Tok's Soul Diesel Under Two ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro

Time to update this also.

All six strains are still basting under the @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO for the time being. I am just about finished setting up my other tent with the @ViparSpectra KS5000 then I will be transferring 5 strains to my 4x4 tent. The final pot size will be 5 gallon fabric @GeoPot .

Here are some current images.

That's all folks.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Look real good nice start.
Thank you for stopping by @KeithLemon

Today is transition day. As of 1 July everyone is in veg. and 5 strains were moved to the big tent under the @ViparSpectra KS5000 at 50 % for today; with a height of 28 inches. Tomorrow I will consider moving her up to 75%.

I will be growing the soul Diesel in the 2x4 tent alone and most likely a scrog net. Currently she is on 200 ppm's of cal-mag for about another week or so before I start her on @GeoFlora Nutrients and get her ready to move into the 5-gallon @GeoPot .

I will only be vegging her for about three weeks before I flip her.

That's all folk's, more to come in a couple days.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
It's that time again.

The Soul Diesel is coming along fine, and has been up-potted to a 5-gallon fabric @GeoPot
She is going to be fed next week using @GeoFlora Nutrients. Until then not a lot going on.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Looking good my friend.
Hope you had a nice long weekend.
Love your riser ;)
I'm so clumsy sometimes I'd knock it flying.
Anything at ground level is susceptible. :rofl:
Take care. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks for stopping by @Bill284

I did not go or do anything special over the weekend, except work on my grow area. Trying to get better organized, I have to much shit. :rofl: Aside from the rain it was a nice weekend, I guess. Since I retired all days are weekends. :yahoo:

Be safe, and grow well my friend,
I understand, I loose track of what day it is.:rolleyes:
Still there's never enough time to catch up is there?
As long as the girls are happy everything else will be ok.
Take care my friend. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Just kidding, the Soul Diesel is getting big and doing well. I will be flipping her on the 21st to 12/12. My intentions with this lady is to scrog her in a 2x4 tent. It is going to get crowded so defoliation will be a key part of this grow. I have not tried a grow this big in a 2x4 tent before, so it should be interesting.

She is still being fed water since I mixed in a cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients grow formula into one cubic foot of soil to start, and will be fed again on the 14th while watering. It has been a smooth grow with little or no problem to speak of. Which is pretty much standard, I rarely have issues that I can't be corrected easily.

Here are a couple of the latest images.

Be safe, and grow well my friends,
Good morning all, time for an update.

The Nirvana Soul Diesel is moving right along, and getting ready for her first feeding. I will be using @GeoFlora Nutrients and watering with RO water with Sweet Candy mixed in. I gave her a little trim of the lower leaves, but nothing else yet, as far as training. She will be growing her under two @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO with a combine wattage of 300 watts. I will be flipping her to 12/12 on the 21st and will probably lay the scrog net then. Three week vegging should be more than enough to fill this tent wall to wall.

If you have questions about this grow or anything else feel free to ask.

only a couple images this time.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Thank you @StoneOtter

She is getting her first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients today and I may do a little trimming today to open her up. Time to start training and figuring out what I want to do with her. I don't want her to get to big, because my last plant (GSC) yielded over a kilo and I can't give the stuff away fast enough. :laugh: The problems I have.

Anyways, I will be limiting her size to the 2x4 tent under a net. Hopefully I can get my stash down by then, or I will need to buy more and larger jars.
Hey Tok :) That's pretty cool that she gets two lights to herself. I look forward to seeing how it goes. Looking good there.
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