Slammy Pajammy's Indoor Organic Supersoil Ladies, 2019! 2nd Ever!

You know, I'm not actually sure! Would be fun to study up on what sort of terp profile to expect from these, and what that means for flavour/effect... Maybe I will use that as another means to distract myself while I wait for these to finish and ripen! Thanks for the idea!! :high-five:
Vanilla and nutmeg really?!
That is insane. (I would eat that!)
I wonder what the terpenes are in that. Would it be linalool dominant?

"GSC (f.k.a Girl Scout Cookies)' unique aroma can be attributed to its intricate terpene profile, which is rich in Caryophyllene, Limonene, and Linalool. Look at you, right on the money with the Linalool, without even looking! Shes always smelt less skunky than the widow, much more sweet and spicy, like gingerbread almost. I Just hope it doesnt put me right to sleep! xD

We spent some time in the US and had a good connect for stuff that was essentially dispensary excess, or whatever wasn't quite trimmed nicely enough or didn't quite make it into the dispensaries themselves, but i doubt any of that was actually organically grown or dried/cured with maximum quality in mind, as opposed to just having it ready quickly enough to make a good profit. That was my goal with growing at home: take as much time and effort and love to make the best quality end product I possibly can. So I've got no idea how its going to compare! I'm trying to tell myself to be realistic and not too arrogant, there's definitely something to be said for the professionalism and experience of a dispensary level grow op. But it sure is easy to watch just a few precious ladies closely and take mighty fine care of them :hug:
Yes! The difference between homegrown and commercial crops (of whatever size). It isn’t just about bag appeal. It isn’t about rigid turnaround times. It isn’t about volume. It sure isn’t about making anyone else rich. Neither is it about pumping a cash crop full of cheap steroid-like boosters with no regard of consequence. On that, it isn’t about ‘bro-science’ either where mere belief in a flush engenders faith from the devotee. (Should I carry on? :rofl:or :rolleyes: did I do that already?)
What it is about is taking responsibility for your own health. (I’ll stop in a sec) it’s also about stealth of course because we’re a hundred years behind the real world (the Internet is a time machine, ladies and gentlemen. Hello from the distant past every one!)

What happened was, I just smoked one of my own and was lucky enough to have popped bagseeds that came through with loud myrcene notes. I couldn’t believe it. It would’ve been just what the doctor would have ordered, as it were.

420ville gardening guru @InTheShed (hey, Shed :ciao: I hope you’re well, your dad is not distressed? Your puppy persists regardless?)... posted this:

I’ve found it a helpful springboard into further reading.

I’m drying up. It must be time to get out of the bath. That’s right everyone I’m in the bath :rofl:
An unmedicated and pretty heavy 10 hrs on shift, now endoobed there is balance in the force.

Does this count as a smoke report? It should.

Wholly alongside controlling what we ingest, with a great big bloodshot eye on desired medical effects. Because we can.
Yes! The difference between homegrown and commercial crops (of whatever size). It isn’t just about bag appeal. It isn’t about rigid turnaround times. It isn’t about volume. It sure isn’t about making anyone else rich. Neither is it about pumping a cash crop full of cheap steroid-like boosters with no regard of consequence. On that, it isn’t about ‘bro-science’ either where mere belief in a flush engenders faith from the devotee. (Should I carry on? :rofl:or :rolleyes: did I do that already?)
What it is about is taking responsibility for your own health. (I’ll stop in a sec) it’s also about stealth of course because we’re a hundred years behind the real world (the Internet is a time machine, ladies and gentlemen. Hello from the distant past every one!)

What happened was, I just smoked one of my own and was lucky enough to have popped bagseeds that came through with loud myrcene notes. I couldn’t believe it. It would’ve been just what the doctor would have ordered, as it were.

420ville gardening guru @InTheShed (hey, Shed :ciao: I hope you’re well, your dad is not distressed? Your puppy persists regardless?)... posted this:

I’ve found it a helpful springboard into further reading.

I’m drying up. It must be time to get out of the bath. That’s right everyone I’m in the bath :rofl:
An unmedicated and pretty heavy 10 hrs on shift, now endoobed there is balance in the force.

Does this count as a smoke report? It should.

Wholly alongside controlling what we ingest, with a great big bloodshot eye on desired medical effects. Because we can.

I can't agree more! I wish I had a tub, I'm jealous I don't get to enjoy a good soak after some good old fashioned homegrown medicating! :thumb: that's a perfect little chart!! I hadn't quite gotten to page 113 yet, but that is a thread that i am gleaning some fabulous knowledge from! Im on page 75 so far! I like to slowly plug along and read through allll of a hearty thread like that, helps to reinforce the good info and often you get to see some cool experimenting and confirming of results along the way! I just recently got all the way through a 100+ page Bud Washing thread detailing Doc Bud's method and got to pick up so much good info along the way!

And homegrowing plays right into the sustainability and taking responsibility for what I'm consuming that I would like to extend to more areas of my life! I've Got a big layered veggie garden cooking in the backyard so we can start being responsible for what we are eating, an old washing machine motor that is soon to be the windmill that will power my grow op, and hopefully i can expand that system (maybe some solar panels into the mix?) to be providing all our power needs renewably. Then its just on to the matter of trying to source our water more sustainably. I will have to see if we get enough rainwater here to supply our needs, but I'm also unclear about the sustainability of stopping that rainwater from replenishing the local watertable... it's so hard sometimes figuring out how to live responsibly in the modern world!

Baby steps, Slammy... Just start limiting the demand of my needs on the already-overtaxed environment , and it will make a difference! :hippy:
Haha Ive gotta build it before i can trade it for anything! But then its fair game! Alright my friend, hopefully I'll have more pictures of the ladies and the little one coming in the next few days! :yahoo: I appreciate you dropping by! :thanks:
Sounds good. You’ve got all the right jars. I just use a cheap loupe with my phone. I’ve found if you turn on the flash it helps a lot when you are trying to look at tric color. Great job so far!
Thanks! I didn't get to see them at all today, still stuck in the airport and it will be well past lights out by the time I get home :'(. But maybe that will be even more exciting to see that difference after a few days, as opposed to never letting them get a break from me :goof:. The weeks are slowly ticking by, though!

I made the flip on 23rd of July, so this coming Tuesday will be the 5 week mark. I didn't keep very thorough notes in the days immediately after the flip, so I'm not EXACTLY sure when they actually started showing true evidence of flowering, but I'm pretty sure there were pistils by about the 28th. So I guess we might be ending week 4, not week 5 like I was hoping (we measure flower weeks from evidence of flowers, not from actual 12/12 flip, right?). Either way, almost halfway through flower means the time is flying by! I can remember when they were the tiniest little things :'D.

It's been like, 2 years since I've had a dab, so I cannot WAIT to start making my own! :'D so much trim, nothing will go to waste! I'll just dab it up while I'm waiting for the dry and cure! :yahoo:
When to start flower count on weeks is one of those questions that have lots of answers. Trichs never lie. I don’t even count days anymore. And don’t trust recommended flower time from seed bank at first. I just got done with a candy kush that took well over 12 weeks while recommendation was 7. But I only go by trichs. Sativa I pull at 80/20 cloudy/Amber. And Indica I pull at around 70/30. But it’s all personal preference. Enjoy every moment of this grow. You will remember it forever!! :hookah:
Oh no! Stretch city! :'O turns out the lil LED propagation light I have is not powerful enough and she stretched really bad while I was away! Got my viparspectra set up instead, nice and close and cranked way down low, so she should appreciate that!

I also got nervous and moved her out of the lil peat pot she was in already, because it appeared to have mould growing all over the rim and down inside... not sure if it had something to do with the myco inoculant I spread the seeds in before planting, or if I just kept the pots too wet and domed too often... But I cut down a small plastic soda bottle and filled it with some of my extra supersoil that's been cooking all during my first grow. Hopefully by the time those roots grow into it, she'll be able to handle it! She had already shot a huge root down to the bottom of the peat cup that split and was already out to either side of the bottom of her lil pot, with many lil feeder extensions; so she seems to be a real vigorous grower! Maybe this is the best seed of the lot so far!

I tried to bolster the stretch with some soil so she isn't sticking up so dramatically. May have to keep it domed intermittently to combat the low humidity, but its only been like 3 days since she barely was breaking ground! Can't wait till she's reasonably established! I think im getting better at knowing how wet these girls like their feet to be

Late Update:

Temps: 16-25 degrees Celsius
RH- 27-35% (yikes!!)

My girlfriend got about 3 Litres of water into each on Thursday night, and they seem to be appreciating that. Not much else happening with the big ladies. I did strip a bunch more yellowed and shriveled leaves off the GSC, the WW isn't eating her leaves nearly as much yet. I did however snip just a few to uncover some prime bud sites.

My lil WW#2 seed may have died... the paper towels she was in got to be bone dry from the brutal humidity, so I'm expecting that to have done her in... She had popped a lil taproot out, so i planted her in a nice moist peat cup with some mico powder just to see what these seeds can handle, but I'm not expecting her to do well. But I have plenty of WW seeds, so I'm not too concerned. You live and you learn! :thumb: (learn not to trust the missus to look after the baby girls, that is. Maybe leave the well established ones in her care... haha). But if she's anywhere near the vigor of the gsc, maybe tomorrow I'll have an update on whether she's breaking ground!

Girl Scout Cookie:


White Widow:

When to start flower count on weeks is one of those questions that have lots of answers. Trichs never lie. I don’t even count days anymore. And don’t trust recommended flower time from seed bank at first. I just got done with a candy kush that took well over 12 weeks while recommendation was 7. But I only go by trichs. Sativa I pull at 80/20 cloudy/Amber. And Indica I pull at around 70/30. But it’s all personal preference. Enjoy every moment of this grow. You will remember it forever!! :hookah:

Good to know! I'm hoping I don't get stuck waiting hugely beyond the advertised time! Was hoping to have some in time for my birthday in mid-October! :woohoo: 12 weeks is insane! Although I've definitely read about plenty of strains that will go for 12 or 16 weeks, like a couple Sativa strains are well known for that I think? Would take SO much patience!

I have been wondering when will be ideal time to pull these ladies. Hard to know without the benefit of experimenting and seeing for myself, but they're both indica-dominant. I tend to be a sativa fan, cuz I prefer to smoke and do things instead of being zonked out. Does this mean I would probably prefer to pull them with less amber trichs? Or is it better off to play to the strengths of the strain, and wait for the switchover like that?

Also, I was planning to dry in a combination of the fridge and maybe a dehydrator, so I don't need to keep the plant whole for drying; is it too much stress on her to try harvesting different colas at different times? Or can I get away with harvesting her in chunks as they ripen?
My 12 week flower was rare but it happens. As you guessed it was Sativa mainly. You will definitely have some fun for your bday. We will help you decide when to cut.

Just for reference when did you flip to 12/12?

Personally I’d not use dehydrator but I’ve read some people don’t loose to much trying it.

I would suggest at least doing one old school. Dry it a week. Put it in jars. Burp once a day for 30 min for first week. Then start to burp every couple days then a week. Just to see the difference. Cured bud is magical imo and it effects different from a plant dried to fast.

That GSC has me drooling!!!!!

You’re killing it!!! (In a good way lol)

My 12 week flower was rare but it happens. As you guessed it was Sativa mainly. You will definitely have some fun for your bday. We will help you decide when to cut.

Just for reference when did you flip to 12/12?

Personally I’d not use dehydrator but I’ve read some people don’t loose to much trying it.

I would suggest at least doing one old school. Dry it a week. Put it in jars. Burp once a day for 30 min for first week. Then start to burp every couple days then a week. Just to see the difference. Cured bud is magical imo and it effects different from a plant dried to fast.

That GSC has me drooling!!!!!

You’re killing it!!! (In a good way lol)


Thanks!! :high-five: this grow has gone so astronomically better than I ever hoped for, I can't believe it's already almost that time! :D flip happened on July 23rd, and I've got a note in my journal saying pistils were evident by about the 28th. So we're right about a month. This next month will probably fly by just as fast, as there is still much prep I need to do and things I need to buy for harvest! Trim tray, trimming scissors, few small hygrometers for jars, maybe some boveda 62 packs

I've read some people complain the boveda packs will sap some of the terps (not that I plan to use them until they've stabilised around the low 60% Mark). Any experience with that? Still seems like plenty of people aren't afraid to use them

I would never have dared to use a dehydrator, but I've been reading through the Fridge dry technique linked in my signature, and it sounds like if done correctly, it can retain more terpenes than a traditional hang dry, so I was going to give it a try and see how it compares. At any rate, I was probably going to stick to the low and slow method in the fridge for some or all of my harvests (if the dehydrator ends up not working out for me) as it does take longer, but I think is a good way of retaining more of the full terp/flavour profile. I've waited this many months already, what's another few weeks right?

I'm also super excited to watch the difference in flavour/smell as they go through an extended cure... I had a buddy chop his home grow a couple months ago, and he gave us some before having a chance to cure it, as we were keen on picking up and he/we didn't have other stuff available at the time... whew that was a little hard to smoke. Very much smelled like hay, and lacking flavour, as well as being pretty harsh. Ever since then, I keep telling myself "do everything you can to dry/cure nice and slow and correctly" I don't want to sacrifice a single bit of the potential I think these ladies will have!
Hey everybody! Long-time lurker, first-time journaler! I'm looking to try and give back to the community that I have intermittently participated in for the duration of my first grow! I'm not a hugely organised guy, so I wasn't keeping a very consistent (physical) grow journal for my first grow! But I am committing to documenting this second one (and hopefully get in the habit of subsequent grows as well!) so that I can better understand this magnificent plant and the way she grows, as well as hopefully provide a good source of information for other growers to pull from. This forum has been INVALUABLE and helped guide me through most of my first grow, which is currently about 3 weeks into flower and looking amazing :yummy:. Can't wait to try my first batch of homegrown, organic, beautiful lovelies! Alright, I digress... enough waffling and on to the good stuff :goof:



-I'm currently growing inside a largeish cabinet that I've converted for the cause, sealed up all the cracks and potential light leaks, covered the inside in mylar, and reamed an intake hole into the backside, exhaust hole in the ceiling.
-Dimensions: 1.8m tall, 1.1m wide, .5m deep
-6" Phresh silenced fan ducted to exhaust hole, with a mondo 6" carbon filter and cranked down to about 50% power; probably running about 130-170 cfm
-Thermometer/Hygrometer with memory functions
-I do have two tiny USB fans mounted either side, to give a little airflow onto the canopy of my ladies, but I will probably switch them to a decent sized oscillating fan once I am finished this grow and ready to muck about with adjusting the cab some more!


-30L Fabric Pots
-Soil is a mix of 50L Canna Professional, roughly 25L Canna Professional Plus Coir, 25L supersoil compost mix from local hydro distributor here in aus, and about 20L of additional perlite, let cook for a little over 8 weeks, and then grew my first grow through!
-Has been topped up a few times with fresh EWC
-Maintained a cover crop of alfalfa/white & red clover for nitrogen fixation, and so I could clip it back as a bit of a mulch throughout veg (although I've smothered it out with the EWC now that I'm in flower)

THE LIGHT: (I'm a huge LED fan!)

-Previously was using a Viparspectra dimmable PAR450 through veg of the last grow, and it was really good, but there are newer tech LED's that I thought could do a little more justice to the size of my space! Probably will set up a slightly separate space to veg things that are not taking up the cab, as it only realistically fits 2 good sized plants in my 30L pots and I'd like to start a more perpetual grow than just what's in the cab
-Currently have the cab outfitted with a QBL 2 from Quick Bloom Lights; 277 true watts draw, really good-looking spectrum from a mix of quantum boards and COBs, and it fits almost exactly the width of my cab so my footprint now covers virtually every inch of the cab from left to right!:slide: Have only been running it for roughly 4 weeks, just before the switch to flower, but I'm loving the results so far!!

I currently have some White Widow and Girl Scout Cookies Extreme feminized seeds from, and have been super happy with the results thus far! Although I haven't gotten to actually smoke any of it yet, the genetics seem strong and have been pretty easy to grow, even for a first-time newbie like me!

My main goal is to cook up a soil that does not need additional nutrients fed during the life of the plant, aside from maybe a little Calcium or Magnesium (If you haven't come across Emilya's DIY CalMag+ Thread, it is a fantastic read, I highly recommend!!). But it looks like our new house has a reasonable amount of magnesium in the tap water (I water with tap water that has been left to sit out for a couple days to offgas the small amount of chlorine present), and I haven't been having issues with Calcium as of late, so here is hoping there has been enough made bioavailable by my microherd to make the second grow go smooth!

I had some issues with Calcium in my first grow, and I am realising now that I should have been focusing more on boosting the microbe populations with aerated compost teas and the like, instead of the liquid dolomite lime I jumped to (toxic for the little microbeasties! Caused way more problems than the initial one I was trying to fix!) However, I have now been able to invest in a huge range of organic dry amendments for specifically culturing my AACT, as well as amending the soil as needed, and have saved up a good amount of eggshells to do another round of Emilya's DIY CalMag! Thanks Em! :thumb:

Anyway, sorry for the wall of thread! I will hopefully try and keep the updates rolling out (I am aiming for a few times a week, and I am obsessed enough that this should be doable when I am not away from home for work!). Thanks to everybody here in this amazing community who has been with me through the duration of my first grow, and I am excited to be diving headlong into the world of organic gardening alongside everybody here!

Jump in with questions/comments/concerns as you see fit, and I will do my best to learn and answer any questions, or point people in the direction of others who can help with the things I don't know! Love being a part of this community! :high-five:

2 New seeds (1 each of the White Widow and the Girl Scout Cookies Ex.) just getting soaked today in paper towels, and hopefully I can get them sprouted and ready to transition into the cab by the time my current ladies are getting the axe! Here are some bonus pics of the "3-week since 12/12 flip" girls, I'll keep the thread going with updates of them through the rest of flower before we start in hard and fresh with the new ladies! Thanks for joining me along this exciting journey!

White Widow:


Girl Scout Cookie Extreme


GOOD ON YOU!!! looks good!!
I used the Boveda packs last year and they work great in my opinion when used after the curing stage. That my own personal opinion. This year is only my second grow year. But they help to keep the integrity and flavour of your nugs. This is the first I hear of it affecting the terpenes.
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