Toke's Blueberry Hydro Grow Journal

Medical Cannabis

New Member
Tonight I will start 8 blueberry seeds that I got from some tree from my local clinic.

It was sooooo tasty!!

I'll be selecting 6 plants, all will flower from seed, then I will keep two females and put them back in veg until they grow big enough to clone a bunch of times. I will flower the other females (if they are all female for some reason, then I will only keep 3 so I can stay in state guidelines.)

I can't afford an HPS this time around, so it will be in for next round. I'm doin about 20 CFLs for these.

Will be doin a 6 plant bubbler system. CO2 administered via seltzer water and spray bottle, also using General Hydro nutes and Advanced Nutrients' Seaweed Extract
What up what up WCT??? I will be watching this grow as you know I will!!!Hope eveything is good on your end and good luck with the grow mine are looking sweet!!!!:smokin:

Got 6 blueberry seeds popped and into rockwool. I got a 6 plant hydro setup from ebay for like 80 bux. I am using CFLs for Veg, I don't care about speed of growth, I understand the CFL potential, its about cost for me. I will be purchasing either a 400w or 600w HPS for flowering. Decided to just use 8 CFLs I made a cardboard holder to space out the bulbs which have splitters on them. 4 Sockets, split twice each = 8 CFLs

Using what I have, I have 4 red spectrum and 4 blue spectrum in there now. I'll buy 4 more reds in a little bit.

I'll get some pics in a little bit.
personaly i think CFL's have been given a bad rep. now obviously MH or HPS are way better just as true sunlight is better than all. but for an over all i think it has its uses and "can" work well for a full grow if you use a selection of the different spectrums, they are much easyer to "suround the plant with light" , and are cheaper and more discrete to use.

when it comes down to the $green$, cfls work, if you can get the hps even better.

cant wait to see pics +rep for luck
We've had two breakthroughs.


Lookin good Toke!!!!!:clap:
Two weren't comin up so I pulled em and they were duds. So I germinated a bunch more in a paper towel and I planted one that had a 3/4" sprout. So there are 5/6 healthy looking sprouts now. I'm going to go to the clinic tomorrow to pick up some more.
Colorado. I can have 6 plants male or female. 3 Flowering and 3 Veg. HOWEVER, I am a caregiver for a friend a little further north so I can grow their 3 plants too = 6 veg, 6 flower :)
this site seems to have blown up lately with people form colorado lol
a bad thing...... HELL NO!!!! i say we need our own forum in side 420 mag lol
there is no place like colorado. in my opinon its the best state ><
and im sure there will be some that disagree lol
We have our own forum Check on the main forum page.... its under the specific mmj states.

Best state fuh sho!

So a little tragedy happened today but it resulted in some good... One of the blueberry seedlings that got recently transplanted to rockwool didn't make it... neither did the other ones i was germing (I still have 5 blueberry in the hydro right now, all are showing cotelydons (spelling???) )

SO I am germinating 6 Skunk#1 seeds to replace the one fallen blueberry... (the math makes sense when you love cannabis as much as I do) heh.

They're soaking in a dish with water overnight before they hit the paper towel on top of the fridge in a cabinet.

I'll get some more pics up soon.
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