Here they are today, think they were planted monday and broke soil tuesday, could be wrong, cant remember at all.

Never been a soil grower and im worried constantly if i make a mistake, there not getting topped or trained apart from maybe a screen to keep the main stem down if they get out of hand after flip as they will be in a 1x1m x 1.6m high tent but under a 600w cool hood.

The Wedding Gelato never made it but i have planted the Legendry Punch in there, its popped so now were just waiting for it to break soil :).

I was always told to start from 6.4 up to 7 when growing in soil :/ i hope im not killing them now then :laughtwo:.

Thats great thanks bud, there in the all mix at the moment and thats got a fair amount of nutrients already in there, so water it is then, any idea on what danger temps are for soil?

Thinking of running the heat mat that there on but dont know if theres a point of too hot.

Im excited to see these purple buds, the bigger tent is easier to keep cool as the lights hooked up to the extractor so im going to keep the temps around 20c in flower.
cooler roots is better i think. too much heat will invite negative pathogens i think. I am not a soil grower but @emilyis a total pro and could advise you if you give her a message or invire. @AngryBird too can be a brilliant resource of knowledge.
Thats what i was genuinely thinking if the roots got to hot they may die off but i could be wrong, you never know.

Are you a coco grower too? iv always ran coco from the beginning, im actually going to take 2 clones from each plant just before i flip these to flower so a good 8 clones + 1 Amnesia Seed to make up to the 9th and try a SOG grow in 5-8L pots so that should be very interesting.
I love coco, im going back to it with a selection of clones or seeds i have and do a SOG grow which should be pretty interesting.

Im thinking 25 - 5L pots or 9 - 8L pots, seed to flip 3 weeks or clone rooted to flip 2 weeks, im in a 1x1m tent so pretty small but iv achieved some great yields in there :).
Here they are today :).

Another 6 weeks till flip then hopefully see some nice new strains explore some magical colours, my plan is to lower the temps to around 20c while running a 600w HPS and then get the temps down to around 15c night time to hopefully draw the purple genetics out in them.

These are around a week to 10 days old, am i on track or are they behind?
Apart from my concern, there looking healthy, there being watered 0ppm water direct from the dehumidifier, watered around every 3-5 days, iv been watering from the bottom though to encourage root growth to stretch down, i did this once before on a auto grow and the root mass was soo dense when i opened it up you could hardily tear it apart!

I plan to transplant them either monday or tuesday next week, iv checked there roots and there isnt much of a root mass if any at all yet so at least were no where near pot bound yet.

So there doing pretty good, root mass could of been better but if im honest its my first real grow in soil apart from my other organic setup im running.

There around 12 days old from today, there starting to grow pretty nicely, iv layed off the watering like people said and its working, i think im too generous :p.

There getting transplanted into 12L fabric pots tomorrow, using Canna Professional Plus, iv also purchased a few Root Mycorrhizal called Reggae Roots i would say its just as great as Great White just a little cheaper, used it a few times and its great, im also using the BioBizz Root Juice too so hopefully all of this combined will make the roots grow mega mass.

Iv also purchased one of these new toys, its called AirBomz co2 Dispenser thats remote control, covers up to around 1.5sqm, so im going to hopefully try it and get some good results, amazing at how cheap they are too, i also picked up a spare can :).

all looking healthy happy and bright mate. interested in the co2 bomb, seen them and gave it a thought myself. Have used a couple of bagged co2 products with definite positive results, even the homemade ones help so fingers crossed it works well for you.
They are buddy, there now in there new 12L fabric pots, i used some Mother Pukka Reggae roots its a lot like Great White, and fed them with some BioBizz Root Juice PH'D at 6.5 :).

Im excited to use this co2 dispenser but im a little disappointed that it never came with any batteries to use it with so im having to travel a distance just for batteries or order some in, i got a spare can iv done a spray in the tent where there at, i know its not going to make a difference but hey ho.
So they are now under a 250w MH bulb in the tent now, temps are a bit of a problem due to it only being a small tent but i do keep taking the co2 can out of my flowering tent once its night out for them and putting it in this tent, only the one night iv done this but i think they are liking being in there new pots :).

looking good. love fabric pots and coco. so nice to work with too. All good there matey. am due to put my RQS Hulkberry clones in (7 ready now) to give them a real try. Felt i couldnt meey just their needs in multi strain crop am finishing up. I know they can do better than what i got out of mine so need to see now. nice smoke though.
Little update to these 4, im now putting them into a 4x4 tent, with a 1000w 400v light, no idea on what the make ect is but the its one of those with the ballasts built in that goes left to right, im also fitting co2 into the tent.

One thing im puzzled with though is im planning on upping the pots to 25L fabric pots but do you think i would be able to keep them in the fabric pots there in now and let the roots grow through them?
Hello bud, after going back to order some there are 20L and 30L available, they have around 5-7 weeks left of veg then flip, i dont know which size to go for as the bigger the pot the bigger the yield but will i have enough time to give them a good root mass im thinking?
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