Looking great mate, really healthy garden. Loads of good pics to learn from thank you :)) Don't apologise for the big pictures unless your on mobile I can't see it mattering, prefer to see these great HD images!

Thanks Weffalo!

Yeah, but c'mon. Fess up. You love every phase, no?


Guilty! 😆
Today is the start of week 3 of 12/12 for the Godfather OG and LA Peyote Kush. The Quadlining really kept them short. They grew from 11” to 16” this week, and I expect a little more stretch this week. I’m sorry for the full image pictures….I wish there was a way to load smaller photos. I was planning to defoliate in week 3 after seeing @Hafta photos above, but i am concerned with stressing the plant. I believe there’s a Kyle Kushman video on defoliation on YouTube that may help teach the process to me.

So here’s a quick photo update of the bloom transition. I love this phase.

Godfather OG front and top pictures. A lot of bud sites ready to burst.


And the LA Peyote Kush…..she’s a beautiful plant.


Finally, the Purple Ghost Candy has been freed of her SCROG net and allowed to go “au natural”. I tried to grow her in a 2x2x4 tent, but she outgrew it. She’s really taken off and grew FAST! I’m excited to smoke this Sativa-heavy strain.


I defold bud sights all throughout flower including after stretch. One day I took out at least 15 sites at once.

My plant didn’t seem bothered by it at all. Obviously this just a singular experience in my environment, just wanted to let you know what I saw though. The plant seemed to like it and easily adjusted to losing those sites.

I left the fan leaves and such, just removed the actual flowers themselves.
Do you use Urtimax (Nettle brew) with your feeds at all @Twalte ? And I saw you use Seaweed but do you feed that every feed or how do you space it out?

I've added both to my feed recently but the amounts (ml/L) mean I used loads of the bottle in just one feed lol, wondering if it's needed every top up or once every few weeks might suffice?
A quick update on the Quadline plants that were flipped to 12/12 lighting on Wednesday (5 days ago). Lighting has been dimmed to provide a Daily Light Integral of 38. Resulting ppfd and lux values are shown below. They look like they could benefit from another defoliation. Also seeing some leaf yellowing on a few older fan leaves…..nitrogen deficiency going into flower. It appears minimal, so I assume I’ll just keep up with maximizing the Lucas formula (8ml of GH Flora Micro/16ml Bloom). Overall, plants are less than 1 inch taller since the flip.

AC Infinity self-feeding wick system is working well, but it only holds two days of liquid before they run dry…at least with mature plants. Other than that, they beat hand watering daily with these fiber pots.

Seeing white spots possibly growing on fiber pots….mold, mildew??? Do I need to kill this mildew off for risk of bud rot?

And the plants are shown below




You have a really nice grow.
The white spots are probably the excess salts from your fertilizer.
It was happening to me a lot. It doesn't hurt the plants. You can wash the pots after the grow.
I'll definitely come back to see how this grow ends.
You have a really nice grow.
The white spots are probably the excess salts from your fertilizer.
It was happening to me a lot. It doesn't hurt the plants. You can wash the pots after the grow.
I'll definitely come back to see how this grow ends.
Thank you Kosio Bosio.
Do you use Urtimax (Nettle brew) with your feeds at all @Twalte ? And I saw you use Seaweed but do you feed that every feed or how do you space it out?

I've added both to my feed recently but the amounts (ml/L) mean I used loads of the bottle in just one feed lol, wondering if it's needed every top up or once every few weeks might suffice?

Hi Weffalo. No, I’ve never heard of Nettle brew. I’ll research that. I use Maxicrop Seaweed extract with every feeding in veg at the rate of 1oz per gallon. Supposed to really support root growth, and it’s a natural Plant Growth Hormone. I’ve read conflicting articles about seaweed in flower, so I only give it in veg. I am a big fan and I buy it by the gallon. I also soak my seeds in a seaweed/RO water mixture before sowing them.
Hi Weffalo. No, I’ve never heard of Nettle brew. I’ll research that. I use Maxicrop Seaweed extract with every feeding in veg at the rate of 1oz per gallon. Supposed to really support root growth, and it’s a natural Plant Growth Hormone. I’ve read conflicting articles about seaweed in flower, so I only give it in veg. I am a big fan and I buy it by the gallon. I also soak my seeds in a seaweed/RO water mixture before sowing them.
Thanks a lot mate, the Seaweed I'm using is by General Hydroponics but the EU version Terra Aquatica, they do the "Urtimax" but I think ultimately it's just a nettle brew. Very interesting it's a natural plant growth hormone, I'm gonna do some more research on both :D
I defold bud sights all throughout flower including after stretch. One day I took out at least 15 sites at once.

My plant didn’t seem bothered by it at all. Obviously this just a singular experience in my environment, just wanted to let you know what I saw though. The plant seemed to like it and easily adjusted to losing those sites.

I left the fan leaves and such, just removed the actual flowers themselves.
Thank you Keffka! I’ve decided to go ahead and do a heavier defoliation than originally planned. I lollipopped the bottoms and selectively removed top leaves. I am not seeing any stress so far, so I hope this worked. Thanks for the reply.

Below, in order, are Purple Ghost Candy, Godfather OG, and LA Peyote Kush. I tried to remove several flowers down low in the canopy too as you recommended. No point in growing larf. I removed a LOT of leaves, and they still look overgrown in the photos! 🤦‍♂️

I ended doing a small flush on the two plants using the AC Infinity self watering planters. Saw signs of nutrient burn….and I suspected a buildup of salts at the rootball. Flushed each 5 gallon pot with 7 gallons of water. Runoff ppm as high as 4000 and as low as 1800 by the end. I feed a healthy amount of nutrients through the wicks.


And a few quick photos after one more week in flower.

Purple Ghost Candy (week 5 of 12/12 today)….front and top view

Godfather OG (week. 4 of 12/12)

LA Peyote Kush (week 4 of 12/12)

Current tent setup…..Purple Ghost Candy in the 2x2, LA Peyote Kush and Godfather OG in 2x4
I ended doing a small flush on the two plants using the AC Infinity self watering planters. Saw signs of nutrient burn….and I suspected a buildup of salts at the rootball. Flushed each 5 gallon pot with 7 gallons of water. Runoff ppm as high as 4000 and as low as 1800 by the end. I feed a healthy amount of nutrients through the wicks.


And a few quick photos after one more week in flower.

Purple Ghost Candy (week 5 of 12/12 today)….front and top view

Godfather OG (week. 4 of 12/12)

LA Peyote Kush (week 4 of 12/12)

Current tent setup…..Purple Ghost Candy in the 2x2, LA Peyote Kush and Godfather OG in 2x4
Good call on the flush., they look great. :welldone:
I feed to runoff every time it helps prevent a build up.
Have a great weekend my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
It’s been 10 days since my last update, so a few quick photos in my update. Nothing else too eventful to report. I am noticing a small potassium deficiency on a few plants, so I’m adding 4ml/gallon of Liquid KoolBloom (0-10-10) to nutrient solution. I suspected nutrient burn at first, but further research is leaning to potassium deficiency. I’m seeing crunchy leaves with yellowing tips on the older leaves. Only a few leaves…..so I caught it early.

I am filling the self watering bases daily. I think I could get two days out of them, but filling daily has worked well for me.

Buds are getting larger and frostier.

Godfather OG below


LA Peyote Kush with plenty of bud sites.
It’s been 10 days since my last update, so a few quick photos in my update. Nothing else too eventful to report. I am noticing a small potassium deficiency on a few plants, so I’m adding 4ml/gallon of Liquid KoolBloom (0-10-10) to nutrient solution. I suspected nutrient burn at first, but further research is leaning to potassium deficiency. I’m seeing crunchy leaves with yellowing tips on the older leaves. Only a few leaves…..so I caught it early.

I am filling the self watering bases daily. I think I could get two days out of them, but filling daily has worked well for me.

Buds are getting larger and frostier.

Godfather OG below


LA Peyote Kush with plenty of bud sites.
Just lovely. :thumb:
Big difference from last time, terrific.
Hope your doing well my friend.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Bill284 😎
Just lovely. :thumb:
Big difference from last time, terrific.
Hope your doing well my friend.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Bill284 😎

Thanks Bill! Hope you are doing well too! Yes, I’m so glad I came to this site and learned about Quadlining on this thread. Huge improvement for me since I like short plants. Can’t wait to see how they turn out.

Your Vivohut garden is coming along nicely! Enjoyed your post….very cool!!
A quick update since it’s been two weeks since my last update. We are now in Week 7 of flower. Below are photos of the DNA Crew Godfather OG which is the frostiest of the bunch. Roughly 4-5 more weeks until harvest. My house reeks every time I open the tents, so it will be a long 5 weeks. (Ona gel is doing its best to deodorize the house)


And a few photos of the Purple Ghost Candy, another strain I’m excited to try.

I know I'm here so damned late, ;but any spot by the fire?? Hmmm... looks pretty crowded, ok how 'bout the under dryer extracter outside? No?

I'm waiting on tenterhooks for the Octopot setup Twalte. I, and a lot of other people, say they are the best SIP on the market. Every person I've ever come across using them has been quite an experienced growers, and to a man (and one woman) they've told me they will grow in it for the rest of their lives. They just can't see how the experience, or harvest, yield could be beaten b/c they tried.
Also, did you ever come up with a name for, I think it was, Phantom OG and Grandfather?

I was going to recommend "Ghostfather", it's got that nice, three-syllable, rolls-off-the-tongue-easy sound..... and relates to both varieties, but I got here a couple months late! lol.
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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