Super Strain DFA x 3 & 1 x Sugar Black Rose Auto

Professor, what did you use to break it down, a food mill?

Excellent job, by the way. Super even.
Thanks for the reply TheNuttyProfessor. It's good to know that there are ingredients available over here that I can use to try and go organic, I seem to struggle to find anything decent when it pertains to MJ, hopefully this will change in the future when we update our draconian laws. Now it's time for me to break down that list of ingredients that you have and see what is what, layman's terms please? :scratchinghead::lot-o-toke: All the best
nutty nutes and biobizz seem to be neck and neck ( feeding time wednesday again ) , i am loving this sugar black rose , shes on fire , awesome auto so far

Thank you very much. Black rose looks amazing an should be a truly great plant can't wait to see your results.wish you the best of luck biggest fattest sugar frosted Black Rose Buds.
Black Rose Buds. I like that. :)

Great looking plants, Mr. Nutty. :blushsmile: I dont think I ever said so, but I like the name you chose for your homemade nutrients... Nutty Nutes. hehe
Wow Professor, the leaves on that girl! She puts everyone else to shame, eh?
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