The Bloom Bloom Room

Well lads i did wat yas told me and super cropped her and boom shes already turnin bk towards the light after 8 9 hours haha didnt think it would work and i would have killed her thanks for ur help lads much appriciated
i even had to put a little tape on her cos i seen a little hair lone crack so i said id better put a plaster on her haha
Was think of changin out the led light and puttin the 300 watt dual spec cfl bk in and gunna order a 300 watt mars hydro led cos the 600 watt is just to strong for my 8×8×1.8 setup thanks again lads happy growin and hope all goes well

No need for the tape. I split one down the middle and it grew with a hole in the stem. It's still there. If you get mars go with epistars I have two in the flower room and they rock. Also they run super cool which is nice. They have a deal in right now for the next few days. Go on their journal and Sarah will hook you up with a good deal.
Alright there a member here that sell them ye thats handy well i removed 2 3 leafs that were really burnt and just started wit the waterin again wit half strenghth nutes and calmag gunna c now did the super crop work ok for me and that i dont get anymore burns on the leafs i should notice in a day or so if everything is fine but ye defo will be lookin into gettin 1 soon but not just yet but if i have to i will
Man these are sure growing like beasts inches a light cycle. They are now drinking themselves dry every cycle so time to pot up to the 2gals. Will have to do it in the middle of the night cause I have some family staying this weekend. So fucked up that my parents come early. Come out to the Grow have a look around smell them and take it all in. Then we have to lock it down and not talk about it cause my brother is a huge douchebag. No question even my parents agree that he would be out some night and want to be a big shot and start shooting his mouth off about my Grow. Telling him would be the countdown to when I get robbed. Sorry for the family shit but he grates me. Can't believe we came from the same people. I guess my parents were 10 years older and the world had changed rapidly at that time as well.
cheese Russian doll #1 Burberry and both Aphrodite twins. Favs in that order.
Very impressive So2178! It's almost hard to believe that this is only your second run. After reading through this journal and much of your first, I can tell you picked up the fundamentals real quick and just hit the ground running.

Your plants look fantastic. I think you're really going to be happy that you gave them that extra two gallon step before the final pots. As I'm sure you have read or learned, plants can thrive in smaller containers with coco as opposed to other mediums. You're going to have some monsters in five gallons.

I apologise if I missed it, but what nutrients are you using. I seem to remember a reference to Emerald? If so is it a coco specific line? Also, are you hand watering?
Thanx paka and welcome. Yeah I am in love with growing now. Wish I would have started 20 years ago. Although I probably didn't have the patience back then. Environment is I think the biggest key to my success so far.
Emerald Harvest is the brand of nutes in running now. The plants seem to love them. Super chelated so they take them up straight away. I'm pushing them at 900ppm right now and they are loving it. Need to get to chopping in the flower room cause I'm running out in here.
55 gallon res...these are the things my dreams are made of lol

A couple more for ya...are you using tap water? And last one, what are you running your pH at? I stuck with 5.8-6.0 on my last run, and it seemed fine, but since switching to AN's coco specific line, with their supposedly 'pH perfect' technology, I've noticed it tends to want to keep me in the 6.1-6.3 area, so I haven't argued with it, and have been super pleased the results.
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