Trailer Trash Farm

Thanks glad ya enjoyed!!!

Noticed the soil was cold to touch so I put a water bed heater underneath the clone dome and set to 90f(Lowest setting it has).Temps are now high 80's with 99% humidity.The soil is now warm to the touch but I'm a little concerned of the humidity.Is 99% to high?
Been checking the clones every few hours and I think there looking good. Temps and Humidity seem to be pretty stable now.Im hoping to take these clones and go right to 12/12 with them once they root.What ya think?


Very interesting grow just shows how well these plants can grow under many stresses.

^^ Aint that the truth,Ive tried it all on my first grow.Amazing how much abuse they really do take,My next grow will be much better,as I have learned so much from the first and still continue to learn and try differ ideas.Always up to something.

I'd think a week or two of veg after you're sure of rooting before going to 12/12 might be prudent. I don't have experience with it though. Mods?
27 days or around that into flowering (12/12)
Everything going good,plants are really taking liking to the Neptunes Organic feed.





Couple of pics i took today.Did I say that Neptunes is the bomb?Well it is,look at these girls bloom.Some of leaves are burnt,I like to keep em close :grinjoint: usually within a inch,no more then 2




Wow, your plants look beautiful! Nice job! :smokin:

Peace and good growing :rollit:
Farmn420, what a great way to get caught up on your grow journal. CFL's amaze me at what they have been doing, and helping the right way. Job well done!!
You did say that the close proximity of plants to lights has caused a little " browning" on some edges. If you need to it's ok to remove those burnt ones. Trichs are coming along with their glitter all over.
Other than Neptunes Organic, are you using anything else?
Clone dome: ingenious. How are the clones?
Other than Neptunes Organic, are you using anything else?
Clone dome: ingenious. How are the clones?

Thanks for the kind words

There has been no set schedule for anything,water wet/dry method.Works out to about every 3-4 days.My mixture is 2 tbsp of Neptunes Organic fish&seaweed,1 tsp of baking soda(to bring ph up) to a gallon of water.Every other water I add 20 drops of shultz 10-15-10 for a jolt of nitrogen.As for the clones 2 have rooted and starting to begin new growth.The other 2 are still alive but no roots yet.Also added 3 seedlings from some good bagseed to clone dome.Hoping to get lucky like Ms.Fox did with her bagseed grow,if you haven't seen it,I recommend looking :):yummy:
Took some pics today,everything seems to being ok.Growth seems to have stalled but could be me just getting over anxious for the harvest.:bong:





Thats about right, they will concentrate on filling out and trich production now.. It is looking quite sativaish, you may be looking at a longer flowering time then usual... Be patient young grasshoppa, let them babies go all the way.... :peace:
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