There now under 400w of MH light, gave them a good watering earlier and its showing by drooping leaves but they wont get any more till around thursday/friday maybe.

Topped the pots up with soil from the clone i had going, it had rooted but not much more and im not really interested in keeping struggling plants while these are in, i was planning on upping the pot size but i think ill just keep continuing with these size pots and hopefully get a great root mass, so they were 12L pots, i used a full bag of 50L between the 4 originally and i gave them around 1L top up so when the lower branches grow above the pots i plan to fully cover the pots so i know that i have maxed these pots out with roots, i imagine once i do this there will be around 14-15L soil to each pot.

Once there around 12" tall i plan to LST them at 12" with the main stem, i also may put them in there final 4x4 tent and just keep tucking the stem under the screen like i did with my N/L grow which turned out beautiful.

Noticed they had a bit of stretch going on which is odd as i always seem to get tight nodes but may just be due to the strain genetics, i imagine these stems are going to be some thickness when i decide to flip them to flower.

Iv also noticed im getting better and i would like to say faster results than i did when i grew in coco,

My main goal for these plants are also 5oz each plant if i run the 600w hps and if i run the new 1000w hps my goal is 7oz a plant, i know its big numbers for soil in such small pots but with the rapid growth im seeing i see no reason why.
So there around 3 weeks from seed, roughly give or take a few days and there looking pretty nice id say, im upping there pots to 20-25L pots this week, im thinking around 20L as my other grow has only got 4-5 weeks left and i think ill fill a 20L quicker that the 25 but im open to opinions :).

My new plan is to put the screen 10-12" above the pots then tie the main stem down to that then put another screen 6" above that as support :)

They have been getting fed around 1ml of BioBizz Fish Mix and 0.5ml of Mother Pukka Budwiser, there looking great but the Purple queen does look a little on the yellowing side, very very early stages so this week will sure bring them out.

@Emilya I have some Mother Pukka Reggae Roots that is similar in a way to Great White Mycorrhizae and i also have some Rootgrow Mycorrhizae Fungi that i can buy 360g for under £10 so i was thinking off buying a few bags or a 1kg bucket full and mixing it in the new Canna Terra Plus soil so that it will help with root mass, whats your thoughts?

That would be a good 250g per 20/25L pot, or would it harm the plant?


@Emilya I have some Mother Pukka Reggae Roots that is similar in a way to Great White Mycorrhizae and i also have some Rootgrow Mycorrhizae Fungi that i can buy 360g for under £10 so i was thinking off buying a few bags or a 1kg bucket full and mixing it in the new Canna Terra Plus soil so that it will help with root mass, whats your thoughts?
I think that is an excellent plan and should help a lot. Be aware however that this 1kg of mix will disappear in the soil over time and will create additional settling in the container, but with any luck that will be replaced with massive clusters of fungi around very strong roots.
There coming along very nice now, the Sweet Zkittles is the tallest and most advanced growth out of the 4 so thats a winner for a 9 plant grow the next time around, quite thick stems on them on all of them too.

I ended up going for 20L fabric pots so my plan is to mix 8-10L of Canna Terra Professional Plus with 200-250g of the Mycorrhizae so when the roots do eventually hit the new sides im hoping for a mega root mass, will transplant them again tomorrow :).

They have 23 days left of veg which im hoping i can get them rooted properly and have no problems, but i imagine they will be a nice size by then :).

Sweet Zkittles is top left - Purple Queer is top right - Legendary Punch is bottom left - Sherbet Queen bottom right.
Hello @Emilya

Wonder if you could help me out a little im about to put an order in for bulk bottles off BioBizz nutrients and wondered if you could help me out a little :).

I learnt yesterday that TopMax is a sweetener, i thought it had something to do with helping bud development but the BioBizz rep tells my Hydro dealer that the Bio Heaven is the equivalent to a boost, just wondered what you thought of using it as ill be buying 1-5L which is £250 im only running 4 plants so im wondering what the ratio is if you have used it before?

Iv got 5L of the BioGrow, Fish Mix, Root Juice, Top Max & Mother Pukka Budwiser (its like a sort of vitamins i think), is there anything else i can use to create a better bud?

Iv actually cancelled my 1000w new light too and decided to go with 2 600w hps lights in the cool hoods above the 4, so im expecting a nice return on yield as this will be my last run for the year of just before as the summers are getting hotter :).
Ah i thought you had used them, must of read someone elses journal lol.

Yeah i just dont want to go to dramatically into it as thats how my money got blown last time on synthetic nutes, i am interested in the soil mix you make, im growing a lot of veg this year just in case for what ever reason the country decides on what its doing, iv got 11 pots for those along with Canna Terra Professional :).
Ah i thought you had used them, must of read someone elses journal lol.

Yeah i just dont want to go to dramatically into it as thats how my money got blown last time on synthetic nutes, i am interested in the soil mix you make, im growing a lot of veg this year just in case for what ever reason the country decides on what its doing, iv got 11 pots for those along with Canna Terra Professional :).
I think you would like true living organic... it is a semi-large investment first getting into it, but then your cost per grow plummets as you start reusing your soil and you don't have to buy nutes or worry about pH. I think on this current grow I have spent less than $50 on supplies.
Iv spent very little on this grow now, i do think i need to invest in a soil ph tester just in case for any reason i get any problems in the future.

My other grow im running there both starting to yellow off, one bad and one on the way, think i should add a little N to help them along? there just on starting to fill out i'd say another 2 weeks they will be ripe.

Iv never watered these little plants for around 5-6 days now as im holding out for my pots arriving, they look okay but ill get some pictures up today at some point :).
My other grow im running there both starting to yellow off, one bad and one on the way, think i should add a little N to help them along? there just on starting to fill out i'd say another 2 weeks they will be ripe.
a little yellowing at the end is normal, these plants do die in the end after all. Nitrogen isnt the single answer against yellowing either, it was probably phosphorus they were craving at the end. I am a big fan of water only for that last 2 weeks anyway.
They have had very little N since day 1 so they have done well i must say, i just put them in the BioBizz All Mix along with a little Fish Mix every watering, iv gave them Plagron Green Sensation which was 0-9-10 :).

Im excited to see how they finish off, i think a good 14 days and thats when i will chop.
Here they are 28 days old give or take a day, not bad, still not in there final 20L pots as there was a mixup with the delivery so there only going to get around 11-14 days to bed them selves in but im hoping the 250g of root Mycorrhizae will help them in the short run.

The Sweet Zkittlez has such fast growth that strain im really looking forward to running a SOG grow with this next time around 9 plants 3 rows of 3, 4 weeks from seed in 12L pots for sure is on the cards :).

The other 3 are slowly catching up, i would off preferred them all at the same stage with lower branches but 4 strains i should of really expected it, i do plan on putting a screen up above them to encourage lower growth up to the screen while tying the main stem down, then once im at an even canopy i will flip them :).

The stems on the plants are really thick, this is some of the fastest growth iv ever had and i used to grow in coco and this soil malarkey is much better in my opinion, next challenge is will i beat my yield in the 4x4 :D.

Never again in my life will i ever try and transplant from fabric pots ever again, pretty much ever root just ripped apart :(:(:(.
Haha I remember when I did it the first time I thought it was horrible but really the plant didn’t skip a beat.
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