls in flower are of a tender age where their buds have just set. And that's my fault for putting an unsexed seedling in the back of the flower area and ignoring it for 12 days. There are a lot worse things than Devil's Tit crossed with other genetics:)

May not be you.... prolly not you. I'm worried about my neighbors now. I'm not the only one around these parts that grows. I know there are grows just don't know where or how close. Kinda disappointing. I run a lot of regs so getting males is part of the whole.
May not be you.... prolly not you. I'm worried about my neighbors now. I'm not the only one around these parts that grows. I know there are grows just don't know where or how close. Kinda disappointing. I run a lot of regs so getting males is part of the whole.

That was my biggest fear in Massachusetts - That I'd let loose a male to pollinate the neighbors grows, and townsfolk would come across my bridge carrying pitchforks and torches to pound down my front door. They'd suspect me first since I was the only legal grow in town:)
That was my biggest fear in Massachusetts - That I'd let loose a male to pollinate the neighbors grows, and townsfolk would come across my bridge carrying pitchforks and torches to pound down my front door. They'd suspect me first since I was the only legal grow in town:)

Hahaha and another good reason to not tell government anything about me or what I do. Taxes are bad enough.
Hempy Carnival Harvest

The results are in ... The Carnival Hempy,one of my best producers in my attempt to grow hempy this last winter, came in between 2 1/4 and 2 1/2 oz. Not regular grams and ounces, fluid ounces. The good news is, it's a happy Carnival high :)

Hempy Carnival, 2 & 1/2 fluid ounces

Hahaha and another good reason to not tell government anything about me or what I do. Taxes are bad enough.
The less the government knows, the better off we all are. I have a hard time finding any redeeming value for 95% of government.
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