Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Lol.. Wouldnt say UNDER CONTROL!! Its more like BORDER-LINE STUFF UP:) I should follow my instincts as they are regularly steering me in the right way so i need to grow for me, Not for others. PLain and simple. At the end of the day, Its my harvest thats affected, So while its fine to tell me to do stuff, if it isnt suitable for me, It can cause these type of probs, I should have had a 6ft plus plant, now I got a 4.6ft girl. Better than nothin tho!!!
BUT I DO LIKE LOTS OF BUD....:high-five:

Hey guys, thanks for stopping by:) Well Kiksum is into her last week or so now, and she has started to fill out a little now, with the largest main colas about 1ft or so of solid bud, not as wide as with Cindy but she was a different monster.
This plant is now really packing on the swollen Calyxes and Trichs;) And her smell wafts out when I open her door now which is making me eager to toke on her! I was doing some tethering and I got my fingas pressed against a nug for few secs and man it was a great piney/pungeant odor:) I LOVE IT..
She started to show some possible defic symptoms of low potassium, So I checked her PH which was stable at 6.7 about 3 weeks back, but my meter went backwards pretty quickly down to about 5.8 or so, NOT GOOD, So I added an extra water of some DOLOMITE cal/mag hoping to raise the PH a little. I will check her again tomorrow, if no major increase Ill probably half flush her with some higher PH d water, then check the run off.. Its really quite strange, as this plant is exhibiting the ssame traits as Cindy.. Right down to showing some banans!! There s only 2 lil pairs Ive seen, her calyxes are swelling and usually theres a fair few new fluffy ones on each bud daily I pulled Cindy near Day 60, So I wouldnt think this girl will be much different, but all her pistils are still to fully change, she s about 70% Id say, So she ll be flushed soon and ready herself for HARVEST DAY!!!! IM LITERALLY GUARDING THIS LOT!! I would explode if I were to lose this yield, even tho its gunna be rather small amount its still been alot of work and time which is one thing that got to me when I was robbed of 3/4s of a pound from CIndy..
MY PROTOGE' IS NOW COMING TO LIFE:):) I am really looking forward to making this girl work for me.. IT WILL BE MY ATTEMPT TO BREAK 1 pound p/plant in 16 weeks... IN soil, all similar to now, But I HAVE TO GET MY PRODUCTS FROM BPN:)
Really wished Id been able to get them before this harvest but things have been tight lately, but soon I shall be all good!!
Starting to fill out..

Maybe 2 weeks or so left?







She has slowly just started to take on growth, I cleared alot of soil from her roots when I repotted as it had a fewF/gnats in it, so after re-potted into good soil, with slow release ferts ,some Cal/mag and the Humus soil. It took her a couple days to take, but now she s got good color and is doing ok..
THanks for dropping in and I hope to have some better pics soon of some bigger buds! Take care guys:thanks::welcome: Smokemup
What OG said!
Thanking you OG!!!
Theyre filling out daily and shell be getting flushed soon and a water only diet til harvest day in about 2 weeks.. Hope they still continue to swell, some branches that I thought wouldnt do much have gotten a little more size, so Im trying all I can to get the most out of em.
All the best and cheers fa dropping in bro;) Take care, Smokemup..
:thanks: TACTIC:):)
Her large middle stacks are coming along ok, I am still a little hesitant that Ill yield over 6oz, I really hope I can get 8 from her, but its gunna be tight IMO...
She still has some time to build up so fingaz crossed that she'll do as Cindy did and really bulk up toward the last week of flower. Cindy Id say had a final Floral bloom and her calyxes were jumpin over each other to get out:) So hoping my girl duz the same and Ill have some nice buds to show ya!! Either way, Im fully amped for the LUCY GROW!!! I have a good feeling about this one, it may change marijuana growing as we know it!!! Well... Maybe not?? But I am setting myself a GOAL OF 1 POUND FROM 1 PLANT IN 15 WEEKS ( roughly ).. This is LUCYs JOB:)
Take it easy Tactic, chat soon,, Smokem..:thumb:
hey smokes looking great man those buds are forming really nicely your gona be in for a nice harvest.
could you possibly take a picture of kiksum as a whole plant just so we can see all the buds together!!?

thanks brother take care
Hey Smoke...sitting here catching up with some friends journals...I LOVE BUDS TOO! I have to really get serious about thinning out the herd...MediBud is gone...the small amount of it I have is pretty kick ass...there were plenty of trichs!:party::yummy:
Do what works for you...Don't try to fix something that's not broken, right? :peace:
Hi Joker!! Thanks for the kind words buddy:)
I hope too that Ill get a decnt yield, but just comparing her to Cindy is like comparing an grapefruit to a watermelon.. She is the same in looks and how she grew her buds but as yet there is a substantial difference in the size of each cola.
Cindys smaller top canopy buds are more like the mains on Kiksumass. She has about 4 - 1ft cola's, but theyre the largest unfortunately.
And about the pictures, I had trouble with this last grow as my set up now has lots of tethers attached all over the joint as Ive been moving as many branches as I can into prominant light position so I can hopefuly get the popcorn buds a little bigger???
I really wish I had some BLOOM BOOSTER!! But I will try to take some pics to give some perspective but I have limited access to my space so she ll still be partially obscured:( Alot of people actually wouldve been pretty impressed with the actual size of both these plants as a whole I guess as Kiksumass is standing just shy of 5ft in her pot and is 4.5ft wide with 11 main cola's or so.. Cindy was standing at 6ft3 x 4.5, I weighed her when I cut her as a whole and she was basically stem and bud, she weighed 2.4kg.
BUT THE THING I AM REALLY PISSED ABOUT BESIDE LOSING MOST OF HER HARVEST - Was that I never got a TOTAL DRY WEIGHT. I was left with her 4, 2ft long cola's and then about half an ounce of smaller buds they dropped.. The 4 cola's weighed in at 6.5oz when dried, So I had about 7 oz they left, and this was about 1/3rd of my yield if not 1/4. I estimated Id have pulled a pound from her for sure..
Looking at this girl, Im thinking Ill be lucky to get over 6oz this time which kinda sucks:( BUT GOTTA THINK POSITIVE I GUESS!!!:):)
Cheers for stopping in mate, and Ill snap a couple of shots, I dunno how well theyll show her size, Ill do my best;)
Take care mate, Smokemup..:welcome:
YES HO'z THAT IS CORRECT MY FRIEND!! If it aint broke, dont fix it!!
After this girl is felled, I shall FOCUS on Lucy, She is a contender IMO.. I have plans for this girl if she is lucky to be kept going - still in a decicsive mood about if Ill keep her goin or not?? But if she keeps showing me this growth, it will be hard to resist:)
I think she may be able to crack the pound mark for me, If I dont get over 10oz per grow, its not worth me growing.. Simply, its not...
If I had a big space I could slap 4 seeds in and go BANG for a few months, Id get however much, and be done for a bit. BUT I CANNOT DO IT ATM and its SOOOO frustrating...
So this grow is all depending on her filling out over the next 2 weeks or so, Cindy sure did bulk up near end of cycle, so I have some hopes of pulling out even its just the guessing that gets to me, I dont like it when Im not in control of sumthin, IM SO HELPLESS:'(
lol.. So the medi bud duz the job ay?? Is it a Sativa or Indica?
My friend surprised me the other day and proudly said come here, and I followed him out back and around the corner he stood aside and before me sat a nice INdica, topped and BUSHY AS A BUSH KANGAROO! It looked awsum, but he got it out sidebit late so its a little undersized but it was formed great and I think he ll get some wickid nugs from it. I wanted to take it home:):)
Alrighty Ho'z Cheers again for droppin in mate, much appreciated;) Take care and will chat soon ok buddy. Catch ya, Smokemupm8!!
DODGY ' Perspective ' PHOTO ATTEMPT...

I tried to take a kinda PANORAMA PIC of Kiksumass for ya, so you can get an idea of her size, It is gunna have to wait til harvest day for full size pics as I cant get good shots due to her height and with the light on it barely visible, so I kinda snapped some from above but they werent real good either, sorry this is it for now:)
Left side
Right side.

And a pic from near the large middle cola's lastly, She is like reasonably sized, but yeah will have to wait for harvest until I can show you guys better. If I had a better camera, it may help too!!!
Later guys, Smokemupm8..
DODGY ' Perspective ' PHOTO ATTEMPT...

I tried to take a kinda PANORAMA PIC of Kiksumass for ya, so you can get an idea of her size, It is gunna have to wait til harvest day for full size pics as I cant get good shots due to her height and with the light on it barely visible, so I kinda snapped some from above but they werent real good either, sorry this is it for now:)
Left side
Right side.

And a pic from near the large middle cola's lastly, She is like reasonably sized, but yeah will have to wait for harvest until I can show you guys better. If I had a better camera, it may help too!!!
Later guys, Smokemupm8..

Dam Smoke love that last BIG cola, awesome praying she will fill in some more foe you, there is still time.. Peace OG
Yeah well Im flushing her today readying her for harvest soon.. Theres actually 3 middle cola;s again, all about the same size, just one is angled as its top heavy, and the other is resting on the other wall, its hard to kinda make out due to the Mylar.
So hoping all the buds will still have one more floral bloom at least and swell some more before harvest as with Cindys grow.
At moment she is showing some issues, prob due to the PH being low as hell:( It is funny, the exact same problems happened to Cindy ( the same leaf defic. symptoms ) as with Kiksumass, But I didnt feed Kiksum any Golden syrup!!! Lol.. So maybe that wasnt an issue at all, and it WAS a deficiency I was facinf, Im leaning towards a potassiium defic., as symptoms are similar, but also close to cal/mag, so anyway Ive added some Cal/mag couple days ago, and Im flushing today then Ill hit her with a feed and hope she fluffs up some more for me:):)
Thanks fa stopping by again OG;) Will drive by soon!! Smokemup:thanks:
:rofl::rofl: THANKS JOKER :) Lol.. Hope ya had some tissues handy!!!
But seriously, thanks for the great komments buddy. And im sure that it is not beyond your means to grow a plant bigger n better than this one??
This is my smallest indoor so far, about the same as my first which pulled just over 7oz, which is what Im kinda guess-timating again from this girls, unless she fills out some more before harvest.
If you have a fairly good space in a cupboard etc; all you d have to do is as close as what I do and you could pull 14+ oz p/plant too.. As I said if I do keep Lucy going, I will be looking at breaking Cindys size or even the same specs would do, Id just have to position her better..
Id be limited to a max height of 7ft without possible burning the tops, so over 6ft is what Ill be looking to do. It seems that due to my heavier trimming this time, I may have stopped stretch or slowed it alot, I didnt read that part!! I just thought a bit more Defol. would be ok as I read Bassman was doing and some other members - But I failed to read that it COULD dramatically slow stretch or stop it!! And this may explain her rather small stature, as I left abit of green on Cindy and she grew well, Im using same size pot so the only explanation is is what I did to it..
So if Lucy is kept I will only be doing certain trimming, just slightly more than with Cindy and position her as best as can, its sort of touch and go with positioning as when they flower if you have branches crossing each other the buds above block the ones below, so the buds below stay smaller and so I have to try to make all branch tops available to lighting as far down as possible.
I am thinking that with Lucy, Ill Veg her for a little more with the CFLs and then if she responds as hoped Ill set her out just a little diffrently this time, but still bascically same thing.
Well cheers for your great comments bro, Youre a champ:thanks::thanks: Take care and will chat soon mate. Smokemupm8;)
THANK YOU HEAPS HO'z!!!!! :welcome::thumb:
Well the appreciation of my girl from you guys is really awsum and makes up for the smaller harvest I may get.. Cheers to you all for takin the time to come by and leave a comment or just look, its all good..
And makes me feel bit better bout my efforts.. I hope to have you some good pics of her buds shortly and I hope she s as good a smoke as Cindy was:) I hope to pull her with the trichs just going amber this time, she s looking cloudy with some still clear on most buds but theres definately alot of sticky icky icky trichs:):) Ya touch a bud and your fingaz stick! And leave the smell on em for ages..
Im actually pretty keen to toke her again, another strain would have been good but Lucy may be the answer later on.
So thanks again Ho'z, and Ill be by soon;) Take care and chat soon. Smokemupm8
Awww Shucks:):) Thanks heaps mate!!!!!! YOU GUYS ALL DESERVE SOME KUDO's TOO THO! All of you have got some Gardens to be proud of too so dont think Im not droolin on my keyboard over you guys' setups;)
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