Rookie Start At A Perpetual Garden

Many folks flail about during the early days. I did. Failed grows can be so very frustrating... especially when suffering a string of them.
Most folks settle, or go back to purchasing. Some simply don't have the patience to maintain a grow for 4-6 months.
I try to address basic issues I see in other's gardens. I don't bother with following the fine details. By the time growers are digging into finer details, my input is rarely useful. The things that have worked well for me don't necessarily play out well elsewhere.

You and me both brotha, I know just enough to get into trouble, but the basics are where it's at, like you said!:thumb: If a guy just sticks to the program and slowly just keeps adding to his/her Arsenal as the grow dictates... Or our intrigue gets the better of us! Lol. Curiosity only sometimes "kills the cat":high-five:
Lots of excitement around here last couple days. I planted/hucked a couple seeds in some dirt, like I ve been told a million times, and voilà we have my last two contestants in the perpetual garden before I shut er down for a while, A Jack Herrer fem and a Northern Lights fem. So yea me and mumma had a good chat last night, after I informed her of the current convo I had with a buddy about how he s been telling people I ve got a couple plants, and I can't even be upset with him because it was me that opened my stupid mouth for trying to get these guys on board so they wouldn't have to buy street weed or support organized crime or worry about the hunt! Totally backfired, not that I m super worried about the law, it's the chance that I could get robbed by some shady individuals or the organized nature..... Kind of a sad day thinking about shutting er down but I m gonna hoard every bit of what I grow, and plan for the future. Lesson One; DONT TELL ANYONE! Leason two: DONT FUCKING TELL ANYONE EVEN YOUR TIGHTEST FRIENDS! You know, I m probably going over board on this and I DO know the people that know (small town) but I think that plays the biggest factor, no one really thinks or cares about who they tell or how it goes from there. Yadda yaddA yaddA , that's all folks:thumb: Roughly 4 months from now I ll be killing the light for a while, but until then I m gonna do my bestest to finish and produce so kick ass weed!!
The count now is 3 in flower, 2 more to flower an a week, 4 clones that are doing great and the two new seeds that just popped the other day, for a grand total of 11 plants plus the garden stuff... Carrots planted in a 2gal pale, 3 cucumber plants???(I know!) and like 8 tomato plants, with peppers and more tomatoe plants to come in a while. Kinda jumped the gun a bit with this garden stuff but I m hoping for a early spring considering the winter were having!
Had a little "sleepover" last night as well.... The place was packed with plants!:circle-of-love:here's some group shots.



Solo Cup girl showing here fluff!


And the one I pulled, root shot as well!


And the White Widow clones and the new seeds (Jack Herrrerrrr and Northern Lights)


Just a quick DL on what's going on these days, I ll do a better job when thing s normalize around here In a day or so.:high-five::Namaste:
Loose lips sink ships lesson number one every growers gotta learn. Ah well its a bummer but if you do feel like you need to shut down for a bit i can't blame you better safe then sorry brother. Everything looks pretty great in here!
People suck. I like your realistic attitude about it. I'd bet a dime you find a reason to keep it going.... yup... a whole dime.
Busy garden... but everything looks so very nice.

Mehh I ve been rippn clones all morning and planning to get a few monster croppers from the ak here soon..... And yea man I ve just been telling myself " no no no" so I m just gonna donate em to buddies garden to keep the Dream Alive!:love: 4 months is a long time from now but that's also the time my big reno projects kick in..... Shingle the house, build a fence, paint outside of house and finish our cabin that's absolutly gutted.... So yea I m gonna be a busy boy, gotta have my head in the game for some long sore days! Your still probably right Tead, I wouldn't take that bet:high-five:
Yeah, people suck so much sometimes. It's hard not telling, sometimes, because of all the reasons you state (excitement, desire to share the freedom from buying weed on the street), but it's really the only way to stay safe.

That said, your garden is beautiful. I really love your attitude, too :)


Aww thanks Glimmer that's really means a lot to me!:thanks::circle-of-love::Namaste: I m still gonna stick around here and I m kinda hoping it ll be a little more free time to explore the site and all the wonderful people (like yourself in particularly) if I don't have to worry about keeping up a journal. Kinda sad on the news the other day, and I made a point of telling my buddy with the loose lips this, another young man from Kamloops was killed by this" fentenol" crap that s being laced in the weed (from what I understand). My heart goes out to his family for such an unnessasary loss!:( Let's all be thankful for the brightness in our lives and keep striving to share it with others.... Ohh and FEEL THE BERNNN!Hahaha, love American politics:thumb::cheer:
Alright here's a little more uptodate comprehensive look into Growz Ville after some moving and shaking, a little defol and some plain o ll TLC to the lovely ladies!:circle-of-love: I pulled one of my White Widow clones because she was just spinning in her peet pod indicating no root growth what so ever, but as I was defol ing the WW I fumble fingered a top and broke it right off, so problem solved/replacement found. Lol. The other clone was showing roots so I plopped her in some dirt and a pot for a nice change of s scenery ( another first on my list). That's that for the veg room s, now on to the flower room...... I can't take these ladies outta the room because I have about a 2 foot wide opening and these ladies can't "suck it in" enough to come in and out for pics and maintenance, sorry guys, my design flaw. I "gingerly" took turns putting the ladies up on their pedestal (aka the 5 gal pail) for a good once over.... The AK and Cheeeeeese both got a clean out and some serious Back Building (thank you Light Addict!:thumb:) where the Jabba Reveg had about half a pail of leaves and undergrowth hacked out of her innards to allow SOME kinda of air flow, geees she s dense with vegetation!! So everyone got some kind of :love: today and I feel ahead of the game, even if it is just for today,:high-five:

Here s the Veg room action:


Nachoooooo.... Soloooo Cup Comp Contestant, the one and only!! She s a little limp in the loafers craving some H2O....


Flower Room


And Flower room after the Back Building/clean up sesh


White Widow Veging day 64, Jabba s Stash veging day 59, Ak Clones veging day 15, White Widow clone day 1 veg/transp into pot, Cheese day 25 in flower, Ak day 25 of flower and Jabba s Stash Reveg is in day 14 of flower.
Hope I don't mess around too much in flower to cause problems, mind you after what I put my plant through last flower it shouldn't be a problem..... FLW! Millertms words keep ringing in my ears...."Some strains, particularly the high thc ones, are quite persnickety and will herm over a degree dif..." Not his exact words but the message was received loud and clear!:thumb: It s the little things like that that stick with me and make me more meticulous in my methodology towards growing, thanks again for that my friend!:high-five:
Beautiful update buddy!! Wow how far you've come. I feel like you've gotten to big under my wing I think it's time I slow down and take a lesson from the student!



Sure gonna miss having my buddy ol pal right beside me in this wonderful game. But, I await your eventual return. :love:
Beautiful update buddy!! Wow how far you've come. I feel like you've gotten to big under my wing I think it's time I slow down and take a lesson from the student!



Sure gonna miss having my buddy ol pal right beside me in this wonderful game. But, I await your eventual return. :love:

Awww duder your not kickn me out from under your oh so warm and loving wing are you.... That's ma fav spot, it's where all this awesomeness started from and continues to flourish in!!?? I m gonna just be a pain in everyone's ass when I shut er down anyway, I ain't going anywhere bro! :high-five: Thanks for the kind words man, but we're all still in this together and the days of legalization are turning from a glimmer on the horizon to a burning light in everyone s eyes and heart! :Namaste::circle-of-love:
Very good point man, see that's something I didn't quite understand when I first started, I figured you could just grab any plant beat, twist, manipulate them into the monsters you want..... Wrong!! Plus the method of growing allows more or less wiggle room for advers effects. Undeniably hydro setups have the market on growing quantity, but like I heard from a few hydro growers, there's a lot that can go wrong and a lot to fine tune..... But I guess as a grower your naturally gonna advance in the art and when the time comes and the transition may not be so hard. I personally feel lazy having these big bushy plants.... Like I should be manicuring them better in veg or something! Don't get me wrong, I do defol but not much, more for the lollipop effect before flower. I was told not to mess with plants in veg..... But with all that growth and streatch in flower a lot of bud sights don't get adequate light and I think that's my real issue.... But honestly I m such a noob at this, who knows! Lol
So do you figure a 10 degree swing from light on to off is too much then??

I just read this again and I wanted to be sure that you know now that veg is the time to defol and mess around right? Sorry im just really stoned and I wasn't sure if this was past or present tense lol.
I may be a little high as well most of the time (explains a lot ) but your so right dude, I just had to do something, it was getting so terribly dense in that Jabb and I figured too she don't owe me much so why not take a risk :bitingnails::bitingnails::popcorn: It s only 2 weeks in flower so far but that's probably not a good thing either, later may have been better hey? Like the last 3 weeks or so?
I may be a little high as well most of the time (explains a lot ) but your so right dude, I just had to do something, it was getting so terribly dense in that Jabb and I figured too she don't owe me much so why not take a risk :bitingnails::bitingnails::popcorn: It s only 2 weeks in flower so far but that's probably not a good thing either, later may have been better hey? Like the last 3 weeks or so?

Well I prefer to do my trimming or HST (high stress training) in veg and I leave them be in flower unless im doing LST then I usually keep on tying them down for the first two weeks of 12/12 to make the stretch more manageable. Occasionally i will defol a little in flower but only when the leaves are blocking some good looking buds from getting enough light. In veg go crazy with training but come flowering best to reduce stress to avoid stunting bud production or making them hermie (although i have only had one hermie but i never could find the pollen sacs lol). I just want to make sure you ain't stressing them out too much in flowering.
Thanks for lookn out buddy, your so right and to be honest it may have been my issue in my last grows as well.... I read a lot and kinda tried it all to cover all my bases and it a just this grow where I m starting to find a little style and understanding of the whole process.:thumb: Please Slap My Hands if I touch em again in flower!! Thanks:high-five:
No problem brother everyone starts somewhere. Just remember don't cause unnecessary stress in flowering and things will be a ok lol.
Switched lights over for a mixed spectrum in the o ll veg room for the big flip today on the White Widow and the Jabba s Stash. Gotta say the AK and Cheese are filling out nice after their back building, buds smell SOOOO good, super sweet and fruity smell! The Jabba s Stasg Reveg is starting to bud up as well and looks to be on the right track. Not a lot of action around here these days, and I guess that's a good thing cuz most of my Action seems to be negatives stuff lately..... Anyway, here s some pics:cheer::cheer::Namaste:

Veg Room ready for the flip, I ve just gotta move the AK clones down low every night, ohhhh and the 2 new additions to the garden: Northern Lights and Jack Herrer ( who was dropped on her head and bent in two spots, that why I have that funny looking coil around it, to help stabilize and It survived):circle-of-love:


The mini veg room is holding a large variety of things: Carrots, tomatoe s, cucumber s, 6 white Widdow clones and 2 monster crop Ak clones taken 4 weeks into flower.


Flower room

Hey question for the masses, do you guys do flushes throughout the grow? Like say midway through veg or flower, or say when you switch from veg to flower? I know ya do one the last week or so before harvest, I m just wondering if it would be a nice preventative measure to help prevent buildup and burn.
If I'm using soil then no. Coco will build up salt and needs flushing every two weeks or every 4 feedings or watering during flower. I only use water (PH'ed) past 47 days of true flower. If you see your nutes or water not going into your "Soil", where it sits on top for a while. Then I use FF Sledgehammer at 1 TSP per gallon with nutes or water. Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot man that's exactly what's going on, I ve been working up the soil on top like 2 " , then I m hitting roots. So would that be like a wetting agent...? I thought I read something about a certain dishsoap added to the water would make your water "wetter" .... Same principal I wonder?
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