Trala’s Tent: Lucky Edition

You've beat yourself up enough, Trala.

Time to learn from your fuck-up and move on. Believe me, I've had a lot of practice practicing this and it's the way to handle it! :Rasta:
Go easy on yourself, Trala :love:
Anyone who's grown outdoors probably has a horror story or 2 to tell- I screwed up plenty when I
grew outdoors years ago- Bud rot, Aphids, wind & rain damage,crappy soil, harvesting too early,etc.- hell, my last outdoor grow was attacked by caterpillars and powdery mildew, so even with the best of care, mother nature is going to give you some serious shit to deal with...
I'm confident that your next grow is going to be the best one yet...and remember, We're here to help you any way we can...:hug:

And, If you ever decide to grow in an ugly cardboard box, I can definitely help with that...:)
FYI, Spinosad is an organic bacteria that works for Spider Mites and a bunch of other pests and can be used up till the day before harvest. There are a bunch of different Spinosad products. I like Captain Jack's Deadbug and I'm sure there's something easily available in Australia. ;)

That being said, it only works on pests and not mold, so I'm not sure the point is still relevant! :hmmmm:
I really don’t think it’s mould related. Think it’s the cooties sucking the life out of them. They look more deadened than mould.

FYI I miss you not being here as much! I really do.

I really hope everything is working out okay there. Xo
You've beat yourself up enough, Trala.

Time to learn from your fuck-up and move on. Believe me, I've had a lot of practice practicing this and it's the way to handle it! :Rasta:
Go easy on yourself, Trala :love:
Anyone who's grown outdoors probably has a horror story or 2 to tell- I screwed up plenty when I
grew outdoors years ago- Bud rot, Aphids, wind & rain damage,crappy soil, harvesting too early,etc.- hell, my last outdoor grow was attacked by caterpillars and powdery mildew, so even with the best of care, mother nature is going to give you some serious shit to deal with...
I'm confident that your next grow is going to be the best one yet...and remember, We're here to help you any way we can...:hug:

And, If you ever decide to grow in an ugly cardboard box, I can definitely help with that...:)
Trala la la la,

Your plants are the bomb. Up until very recently I’ve prolly had more bugs on my indoor crew than you have on your outdoor ones. Keep dialing in everything you can control and beef up your ipm game.

You rock chickie chick, don’t let them tell you any different
Thanks Lads

You’re right. I’m just going to learn from it and put my rage at myself in a bubble and blow it away.
Second last Gorilla Glue update.

I‘ve told old mate if he hasn’t trimmed them by the close of business tomorrow I’m gonna fucking torch em. Lolling.

RIP Carla 3 and Carla 6. So sorry I thought I knew better when I didn’t.



Fingers crossed we get a few ounces.
End of the Gorilla Glue era.

I actually feel sad. I get so attached to things, plants not excluded. I actually have a Jade plant who has been moving with me since I was prolly 20 years old. Always in a pot till now because the bank and I finally own some dirt. She can now run free and bury her roots as deep as she likes.

Man, heartbreak down under!

the quality of what you salvaged sure looks top notch though. That fucking botrytis is not a joke, I’m very sorry you had to learn the hard way :(.
So the Gorilla Glue reign of joy, learning and despair is officially over.

I want to say a big thank you to my final GG guide @Carcass. You have forever changed the way I grow and I am devastated I didn't do your tutoring justice. Maybe we will have better luck with my next grow. Xo

So the final weight:-

Carla 63 -
132g = 4.75oz


Thank you to everyone who stopped in to have a peek, and a BIG thank you to all who took the time to teach/cheer me.

Consider Trala's Tent - The Lucky Edition officially completed. Xo
I'm here for ya if you need anything, Trala:love:
Really sorry the Carla's had some problems toward the end- I hope the next grow is smooth sailing all the way, and I'm confident you'll make that happen!
OMG I am such a fucking idiot.

I could smack myself so hard.

Me: hello experts, I know nothing on the subject. Is it okay to touch this hot plate when it’s on?
Experts in unison: NO! It will burn you!
Also me: The experts said no, but I wonder if I touch it here... oww! Ok but I wonder if I touch it with my other hand...OWW! Hmm I wonder if I touch it with my foot OWWWW!

I‘m just so infuriating. I’ve always done this too. Like always. I am about to do a take two fucktard post in Trala’s Tent if you enjoy reading my level of stupid.

So I have literally ruined these plants having them in full flower and in torrential rain/humidity/rain/humidoty. I noticed they looked rotty last week, but had a “she‘ll be right it’s a plant this is their habitat” approach, despite being told by expert growers that It was no good.

It is really warm and humid atm. The wet coupled with the rain has rotted many Coca-Cola’s. Well I’m being a bit Tramatic. I should say I can see the start of mould EVERYWHERE! And when I sob everywhere I mean at least 30% of each plant. Look I guessing at 30%; but it feels ALOT.

My wingman told me last week to get em in the dark room and into low humidity but of course being the idiotic burns victim I am I thought I knew better.

I threw the browning buds out and I trimmed the ones showing slight damage best I could to try and salvage it. I have learned a lot this grow. Main thing I’ve learned is I need to listen. Particularly when it’s advice I have asked for.

The rot



Og damn sister. A very sad loss but happens very quickly in the scheme of things. Spotting is hard as it starts deep at the stem 1st and is hid by the buds until they fur up. Bastard stuff is evil. I lose to this vile shit too occasionally and I use a dehumidifier and keep my eyes open. Dont beat yourself up T. Re gather and try to pre-empt it next time with an emergency plan. Hair dryer and kitchen roll if needed but prepped is a winner. I even foolishly attempted to smoke "not too bad bits" ends with a wheeze chest and screwed up taste buds. Lol. . Amnesia top on mine lost 1 this run already. Dealt with but rot feels like such a loss. Keep on smiling with the fact we get way more top quality each harvest than most avg smokers do their whole smoking careers.
So the Gorilla Glue reign of joy, learning and despair is officially over.

I want to say a big thank you to my final GG guide @Carcass. You have forever changed the way I grow and I am devastated I didn't do your tutoring justice. Maybe we will have better luck with my next grow. Xo

So the final weight:-

Carla 63 -
132g = 4.75oz


Thank you to everyone who stopped in to have a peek, and a BIG thank you to all who took the time to teach/cheer me.

Consider Trala's Tent - The Lucky Edition officially completed. Xo
Omg those 2 years have FLOWN!

I can’t believe how much I’ve learned since ruining these two lolling!
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