SCROG - Berry Bomb Feminized Hydro Home Grow

iphone man

420 Member
my set up

72"-71"-75"(not true) grow tent from ebay:$150

600w MHD HPS KIT with grow hood, ballast,& free yoyos. ebay $126

4x 4" mini in line fans to intake fresh air and remove hot air. aliepress $50

4" inline fan with mini carbon filter aliepress $80 DEAL!!

custom DIY hydro system>>>

walmart for air pumps total of 12 pumps 14-20 buckes each but got for free

12 walmart air stones free for me, $6 each

hydro dome $40 EBAY

useing F*x F**M nutrition trio. we all know that price :/



SCROG 6" NET ONLY/no fram

will be useing 18/6 light for the VEDG FOR 6-7 weeks

i know ill be leaving alout out but all blanks will be answered in progression of this grow.

please give all type of feed back and take note that this is my first and nit last grow.

cops did raid two houses down and cam to my house to ask Qs, had GF kill babys so this is second attempt!!

thank you for the info about the pics!!
i needed help with that

sorro for the long update

for now i lost one berry bomb due to skinny stem wich led the baby to topple over, try to save it for 3 days but didnt help with my support at all, now i have 4 bombs, 1 delicious cheese candy, and 3 mystery seeds sprouting.

this will be week one for VEDG.

the candy stem grew very thick ans not like others wich was very good!! will post pic tonight.

i had about 15 berry bomb seeds and only 5 pop, this was due to my germination method, I was using the wrong paper towel and way to much water!! i got my seeds from bonza and they took a hoe month to get with out tracking so i lost hope and order from erbies and it took 3 weeks!! but only one seed pop!!! bonza:7X berry bomb + 1 free trippel cheese then ebries: 10 x berry bomb & 2 free delicious cheese candy and ak47. bonza seeds pop and will oder again!! but what a waste of my money so ill will be cloning the fuck out my grow to make my money back!!
i have about 12 containers thwt i need to use and i was very determined to have them all filled with plants, holes are about 2 inches and I really could have him three plants per pot but the containers are only 3 gallons and not five so I have to really watch my nutrient holes are about 2 inches and I really could have him three plants per pot but the containers are only 3 gallons and not five so I have to really watch my nutrient measurements and basin off with 3 gallons instead of five
as far as the light I know I need at least two but I will be using a eight way light socket that will allow me to have eight individual CFL's when the flowering time comes to compensate double light that's not reaching the other side

my goal/dream set up is to have the BC Northern lights Royal set up which I can have 32 plants but even if so I can even run 40 plants all I need to do is just add more holes but the sound of automated and low maintenance is key
where in week two of veg, i wanna say week one for the new seeds that pop but ill wait on them to deside .

i have purchesed a big bottel of EZroot, 300w led, and a 8 way light bulb connecter on wich it will be led also.

the 5 berrys are growing ok with lil roots growing out, the stems are very skiny but fan is helping to thikin, should i pinch them at such a young stage?

my delicious cheese candy have way more roots and the stem is 59% more thinker than the bombs!
i have one more berry bomb that pop and its in the back, and then two regular seeds that pop but if theres any males in the mix i would kill!

i put my light at 50% power, the new distans from the plants are at 24 incesh, any closer and i will lose the foot print, slowely ill be upgrading my system to 2x 600w leds then will buy a new set up and keep this set up for clones and have a new hydro system, i want all in one reservoir, and have 32-40 plants in flower, and have a mini mother tent that can hold to 4 plants, so all led, i might go with a smaller tent for cloning... look at the links!!!


ive lost one baby REG plant due to my air stone not giving off the right ammount of bubbles like the rest, i could of saved it but it wouldnt be any point.

all other plants are @ week 2 and not week 3.

next monday i will be changeing all water and uping the NUT up take.

all plants have roots & tuching water.

there showing no harmful signs yet to the possiple un balanced PH water. but i did PH, i just dont check at all but i know i will have to.

fuck soil!

i just got some more of the RAPID ROOT STATER, an big bottle at that so i cant wait to use that.

other than that HMU

heading into week 3.

all plants a bent due to early LST for preping of scrog.

about 3 plants grew to be mutens due to over feeding.

sunday will be there second feed. and hoping growth will jump off from there!

PLANT LIGHT HIGHTS!!: MH IS ABOUT 29 inches away, LED IS ABOUT 21" away.
i had light to close so plants where not growing as much!!

i shoudnt be planing to buy any else for my next grow but i seem that BC NORTH* lights has a 19 hydro pop set up that i really want and will buy three wich would put me at 57 plant count and still will scrog, a plant count that high just screems to be scrog and have auto bomb berrys and will make good cloning.

wish me luck, got this fare with out an PPM METER AND ALL!!

light bill whent from $27-$29 per month to $56, i work alot, and i was expeting my bill to be 100s at least, hope fully ill get my 5x 400w leds and lower the bill and to get red of this dam light! cheap ass ebay poles bending like crazy! buts thats due to me keep having to take this tent down..
its been about 4 weeks of grow, I did some of my calculations wrong and im actually just getting to first week of i actually just getting to first week of veg, i didnt know there was an 2-3 week seedling stage so im @ week one , but any way i change all 7 reservoirs 4 days ago, two plants are in the early stages of calcium deficiency DUE TO HIGH AND LOW PH!!

thats what i get for being lazy but i fix it and will check on them tonight!

MH LIGHT: 100% = 600w plants are now 35 inc away to encourage groth!
LED LIGHT: same as befor.

does any one know why my plants in led looking like there ready for Halloween ??

notice a smell on some plants that sort of smells fresh!!

we are at week "1" of pre flower for the 5 bomb berrys 1 cheese candy & 1 REG plant.

its been an easy grow for me and i have came across a couple of promblems; PH TO HIGH OR TO LOW IN THE START, CAL-Mag, & plany stress.

i have ended the LST the night befor this post and will let branches to grow to the net and let pass to 4"s

ive just been adding wayer to some plants and feed them regular recomended food..

all plants are showing sex/pre buds now, im just waiting a bet for the REG plant to show, 9/10 its a MALE and will just kill :(

other than that i have one good BOMB thats showing a good amount of pre flower, caint wait to see the color change.

it does smell like good weed but nothing major, i was really hoping to finish this grow by dec 1 but i started with seed, so just maybe then end of DEC,

im planing to move soon and its a fight with time for these babys to finsh :((
every would half to check the water and determine buy the color, if water is clear in just 4days then feed but light feed until u ther next full feeding,
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