Smokin' 1st grow (OUTDOOR).. Bagseed

hey im located socal OC i have 4 females that i started from bagseed and germed in feb 15,they have been flowering 3 weeks now and since the day is getting longer u will need to tent that female u have or it will go back to Veg state.

i have mines covered up starting at 6pm and taken out at 9pm when its dark and let them start their cycle again in the morning

your plants look fairly small for 4-5 weeks,how many sets of leaves do you have?
Well here are some pics from yesterday afternoon of the Female i found next to my house

its some clearer pics, does anyone have an idea how long its been flowering?.

no bud forming just alot of pistols and crystals.
here ya go.

Zoom in of the main cola

Tiny pop corn sites.

comment or anything welcome.

Looking great :cheesygrinsmiley: outdoor grows are sweet, nothing is better than the sun.

How much direct sunlight are they getting? (hours per day) It should be summer over there right? Sorry I'm an aussie and it's mid-autumn here.For outdoor it's best your plants get direct sunlight first thing in the morning, something to do with light spectrums, and up to 12 hours of direct light if you can, if my memory serves me right.

Wood ash is a good organic source for potassium, which may help your buds swell a bit. Try mixing a little in next time you water. I would try to mix in most of my ferts when you prep the ground before planting for growing outdoors, but everyone is different.

More photos :ganjamon:

faithster- i have no idea how long this plant has been growing , i found it already flowering, i have no idea how i missed it because im a stoner lol. buti think it peaked its maturity n started flowring on its own. Its def not going bak into re-veg. bud is getting denser. it had about 10 sets of leaves i pruned off 6 total leaves. but in the main cola the leaves are stacked up closely.

Ive been thinkin of making a lil tent out of a tarp or something. i wuldve like to tranplsnt it but its growing rite next to my fence so i dont want to harm the root system.

And another thing is i think its so small because i think no one ever really watered it because it was unknown i had it or else i would have been takin better care of it.

l8nightskunk- PICS SOON! :roorrip:

Stonygeoff- thanks they r startting to fill in.:smokin:
But we barely started spring. so still long ways to get to summer.. they get about like from 6:30 a.m-7:30 p.m so thats about 13 hrs..
Oh really wood ashes? any kind of wood?
ive seen this also on a episode of strain hunters on greehouse seeds search for malawi gold. i just thought it had a good source of nitrogen?.
hw much would you need to mix per gallon?

Any wood ashes is fine. If you have anything left over from your fireplace or bbq. Oak is good, meant to be higher in potassium I've heard. Try sprinkling some around the base of the plant it may help keep bugs away too. Perhaps put a little in water and let sit overnight then water the next day. I don't really know how much, don't think it matter, just trial and error I guess. Don't start off with a lot, maybe a small handful per gallon or something :)

> If you only barely started spring maybe she'll bounce back into veg when summer peaks and you might end up with a huge growth spurt! At least you know now she's a girl. Get some fish emulsion from walmart or somewhere like that, very high in N, wood ashes don't contain much Nitrogen at all. Use the fish emulsh for growth phase and wood ash when she starts budding again. Good luck!

edit: *yawn* it's way too early man I'm not used to getting up before noon lol but I have go back to work in a few weeks so better get used to it. Bro I'm still a relatively big noob with growing I just learn as I go but happy to offer any knowledge I have gained so far, share it around man Peace

i do have fish emulsions already geoff, buit ive heard that it aint good to give it to em when u are already flowering?!
well im going to make sure that it dont re-veg. gona cover it with a box of some sort.

wht i got is alaskan fish emulsion which ive been feeding my lil ones.
ur right ill just let it grow on its own. hopefully it will peak around september.
i thinkin about repotting a plant into a 5 gallon pot and forcing it to flower just by putting it inside.
hey anyone got an idea if males grown faster?
ok i accidently topped green giant, hopefully it can recover took out most pf the plant.
but the female seems that its filling in nicely but slowly, i think its probaly going to flower completely in the summer because it dont start getting direct sun light until about about noon, but idk i guess well found out!.
PICS tommorw or monday!
well still no pics cant find my cam.
buti have an update on the short ryder well i germd. liken 2 seeds one sprouted but something ate the lil seedling. and the other one didint sprout out of its shell so, i still got one left though. hope this one works out!
sorry for dalay of the pics, havent been feeling so good, will have some soon.
just a quick update i got only 4 plants, plus my female i got still.
and i have a little seedling of nirvana's short ryder. lookin very good so far tho.
thanks hazeseeker.
well got good news 2 out of 3 were females.
the sativa one is a female n also the one on the more indica is.
plus got my lil short ryder feminised goin pretty good pics when i get my camera back.
oh yah the female i found next to my house was chopped down.
but i still got one that sex is unknown, also i put them into pots because i seen some lil fuckers lookin inside my yard. plus its better i pt them directly into flowering after the roots got stabilized.
the one that was a male was the one growing next to the strawberry plant.
green giant look like it will produce a good amount of bud.
its great my first intentional females lol.
k well thanxs for having interest in my log.
peace & pot.
ok well no pics yet but i went to my local hydro store and picked up some fox farm tiger bloom. any one used it?
does it actually help out alot??..
i think im going to pivk up the big bloom also because the guy workin there said it would do wonders for my plants it would increase my yield. idk though.
ok well pic update time Got lots of pics! :Rasta:

The More On The Sativa Side Female:

Zoom In of the Few Pistols on the sativa



Short Ryder Feminised:
Its about 2-3 inches tall, about 5 nodes

And Finally the Best The Indica Dominant One :smokin:.

inside zoom of one the Bud sites

nother cola

colas being separated :popcorn:


asize comparison

shot from down under

side view


Group shot of the Ladies


By the way info on em. They Veggd for about a month and a half. Been flowering for about 3 wks to a month.
Fed em Fish Emulsion for veg. and now feeding em tiger bloom every other day.
The short ryder is about a month from sprout.
nice n green so there the long awaited picks :thanks:
Ahhh that sucks bro.Have any clue who it might of been?
That happend to a friend of mine, what sucked is that he was going to harvest it the day it was stolen.
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