Radogast's Hi-Brix Basement Grow - New Location - New Soil - New Experiences

ok so i went in to the veg area to feed my hempy girls and look what i find sticking up it popped up in the last like 5 hours or so lol but yea this is the first one of my seeds to pop up from the strain i made i germed 5 and only 3 popped a tail and so far this is number 1 lol im so excited haha


I saw it, and have been rooting for it to succeed.

I have not yet sprouted a seed in perlite - 0 for 2.

Does this have a hempy hole?
If so, How far below the soil line?
I saw it, and have been rooting for it to succeed.

I have not yet sprouted a seed in perlite - 0 for 2.

Does this have a hempy hole?
If so, How far below the soil line?
Thanx rad its jus a lil tike lol and yes I have a hempy hole 2 inches from the bottom like sweetsue suggested but since it's just a seedling for the first few days im just lightly spraying ro water on it and then jus a tad xtra to hit the roots but I don't get any run off out the hole for like the first 10 to 14 days roughly

There's an argument to be made in favor of keeping the central spike vs splitting it out. I like to keep the spike going... it's quite impressive in this strain and I feel it's better to keep it rather than try to increase the other growth. I'm sure you'll get around to testing that idea out for yourself.

Very nice rad lookn great as always hey I had a question I just germed two ultra dog f2 regular beans i got gifted to me and I was wondering bout how much of a stretch do u get off the u.d. after flip or is this the first time u grew this strain??

If you keep the center spike, you'll end up somewhere between 1.5x and 2x. Most of the height increase is in the center spike, with a very pronounced and even 2nd level 'plateau'.
There's an argument to be made in favor of keeping the central spike vs splitting it out. I like to keep the spike going... it's quite impressive in this strain and I feel it's better to keep it rather than try to increase the other growth. I'm sure you'll get around to testing that idea out for yourself.

If you keep the center spike, you'll end up somewhere between 1.5x and 2x. Most of the height increase is in the center spike, with a very pronounced and even 2nd level 'plateau'.
So when you say keep the center spike do you mean like i shouldn't top them and just keep em all natural?? Also then since u said they not to big on side branching could I do some fimming to them and be good or do they not do good wit that method of training??[/IMG]ould that work out
Well... Tead's a lazy dude so he often lets them go natural. They bend up pretty good. You can top the spike, but fim'ing might be a better idea. Kick those tires and let us know... get down with your experimental self baby!
Ok well ill be fimming one and let the other 2 grow naturally well ill do alil lst but the point of this grow is 2 find the females and make sure to get clones amd labeled lol
Smoke Report

A bit about my health, I have been, most of my life, in above average health with about 3 sick days a year: 2 mild flu/flu recovery sick days and 1 goof off sick day. I'm still pretty much that healthy, but getting hit with extra batches of flus and colds for the first 3 years after moving to a new state and new climate. The fact I'm 59 yrs old might also make a differerence.

About 10 days ago, I experienced heartburn.

Day One 2am: Heartburn. I am the only one awake and near yelling in pain, 2 hrs later, relief and sleep.

Day Two 9am: a bit freaked, asked my wife for medications advice. I have a plan if it happens again, pepto bismol

Day Two 4pm: Heartburn. Same pain, everyone around. took pepto bismol. 4 hrs later, relief. - - not really an improvement over yesterday.

Day Three 5:30am: Heartburn. Brain attention consuming pain. Can't concentrate enough to fry an egg.

Day Three 11am: Heartburn continues. pepto bismol is useless. Pain decreasea for a few minutes after burping. Epic car journey of concentration, distracted me from pain, Purchased food Tums and Alka Setlzer

Day Three 3pm: Heartburn continues. Tums and Alka Seltzer are not working - drinking ginger ale helps for a few minutes after burping.

Day Three 4 PM: Time to go to weed. Smoked three bowls AK47 in 2 hit sessions for the next 6 hours

AK47 XTRM pain report said:
AK47 XTRM for pain. This 80% + sativa takes away 30% of the physical pain and 100% of the emotional connection to pain.

With Chronic pain, there is a pain level, and there is how much the pain gnaws at you - the emotional connection to the pain.

When emotionally disconnected, I can still rate the pain (pain is at a level 8) but It feels like the information is about someone else, so I can just do my little bit to make them feel better by ignoring the pain. This emotional disconnect is similar to how some people report the effects of anti-psychotic SSRIs, but that seems to be a general disconnect from the meaning of life and emotional pain - for me, the emotional disconnect was only from the pain.

The effects of being emotionally disconnected can be achieved with low doses that need to be retreated every 1 to 2 hours.

The anti-pain effect seems to be dose dependent. The more I smoked, the less pain for the longer time. So it made sense to just toke 10-12 inhales when I was actually feeling the pain at a higher levels.

So my regimen for the last week has been:
10-12 inhales every 2-6 hours as needed (when I feel the pain intensity is at higher levels.)

1-2 inhales every 1-2 hours when I feel re-connected to my pain.

Day Four - Day Seven: The type of pain changed to aches, fever, bone bruise, other pains - I put away medications and went with just cannabis.

Ace Haze x Kali China smoke report for pain said:
Ace seeds Haze x Kali China took away up to 100% of the physical pain for brief periods and 100% of the emotional connection to pain for hours at a time.

My first harvest of Ace seeds Haze x Kali China finished drying on my day 3 of using cannabis for pain management.


She weighed in at just over 60g = 2 and 1/8 oz.


Haze x Kali China has a smell like cat piss.


Haze x Kali China has a smell like cat piss. It's a medium strength aroma to me. I experience it as smelling like cat piss, but there is something extra in real cat piss that makes me want to vomit. I dont smell that in this weed. - the girl doesn't smell the vomit part either - the boy and the wife do feel the need to vomit, but they ignore it and smoke it anyway.

This is the strongest sativa I have grown. It seems to pack 3x the punch of the AK47 XTRM and more than Carnival.

The girl reports it as a stupid high, where one feels stupid stoned, but also wants to laugh. Good for movie watching, video games, board games and sitting round acting stupid.

The boy has appeared looking like the classic wasted stoner with a goofy grin on his face saying "This shit is dank. It's stupid dank." I tried to get more out of him but he was vague. He admitted it smelled like cat piss, bad smelling cat piss, but it was fine when you smoke it because the burning smell is light and not so offensive.

The wife looked stoned and happy, but she pretty much always looks stoned and happy and was functional stoned on it. Polite enough to agree with the concensus opinion of stoned and bit goofy, but more interested in talking about art, aesthetics, how she is choosing amount the huge stack of "whites" to select the color for the foyer

Personally, I don't get the least bit stoned feeling when I use it. I smoked it faster and smoked a larger amount than I had with the AK47 XTRM for days. I was able to put the pain level back to level of barely detectable for about 1/2 hour. Nothing with the AK47 even approach 50% pain relief, so this was a level hundreds of times more effective at killing the pain. During that peak half hour of pain control, I spent a couple minutes deciding which buttons to push on the microwave. When i focused I was able to rise to the challenge and resume functioning.

Days Eight - Ten: Pain comes to an end.

No heartburn for days, all other pains have cleared except for moderate acute pain when I cough that goes away in seconds. Also two mild, reducing, chronic muscle aches - aches from recent physical causes.

BorderLiner XTRM Smoke Report for pain said:
Borderliner XTRM - This 70% Indica is probably good for pain and emotional attachment to pain, but I can't tell because I get giddy/floaty high with a desire to be silly.

So after driving and functioning well under all but the largest dosage of sativa, and being sativa stoned (which I didn't feel) for days, my wife suggested I switch to an indica dominant. I was planning to stay at home, so I said sure, and I loved it.

When I made a quick run to the grocery store, well medicated but not acutely high, it was the first time I have driven high in over 30 years.

This morning, after being stoned on Borderliner all day yesterday, I did a wake and bake and made breakfast. The wife reminded me we were planning to go to an out of town history museum. Before we left, I took a few hits to span the time we would be away from home. This is something others in the family do all the time, and something I had done on the sativas, but a first for me on the indica. I realized this as the sensation of being really high kicked in on the road.

This all may seem mundane to you folks, but I hadn't been in this situation for decades. I handled it as casually as it deserved and had fun with it. At the history museum, everyone else in the universe seemed to be otherwise engaged. There was only one classsroom of children instead of the usual dozens. There were no other unaccompanied adults.

We looked at 5 of 7 items on the punch list - one, a letter signed by two people, seemed to have been signed and written by the other person. One painting was replaced by another, fortuitous, replacement. A couple of unexpected items not on the list fell into place. We took our time absorbing the information and specific artifacts on display and gathered contact information and questions for a more scholarly return trip.

Today we got to experience the fun part in unusual amount of peace and quiet. We shared impressions about the tone of certain presentations, analyzed the commonly known facts apparently left out in order to support an intended conclusion. We were pleasantly stoned, scholarly analytical in the manner appropriate to the situation, and life was good :)
booze gives me H-burn. bad. Mostly the whisky style drinks but my problems with the drink doesnt end there, one is too many and 1000 never enough.

I am 7 yrs behind you but the daham holidays give me heartburn too. pepto usually works for me, tums not so much.
I am sick 3 times a year as well, one goof off and twice for the real deal. I get respiratory infections. You sound like you could be my brother.
I hope you doing better today and even better tomorrow!
Any idea of a cause for such extreme heartburn? Seems disturbing.

Sounds horrible. I used to see some regular bouts of it when I was much heavier. It only visits me now when I get some crazy meal in my belly.

I had that about a month ago... it's some sort of flu virus that goes to the gut... never thought that was a thing, always thought flu was in the lungs. I did have a little nose run and very very slight heaviness in my chest but the gut pain was soo bad any other symptoms were hard to notice.

I have an anurism in my aorta (its been healing and shrinking ever since I stated growing) and I use cannabis to treat it. There's some pain with it and when I got this flu, I was about to have my wife take me to the hospital, I thought my anurism and my luck just ran out and I'm fucked ... it was that bad. The pain from the initial problem with my anurism was THE most painful experience I've ever had. The docs told me thats about how women feel giving birth naturally. Ouch... this flu wasn't too far behind .... in lingured too for quite some time.. I still have a runny nose.... it's been at least a month.

Hang in there Rad it's going to get better. Prolly already is better....

Rad found the DT seeds in another form... same exact gear but being sold by another seed company and they are keeping the lineage somewhat secretive.

I just ordered some.

Elev8 Seeds - the strain is "M2" the description, growth pattern, high everything looks the same. There's a person growing here growing out the M2 (ilikemsticky). I started watching his grow cause he's doing LOS similar to how I do it so thought I'd tag along. Then I started seeing something very similar to how the DT grows...

Did a little looking up and asked a few questions.. I think the M2 is DT or very very close ... close enough for me to purchase some more seeds!

I've bought from Elev8 b-4, you have to send them an postal money order ... kind of a pain but just a trip to the post office, not that bad!

Just wanted to give you a heads up.

If you wanna purchase I got a 10% off coupon I won't be using, its good for 10 days. PM me and I'll hand it off to ya.
Dang Rad. Sorry to hear about all the pain and hope it isn't anything that comes back.

I had pain problems this week too. After it got bad enough I went to the emergency room and found out that the new knot in my stomach is a swollen gallbladder. They want to remove it soon. The opiods they gave me for pain didn't help much. I did discover that taking my new cannabis pills plus a couple of small hits of C99 made the pain disappear and had me flying high.
Any idea of a cause for such extreme heartburn? Seems disturbing.

Sounds horrible. I used to see some regular bouts of it when I was much heavier. It only visits me now when I get some crazy meal in my belly.

MY first time having heartburn was one hour about 6 months ago, it felt bad, but not this bad. This month was the second time. I don't plan to make a habit of this.

booze gives me H-burn. bad. Mostly the whisky style drinks but my problems with the drink doesnt end there, one is too many and 1000 never enough.

I am 7 yrs behind you but the daham holidays give me heartburn too. pepto usually works for me, tums not so much.
I am sick 3 times a year as well, one goof off and twice for the real deal. I get respiratory infections. You sound like you could be my brother.
I hope you doing better today and even better tomorrow!

I could be like you except I am your brother who has never experienced real problems with alcohol. I am used to drinking 2-3 drinks per night, usually straight whiskey or rum.

The evening before I started feeling this, I decided that I needed to release some weight. I had reduced weight over the summer while doing physical labor, but I was gaining a little weight as I was suddenly not doing 6+ hours day of manual labor. Faced with the dilemma of diet or exercise, I decided to remove 200-300 calories a night by skipping regular drinking. I really hadn't been enjoying the alcohol much since I wasn't getting tipsy or a good buzz. It seems pointless to drink without getting the good results. Four or more drinks a night, which it would take to get a moderate buzz, seemed like too much to be doing on a regular basis, so stopping nightly drinking seemed like an easy choice.

I contemplated drinking the first evenings to disassociate myself from the pain, but once I started smoking for the pain, drinking for the pain wasn't even an option.

Tonight I had a couple of glasses of red wine with company. I didn't get buzzed but it was a tasty enough wine. (Deloach Pinot Noir 2011)

Dang Rad. Sorry to hear about all the pain and hope it isn't anything that comes back.

I had pain problems this week too. After it got bad enough I went to the emergency room and found out that the new knot in my stomach is a swollen gallbladder. They want to remove it soon. The opiods they gave me for pain didn't help much. I did discover that taking my new cannabis pills plus a couple of small hits of C99 made the pain disappear and had me flying high.

This is why I don't complain about my health much - other people, nicer people such as yourself, have it worse.

I imagine the surgeons want to remove it soon, if they wait too long, your gall bladder attack is likely to get better on it's own. No problem. No surgery.
/cynicism off

My heartfelt best wishes to you Mr Greene.

LOL, I hadn't pegged you for a medical cynic, Rado. I wondered why you didn't just go and get the problem treated. I confess to having the same affliction. It's not like I can't stand hospitals and doctors and all that stuff - I've broken a dozen various bones over the years, but in general, I just haven't felt that I really need their services. Literally. Maybe I'm especially healthy or I read too much, dunno.

It's always puzzled me that we treat our own bodies like they're some sort of mystery - like they're too complicated for the rest of us to understand and take care of. It sure would be nice to have access to some of the tools, though. Wouldn't it be nice if you just could drive over to the local ScansR'Us in the strip center for a quick $300 MRI and reading? Just to get a good look, y'know. Wouldn't take more than a half hour I bet. But I guess it's too mysterious and complicated for that. Regular people might be too stupid to use that information wisely.


LOL, I hadn't pegged you for a medical cynic, Rado. I wondered why you didn't just go and get the problem treated. I confess to having the same affliction. It's not like I can't stand hospitals and doctors and all that stuff - I've broken a dozen various bones over the years, but in general, I just haven't felt that I really need their services. Literally. Maybe I'm especially healthy or I read too much, dunno.

It's always puzzled me that we treat our own bodies like they're some sort of mystery - like they're too complicated for the rest of us to understand and take care of. It sure would be nice to have access to some of the tools, though. Wouldn't it be nice if you just could drive over to the local ScansR'Us in the strip center for a quick $300 MRI and reading? Just to get a good look, y'know. Wouldn't take more than a half hour I bet. But I guess it's too mysterious and complicated for that. Regular people might be too stupid to use that information wisely.


Dropping in to the doctor is a major expense right now.

As a retiree I enrolled with decent insurance coverage through the affordable care act, had the family insurance cancelled, and find myself paying $300 month for catastrophic, high deductible partial coverage - the type of garbage insurance plan the afforable care act was supposed to fix. Last doctors visit for the son, about $400 for a college required vaccination.

If I felt my health was at risk, I'd have gone to the doctor, but it really was just stomach acid/heartburn stuff that takes several days to a few weeks to start getting dangerous.

I think the western medical model is excellent at fixing broken bones and generally damaging to long term health. They are also odd. At 19 yrs old, 5'11" and 185lb I had a doctor tell me I was overweight. At the time, I could have picked up his 200+ lbs thrown him over my shoulder and jogged 3 blocks down the street. - Rather than be a total butt to him, I asked where he would like me to reduce the weight, because I use all the muscle parts and internal organ parts on a daily basis. I nodded as he answered for a few minutes and decided not to visit another doctor until I had a good reason.

oh yeah, the health care situation gets back under control next month.
Dropping in to the doctor is a major expense right now.

As a retiree I enrolled with decent insurance coverage through the affordable care act, had the family insurance cancelled, and find myself paying $300 month for catastrophic, high deductible partial coverage - the type of garbage insurance plan the afforable care act was supposed to fix. Last doctors visit for the son, about $400 for a college required vaccination.

If I felt my health was at risk, I'd have gone to the doctor, but it really was just stomach acid/heartburn stuff that takes several days to a few weeks to start getting dangerous.

I think the western medical model is excellent at fixing broken bones and generally damaging to long term health. They are also odd. At 19 yrs old, 5'11" and 185lb I had a doctor tell me I was overweight. At the time, I could have picked up his 200+ lbs thrown him over my shoulder and jogged 3 blocks down the street. - Rather than be a total butt to him, I asked where he would like me to reduce the weight, because I use all the muscle parts and internal organ parts on a daily basis. I nodded as he answered for a few minutes and decided not to visit another doctor until I had a good reason.

oh yeah, the health care situation gets back under control next month.
Amen brother! Just try and grab some over the counter stuff for a few days! I love tums and they're a great source of calcium!

But shoot naturally peppermint and other things like ginger can help your stomach. It's an individual thing a lotta time a so find what works for you! Doctors are only practicing anyways right?!?!
I've been really busy doing non-420 gardening stuff. Sorry to be neglectful.

This morning I tossed away my Lilly that had done a double reveg - she is the only one showing stress and with what she has gone through will never give a good yield.

I have a clone of Lilly that is 10x12x12". This plant was pulled, root washed to recover the perlite, and tossed in the worm food bin.


Speaking of which, my worm bins stopped eating. After 2 years, I may have to buy more worms.

UltraDawg is not looking very feminine. She is sitting outside the flower room in the dark getting her final chance to show female flowers.


I need to come up with a seed starting plan for hempy. On hand, I have perlite, soil, rockwool cubes, and humidity domes.

UltraDawg is not looking very feminine. She is sitting outside the flower room in the dark getting her final chance to show female flowers.


Ummm...nope...that be all male there. Considering the genetics, not a bad thing at all. :)
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