Spimps 2013 1st Grow - Ghetto Micro

DRUMROLL PLEASE..... :tommy::tommy::tommy:

Id like to introduce you to my newest baby girl:


Welcome welcome :)
Good weed Spimp! cant wait to see her outside lovin the sun. as long as you keep her moist the heat factor will be minimal:)
then we can compare your auto to my photo period NL x BB
congratulations on harvesting one of your plants! just be careful how warm your seedling gets from the compact florescent lights.

Thank you very much sir. It was not optimal for yield, But I think the lessons learned are more than valuable. Also I would like to say Congrats on the MOTM nomination. You deserve it.
Good weed Spimp! cant wait to see her outside lovin the sun. as long as you keep her moist the heat factor will be minimal:)
then we can compare your auto to my photo period NL x BB

No comparison! More like a How to and How dont! :adore:

Ok, daily rant time. For the passerby's, skip to the pics. Nothing to see here... ;)
So my morning started by dropping the newest girl headfirst about 4". Not kinda spilled her... more like off the top rope 4" to face plant. :oops: I sprang into action and picked up the now 1/2 full pot. I couldnt even see here. I carefully dug through the soil and found her. I ever so gently re potted her and lightly watered her in. She visually looked ok, no bends or anything, butI spent all day thinking I would return to a withered stem.
But Alas:

As for today, all looks well. Time will tell if this new "Superdropping" technique will catch on... ;)

So then my entire day at work was a cluster. It rivaled a few past presidents amount of cluster. It was almost top 5 worst days at work ever. Almost. All of them included the phrase "never to be seen or heard from again". :rofl: But the days over and time for a comfession... Lil bit is not doing that well. I dont think shes in dier straights, but she ain't pretty. Ok that was harsh. Shes pretty, just with a bad hairdo. :rofl:









IMO it looks like some of the yellowing is the natural reaction to 2 weeks of straight water. But then agian some leaves till show the calcium problem/ phoso OD?? Ive flushed twice and hand watered every two days for last 14-18 days. ould they still be showing effects after tht long? Part of me thinks its just them "finishing", but all the white hairs(20% withered) tell me otherwise. :scratchinghead:
Anywho, Heres a nug pic of my harvest after 2-1/2 days drying. It looks like if you squezze it, resin would drip.
:) :yummy:
all the white ones need to be gone if you ask me. but that is a hit and miss thing in my head and really don't mean all that much.
white hairs mean still giving it a go but that trimmed top you had looks more than tasty bro:)
I copied a thing from S1ingblade and 420 that you should have a gander at. click my blog and have a look. good stuff:thumb:
all the white ones need to be gone if you ask me. but that is a hit and miss thing in my head and really don't mean all that much.
white hairs mean still giving it a go but that trimmed top you had looks more than tasty bro:)
I copied a thing from S1ingblade and 420 that you should have a gander at. click my blog and have a look. good stuff:thumb:

SON OFA BISCUIT!! It looks like potassium deficiancy!! Good thing Im a glutten for punishment and snuck in some TB with the water this morning. ;) I wasnt gonna say it, because I felt it was the noob coming out. I havnt put anything in the H2O put a little molasses now and then in a long time. But I had a feeling it was a nitro thing too. The description in your blog is exactly all the symptoms i have. This whole time Ive been thinking I od'd her, but shes just a junkie needed her fix! :morenutes: I wont do anything else untl I read more just to comfirm. But once again, Fish cake, your helping hand makes this walk easier. +reps!
I should have put 2 and 2 together... First flush--- slightly yellowing. week of plain water-- older leaves kinda fall off. Second flush-- much more yellowing. Second week all water--- Blondie. I guess thats more than 2 but you get the pic. :) And I totally agree about the hairs. I read an interesting article on how the hairs correlate to flowers decay and thc production. The cliffs are more withered, more better. :rofl:
That song...... Ghetto superstar.... Ce on in the van at work today dnd made me think of your ghetto control device lol and your superstar little grow ya got going on, spimp that bud in ur final pik looks awsome!!!!
Dish I was smoking that tonight instead of "blow" (cannabis block form dark brown) not sure what ya call it over the pond.
It's the stuff we smoked in college cos it got 4 ppl baked for a £5 lol not my choice smoke anymore wrong typer high for me but all I can get till tomorrow
Spimp in the House yeeaaah
good weed buddy:circle-of-love:
Also I would like to say Congrats on the MOTM nomination. You deserve it.

thank you kindly.

the yellowing you see in your leaves is the plant using up all of its stored nutrients, this is normal during the final flush period.
Hi spimp. That crystally nug looks soooooo good.:thumb: Have you smoked any yet? :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have not. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel my first bowl is gonna be how I remember it and I want to wait til its at least dry. Ill probably puff some beforeI start the cure so i can first hand see the changes the smoke goes through. I dont want to rush it and taste something thats not there and get discouraged.... Plus I have some awesome Huckleberry that is couch locking my ass!! :) I am a sucker for any purple danky weed that locks ya up. I think there is a place for the head trippy stuff too. Like if Im out in the woods, fishing, going to the zoo, etc. :rofl: but I generaly smoke for that "watch a stupid show and chuckle" thing. :) It also helps my back loosen up and Ive found if I have too much energy, I usually do something I shouldnt. I will give a full smoke report as soon as I do, I promise! :):)
I have not. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel my first bowl is gonna be how I remember it and I want to wait til its at least dry. Ill probably puff some beforeI start the cure so i can first hand see the changes the smoke goes through. I dont want to rush it and taste something thats not there and get discouraged.... Plus I have some awesome Huckleberry that is couch locking my ass!! :) I am a sucker for any purple danky weed that locks ya up. I think there is a place for the head trippy stuff too. Like if Im out in the woods, fishing, going to the zoo, etc. :rofl: but I generaly smoke for that "watch a stupid show and chuckle" thing. :) It also helps my back loosen up and Ive found if I have too much energy, I usually do something I shouldnt. I will give a full smoke report as soon as I do, I promise! :):)

cant wait for the soke report:)
not as funny with speeeel check:)
cant wait for the soke report:)
not as funny with speeeel check:)

My brain has much moreimportant things to consider other than spelling sir. Like remembering all of Tupacs lyrics. Aand who played 2nd base for my A's in the Bay world series. :rofl:
Good weed to you sir. :)

edit: My most recent project was coming up with a system to remember all the beetles names. Jon paul george ringo. LMAO My trick was to think JON PAUL THE GRINGO :)
so a little Mexican boy goes to the immigration office to get his green card
the officer asks him to use the following words in a sentence Green, Pink and yellow.
If he can do this the immigration officer will grant him the card.
The young man tells the officer "OK I can do this mang."
"when the phone goes Green green I pink it up and say yellow" :)
First Soke ;) report!
Just took my first 3 hits of my harvest. There was a popcorn bud growing straight off the stem I had drying in the bottom of my box. Little moist still, probably need 2 more days on the tops to dry making it a full week, then into the jars. It has a chloropyll smell until you break it up then its more of a Dankiness. No floral citrusy type thing, straight dank. Its hard to describe. The smoke was pretty smooth. I did couch on two of the three tokes :bigtoke: but the aftertaste was not bad considering no cure. More taste of Chlor going down than back out. And btw,... Im pretty ripped. :):):) :tokin: Not like wasted, but I probably should wait to go in public for another 30 mins or so. Heres the reveiw:

Taste: 5/10 too much green still in her, but not crap for sure
Effect: 6/10 I have only smoked sensi for about the last 6 months and 3 hits got me going! 30 mins in, still buzzed.
^^ The best part is these are only gonna go up with patience. :)
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