Scrogdawgs 400W RDWC White Widow Fem Scrog Grow

Four of the five seeds I dropped popped so It looks like one White Widow, two Mastik and one G-Thirteen for the next round.

A few new toys arrived today. Got a Hydrofarm 1000 gph water pump a General Hydroponics 40 L/min air pump and Vivosun bubble hash bags. I'm going to build a 4 bucket system for the next grow.
Hey Scrogdawg, what made you go with such a high gph pump this time? That's some pretty serious flow rate....
Hey Scrogdawg, what made you go with such a high gph pump this time? That's some pretty serious flow rate....

I didn't know shit from dirty pudding when I started this first grow so I just cobbled together enough stuff to give it a whirl. Now that I've gathered just enough knowledge to be dangerous I want to build a system that can be easily expanded without having to buy all new equipment each time.
Uniseals and 1.5" ABS for the return system! Let that pump flow!

Exactly. If it ain't boilin and whitecappin on the upstream side it ain't enough, and its gotta return well on the downstream side too.
Hi nivek. Firstly, no my monitor is just a display of the current readings, a snapshot in time if you will. It monitors Temp of the solution, PH, EC, and TDS. It would be nice if it had a memory and could plot things but this one doesn't. However, I record the daily readings and plot PH and TDS on a graph in an Excel spreadsheet. I start a new plot on water change day. Doesn't say a lot but kind of shows me what works and what doesn't week by week.

Now as far as the vinegar, I have no experience with it and can't comment. When I started the RDWC I used a PH down product designed for ponds as we have no hydro type stores in my town. That PH down caused my TDS to go through the roof and it half killed my plants. I changed out to a PH down product that was designed for aquiriums and it pretty near finished the plants off for good. I wound up driving 3 hours to purchase a hydro specific PH down and lwas good again. You can see that on "week 1" on the graphs. Hmmm, guess maybe the graphs are good for something. lol.

Have a good one.

Maaaan hats off to you

I check my hydro/temp meter in an OCD like manner but wish i had a way to record & observe changes over a 24h period - you are well on the case bro! What device are you using?

I'm in coco 60/40, 1.5x1.5x1.8m tent, 2x315

Just going into week 8 of bloom :) smells nice in there
Down to the last three weeks. Really no sure what to expect now, sure am hoping for a big push from the flowers in the final days to fatten up some more.

Day 50 Flower.


And the start of the next grow.

Can I ask why you've opted for a double scrog? It appears to me that most of the growth below the top scrog has been wasted.

For my current grow I added my scrog very early for all the LST and it sits about 3 inches above the pots. This way, there is little to no nodular growth below the scrog. But this is only my second indoor and scrog grow and I have been applying lessons learnt from my first.
Can I ask why you've opted for a double scrog?

The second scrog is mainly to hold the weight of the branches. They're 21"above the first screen and they won't hold themselves up without it. Theres plenty of light still getting to the bottom of the growth.

Dawg is your grow under your stairs?!$#!&! That is freaking awesome!
Tucked in the cuboard under the stairs like harry potter lmao

Yup its under the stairs, I'm a cellar dweller. Kids are all gone and we have 3 spare bedrooms but my wife's:love: on the fight and won't let me turn one into a grow room just in case 30 fucking people all show up at once to stay overnight. Thought thats what hotels were for, but what would I know. Just gonna take a little more time to wear her down I guess.:hmmmm:
Yup its under the stairs, I'm a cellar dweller. Kids are all gone and we have 3 spare bedrooms but my wife's:love: on the fight and won't let me turn one into a grow room just in case 30 fucking people all show up at once to stay overnight. Thought thats what hotels were for, but what would I know. Just gonna take a little more time to wear her down I guess.:hmmmm:

Never give up the fight!
I just bought a 500 setup from timber!

That was a long fought battle but with persistence and perfect timing was won with minimum losses!

The war is never-ending!
Theyll never understand our need to go bigger and better.

My girl is ok with dedicating a room for my growing as long as the door stays closed and it doesnt interfere with people coming over which is understandable.

Its crazy i woulda never thought this grow was under the stairs!
Makes me appreciate it even more now!

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Never give up the fight!
I just bought a 500 setup from timber! That was a long fought battle but with persistence and perfect timing was won with minimum losses!

Theres nothing worse than a hot cook and a cold supper...

Quiet time is only nice for so long. lol.
Well now, this is just the neatest little toy that arrived today. Works pretty well for fifty bucks.



Also got 1 White Widow, 2 Mastik and 1 G-Thirteen into pots today. Will have another Mastik and G-Thirteen ready in a couple of days.
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